• Re: Join RetroNet

    From Gary McCulloch@1:154/50 to All on Fri Jun 7 22:11:33 2024
    A World Wide FidoNet Technology Network
    Copyright 2018-2023 / Carlos A. Roldan
    Network CEO: Gary T. McCulloch / Copyright 2024
    .-----..-----..-----..-----..-----..-. .-..-----..-----.
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    | | | || `---. | | | | | || `-' || | \ || `---. | |
    `-' `-'`-----' `-' `-' `-'`-----'`-' `-'`-----' `-'
    .: RetroNET Reviving the past and keeping nostalgic alive! :.
    Infopacks & On-Line Application can be found at: www.rofbbs.com
    Reign of Fire BBS Group: call.rofbbs.com Ports: 6800, 8502, 6400
    [Advertisment by: SpitfireTN Entertainment]

    * ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet PiNet RetroNet
    * C-Net/5
    * Origin: call.rofbbs.com ports 6800 6400 8502 / 423-541-8271 (1:154/50)