• New dial in setup!

    From Veeb0rg #1@138.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to All on Sat Oct 19 01:28:28 2024

    RE: New dial in setup!

    A while back I setup an old Cisco 2811 to provide a PPP / POTS internal dialup point for my vintage computers to get online with. It works well, I can connect my windows 95 486 to the internet through it just like a real ISP back in the day.

    I was talking with a group of vintage hardware guys on discord one day and he mentioned you could setup the Cisco to provide either a PPP or have it telnet depending on the handshake. He helped me with the config and now I can dial into my Cisco with either a PPP or just a terminal. One gets the typical PPP/Internet the other gets telnetted to my BBS. Same number.

    No more janky serial port / modem / syncronet program needed.


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