• Energy

    From Phigan #1@137.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Thu May 16 12:32:29 2024

    Very irritating, but I have seen this happen before. Energy prices arecyclical and given the right conditions, will be lower again. That always endsup being the case.

    Man, I really really hope so. My electric bill is like yours. Pool pump every day and 24x7 AC because stinkin' desert.
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Shaggy #1@121.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Thu May 16 15:42:54 2024

    RE: Energy
    BY: Weatherman #1 @1 (Mark)

    Very irritating, but I have seen this happen before. Energy prices arecyclical and given the right conditions, will be lower
    again. That
    always endsup being the case.

    Man, I really really hope so. My electric bill is like yours. Pool pump every day and 24x7 AC because stinkin' desert.

    April was my first zero cost month. We installed solar last fall, and we finally produced more than we consumed. Now Governor Gruesome and Cailfornia want to move to a cost model that based on how much a hosuehold earns in a year for electricity, not how much you use.


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    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Dmxrob #1@130.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Fri May 17 13:47:42 2024

    Man, I really really hope so. My electric bill is like yours. Pool pump every day and 24x7 AC because stinkin' desert.
    Here in Missouri, we are on a Co-Op. Keep AC cranked at 65 pretty much all the time. Electric Bill is about $90 in winter and we light the house up the house like a lighthouse at Christmas. In the summer if it's horrid hot we might creep up to $150.

    Energy prices my rear end. It's called greed. Down the road a bit people who aren't on the Co-Op pay about twice what we do.


    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Mon May 20 07:14:39 2024

    Man, I really really hope so. My electric bill is like yours. Pool pump every day and 24x7 AC because stinkin' desert.

    I had locked in a low natural gas rate before the entire Ukraine thing where the prices skyrocketed. I was still paying 47 cents per therm when most were paying the variable rate of $1.55. I try to do the same thing with electricity, but it has been challenging. The best I can get right now is 9.2 cents kwh.

    What is really irritating as well, is I know for a fact there are locations using nuclear and have deals with the power company to pay rates as low at 3-4 cents kwh. Not sure why I can't get that same deal.

    Basically, I'm paying 9.2 cents kwh now. I just looked at my bill from 3 years ago when I was paying 6.3 cents kwh. The standard service here right now is 11.1 cents. That is nuts! At least I'm paying 2 cents less than the standard rate around here.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Shaggy #1 on Mon May 20 07:19:55 2024

    April was my first zero cost month. We installed solar last fall, and we finally produced more than we consumed. Now Governor Gruesome and
    Cailfornia want to move to a cost model that based on how much a
    hosuehold earns in a year for electricity, not how much you use.

    The creativity on creating new and more taxes continues to reach new heights. The county next to ours actually taxes plastic bags. They banned stores from giving them for groceries, etc, but people can still buy them with the money going to the county. The old "bag tax". At least my county has not hit that level of insantity yet.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Dmxrob #1 on Mon May 20 07:23:52 2024

    Here in Missouri, we are on a Co-Op. Keep AC cranked at 65 pretty much all the time. Electric Bill is about $90 in winter and we light the house up
    the house like a lighthouse at Christmas. In the summer if it's horrid hot we might creep up to $150.

    Energy prices my rear end. It's called greed. Down the road a bit people
    who aren't on the Co-Op pay about twice what we do.

    Our standard service pricing is supposed to be like that (bulk pricing), but it ends up being almost always much higher than you can get on your own. It would be great to get entire neighborhoods together to bundle to 3rd parties to get better energy prices.

    Similar to how we get better trash removal pricing. We have a contract for the entire neighborhood which is WAY less expensive than if each home went on their own and had their own contracts.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Phigan #1@137.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Dmxrob #1 on Fri Jun 7 11:07:41 2024

    Energy prices my rear end. It's called greed. Down the road a bit
    people who aren't on the Co-Op pay about twice what we do.

    I fully believe that. Especially when they send out giant, elaborate, cardboard pamphlets in fancy envelopes explaining how prices are going to go up. How the fuck much did those pamphlets cost?!
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Phigan #1@137.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Fri Jun 7 11:10:27 2024

    I had locked in a low natural gas rate before the entire Ukraine thing

    most werepaying the variable rate of $1.55. I try to do the same thing withelectricity, but it has been challenging. The best I can get right

    How do you "lock in"? :) Do you just call the power company and say "don't change my rates!" ?
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Strahan #61@131.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Sat Jun 8 09:43:15 2024

    I fully believe that. Especially when they send out giant, elaborate, cardboard pamphlets in fancy envelopes explaining how prices are going
    to go up. How the fuck much did those pamphlets cost?!

    I like when they send me the comparison documentation. It shows four bar graphs showing your home energy consumption then comparison to other homes in the area. My bar is always like 3-4 times longer, lol.

    Actually thinking about powering down a lot of my server infrastructure to try to reduce my bill. This month's bill is $796, it's nuts.

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Recon #1@126.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Strahan #61 on Sun Jun 9 08:29:24 2024

    On Saturday,June 08, 2024 at 09:43 AM, Strahan wrote:

    You mean we're all that bad? lol! We get the same report haha. My wife is always falling for it.

    RE: Re: Energy
    BY: Phigan #1 @137

    I fully believe that. Especially when they send out giant, elaborate, cardboard pamphlets in fancy envelopes explaining how prices
    are going
    to go up. How the fuck much did those pamphlets cost?!

    I like when they send me the comparison documentation. It shows four
    bar graphs showing your home energy consumption then comparison to other homes in the area. My bar is always like 3-4 times longer, lol.

    Actually thinking about powering down a lot of my server infrastructure
    to try to reduce my bill. This month's bill is $796, it's nuts.

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Sun Jun 9 19:00:48 2024

    I fully believe that. Especially when they send out giant, elaborate, cardboard pamphlets in fancy envelopes explaining how prices are going to
    go up. How the fuck much did those pamphlets cost?!

    I get letters in the mail from our power company saying that I use more than twice the power of averages homes in my area. I always strive to be the #1 anyway.. lol

    Turns out, even people that use little power get those stupid letters. It is more of a sales gimick to get people to get a power review of their home. They send these letters many times a year. Total waste of money.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Sun Jun 9 19:02:54 2024

    How do you "lock in"? :) Do you just call the power company and say "don't

    You find a good carrier using a site like mdeletricchoice.com (they also have one for natural gas). You go on their website - pick what you want, and it is all done automatically. I don't have to call the power company or anything. I fill the form online, give them my power ID code and the new rates start the next month.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Strahan #61 on Sun Jun 9 19:08:34 2024

    I like when they send me the comparison documentation. It shows four bar graphs showing your home energy consumption then comparison to other homes in the area. My bar is always like 3-4 times longer, lol.

    So is mine, and I have yet to find a single person on earth that is at or under their consumption comparision. I think it is pure BS.

    Actually thinking about powering down a lot of my server infrastructure to try to reduce my bill. This month's bill is $796, it's nuts.

    No doubt that electricity here has almost doubled in 4 years. I had checked my old bills and was paying just over 5 cents per kwh just 4 years ago. Now I got mine down to 9.2 cents - most of MD is paying 11-12 cents per kwh. My last bill was $450 which I consider lucky at this point in time. Anything under $500 is a win for me right now.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Phigan #1@137.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Mon Jun 10 13:40:32 2024

    and it isall done automatically. I don't have to call the power company
    or anything. Ifill the form online, give them my power ID code and the
    new rates start thenext month.

    Sounds awesome. Going to look at this today!
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Phigan #1@137.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Mon Jun 10 15:33:27 2024

    haveone for natural gas). You go on their website - pick what you want,
    and it isall done automatically. I don't have to call the power company

    Ahhh, bummer:

    "The state of Arizona currently has regulated electricity markets.

    While consumers in some 16 states (as of March 2015) have some form of choice in their respective energy markets, Arizona consumers do not currently have such a choice."

    Oh well :)
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Mon Jun 10 21:09:35 2024

    and it isall done automatically. I don't have to call the power company or anything. Ifill the form online, give them my power ID code and the new rates start thenext month.

    Sounds awesome. Going to look at this today!

    Not sure what other states have this type of open markets for buying electricity and natural gas. Sadly I don't think nearly enough people realize how easy it is to get cheaper rates with no risk.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Weatherman@11:1/101 to Phigan #1 on Mon Jun 10 21:12:34 2024

    Ahhh, bummer:

    "The state of Arizona currently has regulated electricity markets.

    While consumers in some 16 states (as of March 2015) have some form of choice in their respective energy markets, Arizona consumers do not currently have such a choice."

    Oh well :)

    Yeah, not all states allow you to shop rates and plans. Why, I have no idea.

    - Mark

    :.: Weather Station BBS · telnet://bbs.weather-station.org :.: :.: http://www.weather-station.org/bbs · Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.:
    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Granitepenguin #1@90.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Tue Jun 11 09:23:35 2024

    On Monday,June 10, 2024 at 20:12, Weatherman wrote:

    Yeah, not all states allow you to shop rates and plans. Why, I have no idea.

    I can think of a couple <cough>$$$</cough>


    /(^)_(^)\ The Wretched Beagle - Re-established 2014
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    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Strahan #61@131.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Weatherman #1 on Wed Jun 12 22:39:18 2024

    So is mine, and I have yet to find a single person on earth that is at
    or under their consumption comparision. I think it is pure BS.

    lol good point. Given all my gear plus having three fridges and the AC running all the time I just assumed it was legit :D

    No doubt that electricity here has almost doubled in 4 years. I had
    checked my old bills and was paying just over 5 cents per kwh just 4
    years ago. Now I got mine down to 9.2 cents - most of MD is paying
    11-12 cents per kwh. My last bill was $450 which I consider lucky at
    this point in time. Anything under $500 is a win for me right now.

    Wow, 9.2? That's great. I had switched providers at one point to NRG, then one day I finally checked my bill and was paying 18 or so cents. I called Met-Ed and had them drop third parties and go back to them and now I'm at 11 something. I could kick myself for not paying attention to my bill to realize when the sweet introductory rate had ended. So much wasted money.

    Ah well, live and learn!

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Dmxrob #1@130.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Strahan #61 on Sat Jun 15 19:10:30 2024

    Actually thinking about powering down a lot of my server infrastructure
    to try to reduce my bill. This month's bill is $796, it's nuts.

    St. Louis, MO area -- we keep our AC pumping at 65 degrees, don't run any servers, but have a few laptops. Our bill last month on our Co-Op was $72. Right behind us, literally over the fence, our neighbors are on the "private" electric company, Ameren -- their bill was over $150. They even moan and groan about how they have to keep the AC turned up to 77 to keep it in check.


    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)
  • From Strahan #61@131.Wwivnet@11:1/101 to Dmxrob #1 on Mon Jun 17 15:49:48 2024

    St. Louis, MO area -- we keep our AC pumping at 65 degrees, don't run
    any servers, but have a few laptops. Our bill last month on our Co-Op
    was $72. Right behind us, literally over the fence, our neighbors are
    on the "private" electric company, Ameren -- their bill was over $150.
    They even moan and groan about how they have to keep the AC turned up to
    77 to keep it in check.

    Wow, that's amazing. I'd be ecstatic to even get the "expensive" bill lol

    --- WWIVToss v.1.52
    * Origin: http://www.weather-station.org * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0)