Slow Google-mail
Davey@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Aug 16 23:24:29 2024
Over the last week, my gmail account has changed its behaviour.
I don't get the normal number of messages each time I download
messages,and I can receive messages a couple of minutes after I have
prompted a download. Also, messages that do get through can be delayed
several hours from when they were sent, even overnight. I don't mind a reduction in advertising messages, but I don't know what real messages
I might be missing.
Has anybody else seen the same thing? I have cleared out my Inbox and
Sent folders, to reduce the number of messages transferred each time I
log on, but there has been no noticeable improvement.
Maybe I have one of Elon's DDoS attacks!
For the record, I am using Ubuntu 18.04, and Thunderbird, but if I go to
the gmail server, it has the same messages as displayed on my T-bird, so
the problem is pre-Inbox. It is as though there is a huge filter
suddenly working on incoming posts, but I have no control over it.
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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