• Terminated - 10% Of S.Korean Jobs Fall to Robots/AI

    From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 26 22:53:45 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa


    Ten Percent of South Korea’s Workforce Replaced by Robots

    An annual survey by the International Federation of Robotics
    found that more than 10 percent of South Korea’s workforce
    has been replaced by robots. The survey shows that labor
    markets in Asia are leading an upward global growth trend
    in the amount of robots used for labor.

    South Korea leads this transition to a robotic workforce,
    as the survey shows the country currently has 1,012 robots
    per 10,000 employees.

    . . .

    Admittedly, S.Korea (along with Japan) is barely making
    babies anymore. This creates an ever-larger gap at the
    lower rungs of the employment ladder. Life became good
    and secure enough so people realized they didn't need
    huge fams.

    So, if no "new guys" - install robots, lots and lots
    of robots. At the rate described there soon won't BE
    many "people jobs" left in industry - and beyond.

    Normally xenophobic Japan has been importing large
    numbers of workers the past years, from Vietnam
    and the Arabic world ... even central Africa.

    There comes a POINT where saying "Japan" or "Korea"
    becomes lie ... more just a geographic description ...
    because there aren't enough natives left to carry
    on the culture/traditions/mindset. That's when
    those countries are dead, extinct, terminated,
    naught but R2D2s waiting for orders that
    never come ..........

    SO - how long for the USA, the UK, the EU ??? Half
    a dozen big 'AI' entities are plotting to put YOU
    out of a job. They imagine some kind of economic
    boom when there's no need to pay or deal with all
    those annoying human workers. Of course they MISS
    the obvious question - if few are working, who BUYS
    yer cheaper products ? It's biz suicide.


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