• Pentagon Releases 700 New UFO Reports

    From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 15 01:50:10 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.space


    The Pentagon has released a new report on UFOs that revealed hundreds
    of documented incidents of unidentified and unexplained aerial
    phenomena (UAPs).

    While there is no evidence to suggest that these UAPs - the
    government's term for UFOs - are of extraterrestrial origin,
    some defy explanation, including a near-miss between a
    commercial airliner and a mysterious object off the coast
    of New York.

    . . .

    As insanely fast as these things can move, I doubt
    there was any real threat to an airliner. 600 knots
    is like standing still to them.

    NOT sure what these are - actual aliens, remote
    vehicles, automatic vehicles, brain-farts ... but
    by all historical docs the SAME things have been
    seen around for THOUSANDS of years. If there was
    an 'invasion' it's all over already. BEST advice
    is to mostly ignore them - they don't seem to DO
    anything but watch, occasionally make some lights
    blink or something.

    Oh wow - would they interfere with our nuke missiles ?
    Well, consider, right NOW that might not be the WORST
    thing ... Vlad particularly seems to have a very itchy
    trigger finger - keen to have his 'legacy'.

    Best GUESS - we're 50,000 years and 100 IQ points
    short of being worth talking to so far as any
    'aliens' are concerned - still just screaming
    monkey derivatives throwing shit in every
    direction ......


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