• Re: Rampant Coke Use Badly Ageing Younger Gen

    From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to Steve Kerr sucks cocks on Mon Nov 11 01:55:38 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, talk.politics.drugs
    XPost: alt.health

    On 11/11/24 12:42 AM, Steve Kerr sucks cocks wrote:
    In article <2LScnQThqJLm1a36nZ2dnZfqnPadnZ2d@earthlink.com> "186282@ud0s4.net" <186283@ud0s4.net> wrote:


    Researchers pinpoint alarming possible cause for surge in heart
    attacks in young people - and how one decision has left 20-
    somethings with the 'heart age' of 60-year-olds

    . . .

    Yep - WAY too much coke WAY too often.

    Yea, yea ... coke was popular even in the 60s but
    it was also kinda hard to get and expensive. This
    has changed over the decades. Used to be that only
    the "elite" had big coke parties - now everybody.
    By the mid 80s coke and crack had become widespread
    and apparently even more so now. One container of
    lipstick, the other full of coke.

    Good! The sooner they die the better off everyone else will be.
    Drug problem solved!

    I'm not terribly upset with the coke-heads as such.
    Most are 'regular people' ... coke has simply become
    as common as caffeine. Thing is it's NOT caffeine,
    but far WORSE for the cardiovascular. The ADHD drugs
    are gonna do the same - look up amphetamine-like
    effects on the CV and capillaries. COMBINED - not
    a good future there. "Quick fixes" -vs- long term

    The modern (since the '30s) view is to 'fix' all
    mental-type issues with drugs. Pep 'em up, drag
    'em down, put pharma ice-cubes in their brains.

    Maybe it's the "best that is" ... but it's really
    NOT so "best". Super-crude quick fixes for very
    complex issues - and sometimes "issues" that
    really don't exist.

    Have you SEEN all the TV commercials for various
    kinds of "anti-depressants" ? Just horrible.
    When did people come to believe that everybody
    was supposed to be 'happy' all of the damned
    time ??? Life OFTEN sucks and there's NO reason
    to feel happy all the fuckin' time. BUT, Big
    Pharma sez you SHOULD, you MUST, or you're
    SICK !!!

    Hey, Mrs American Housewife ... found out that
    yer dream guy was JUST A GUY and babies and
    money and groceries are a DRAG ? So WHY do
    you think you're supposed to be giddy happy
    and chipper every damned minute ????????

    ('guns' group removed - why was it there ?)

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