XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture, alt.history
XPost: alt.politics.usa
Sinister source of the Salem Witch trials is revealed on the
eve of Halloween
A new study discovered that the invention of the printing press
in the 15th century - which drastically increased the spread
of information - led to the proliferation of a book that
contained a detailed explanation of 'demonology.'
The widely-printed book, Malleus Maleficarum - which translates
to the Hammer of Evil-Doers - depicted witchcraft as a
'conspiratorial activity against godly society' rather than
benign 'mischief by village sorceresses, pagans, or ignorant
This book also served as the first printed guide printed
guide for witch-hunters.
. . .
Probably some truth to this assertion. The printing
press created the MSM v0.2 ... and the witch books
spread the paranoia widely (and, being print, were
trusted). First the intellectuals, then partially
spread down to the (seriously) ignorant peasants.
The efforts and edicts of King James VI also played
their part - lent official govt recognition and
sanction to 'witch' affairs.
(MSM v0.1 was scrolls, clay tablets & carvings)
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