• Re: Is this Israels first apartheid war?

    From Rob@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 24 23:50:01 2024
    XPost: seattle.politics, alt.global-warming, edm.general
    XPost: or.politics

    On 23-Oct-24 20:50:58 , NefeshBarYochai wrote:

    or rather quoted words of Oren Yiftachel, a fucking Israel hater
    (like NefeshBar is) who spreads fucking propaganda bullshit to
    the brain-dead morons (like NefeshBar is) who believe that "the
    Jews took and are occupying land which has ALWAYS belonged
    to Palestine"

    Israel continues to promote an unmistakable strategic goal in this
    war: maintaining and deepening the regime of Jewish supremacy over Palestinians between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. In
    this sense, the past 12 months might be best understood as Israel’s “first apartheid war.”

    I have this for you, you fucking brainwashed idiot:
    At the UN General Assembly, the Israeli delegate takes the pulpit and
    says: "Before I begin my speech I would like to briefly invoke Moses.
    When after a long walk in a scorching sun he hit the rock and the water
    gushed out, he thought ... it's a perfect time to take a dip in the water,
    swim a bit and cool down.
    When he gets out of the water he realizes that his clothes are missing.
    "Stolen by a Palestinian" - he thinks to himself

    At this moment a Palestinian representative jumps angrily and screams:
    "Typical Zionist propaganda! Palestinians weren’t even there then!"

    Israeli delegate politely and respectfully replies: “Thank you very much
    for your input and clarifying this matter. Now, my speech".

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