[continued from previous message]
In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of open source GPT models, with no fine-tuning, and with context introduced by the langchain and localGPT Large Language Model (LLM) framework, for the task of automatic identification of the presence of
vulnerable code syntax (specifically targeting C and C++ source code). This task is evaluated on a selection of $36$ source code examples from the NIST SARD dataset, which are specifically curated to not contain natural English that indicates the
presence, or lack thereof, of a particular vulnerability (including the removal of all source code comments). The NIST SARD source code dataset contains identified vulnerable lines of source code that are examples of one out of the $839$ distinct Common
Weakness Enumerations (CWE), allowing for exact quantification of the GPT output classification error rate. A total of $5$ GPT models are evaluated, using $10$ different inference temperatures and $100$ repetitions at each setting, resulting in $5,000$
GPT queries per vulnerable source code analyzed.
Ultimately, we find that the open source GPT models that we evaluated are not suitable for fully automated vulnerability scanning because the false positive and false negative rates are too high to likely be useful in practice. However, we do find that
the GPT models perform surprisingly well at automated vulnerability detection for some of the test cases, in particular surpassing random sampling (for some GPT models and inference temperatures), and being able to identify the exact lines of code that
are vulnerable albeit at a low success rate. The best performing GPT model result found was Llama-2-70b-chat-hf with inference temperature of $0.1$ applied to NIST SARD test case 149165 (which is an example of a buffer overflow vulnerability), which had
a binary classification recall score of $1.0$ and a precision of $1.0$ for correctly and uniquely identifying the vulnerable line of code and the correct CWE number.
Additionally, the GPT models are able to, with a rate quantifiably better than random sampling, identify the specific line of source that contains the identified CWE for many of the NIST SARD test cases.
## 2024/1229
* Title: Benchmarking Attacks on Learning with Errors
* Authors: Emily Wenger, Eshika Saxena, Mohamed Malhou, Ellie Thieu, Kristin Lauter
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### Abstract
Lattice cryptography schemes based on the learning with errors (LWE) hardness assumption have been standardized by NIST for use as post-quantum cryptosystems, and by HomomorphicEncryption.org for encrypted compute on sensitive data. Thus, understanding
their concrete security is critical. Most work on LWE security focuses on theoretical estimates of attack performance, which is important but may overlook attack nuances arising in real-world implementations. The sole existing concrete benchmarking
effort, the Darmstadt Lattice Challenge, does not include benchmarks relevant to the standardized LWE parameter choices - such as small secret and small error distributions, and Ring-LWE (RLWE) and Module-LWE (MLWE) variants. To improve our understanding
of concrete LWE security, we provide the first benchmarks for LWE secret recovery on standardized parameters, for small and low-weight (sparse) secrets. We evaluate four LWE attacks in these settings to serve as a baseline: the Search-LWE attacks uSVP,
SALSA, and Cool & Cruel, and the Decision-LWE attack: Dual Hybrid Meet-in-the-Middle (MitM). We extend the SALSA and Cool & Cruel attacks in significant ways, and implement and scale up MitM attacks for the first time. For example, we recover hamming
weight $9-11$ binomial secrets for KYBER ($\kappa=2$) parameters in $28-36$ hours with SALSA and Cool & Cruel, while we find that MitM can solve Decision-LWE instances for hamming weights up to $4$ in under an hour for Kyber parameters, while uSVP
attacks do not recover any secrets after running for more than $1100$ hours. We also compare concrete performance against theoretical estimates. Finally, we open source the code to enable future research.
## 2024/1230
* Title: Impossible Boomerang Attacks Revisited: Applications to Deoxys-BC, Joltik-BC and SKINNY
* Authors: Jianing Zhang, Haoyang Wang, Deng Tang
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### Abstract
The impossible boomerang (IB) attack was first introduced by Lu in his doctoral thesis and subsequently published at DCC in 2011. The IB attack is a variant of the impossible differential (ID) attack by incorporating the idea of the boomerang attack. In
this paper, we revisit the IB attack, and introduce the incompatibility of two characteristics in boomerang to the construction of an IB distinguisher. With our methodology, all the constructions of IB distinguisher are represented in a unified manner.
Moreover, we show that the related-(twea)key IB distinguishers possess more freedom than the ones of ID so that it can cover more rounds.
We also propose a new tool based on Mixed-Integer Quadratically-Constrained Programming (MIQCP) to search for IB attacks. To illustrate the power of the IB attack, we mount attacks against three tweakable block ciphers: Deoxys-BC, Joltik-BC and SKINNY.
For Deoxys-BC, we propose a related-tweakey IB attack on 14-round Deoxys-BC-384, which improves the best previous related-tweakey ID attack by 2 rounds, and we improve the data complexity of the best previous related-tweakey ID attack on 10-round Deoxys-
BC-256. For Joltik-BC, we propose the best attacks against 10-round Joltik-BC-128 and 14-round Joltik-BC-192 with related-tweakey IB attack. For SKINNY-n-3n, we propose a 27-round related-tweakey IB attack, which improves both the time and the memory
complexities of the best previous ID attack. We also propose the first related-tweakey IB attack on 28 round SKINNY-n-3n, which improves the previous best ID attack by one round.
## 2024/1231
* Title: A Constructive View of Homomorphic Encryption and Authenticator
* Authors: Ganyuan Cao
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### Abstract
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is a cutting-edge cryptographic technique that enables computations on encrypted data to be mirrored on the original data. This has quickly attracted substantial interest from the research community due to its extensive
practical applications, such as in cloud computing and privacy-preserving machine learning.
In addition to confidentiality, the importance of authenticity has emerged to ensure data integrity during transmission and evaluation. To address authenticity, various primitives have been developed including Homomorphic Authenticator (HA).
Corresponding security notions have also been introduced by extending the existing notions to their homomorphic versions.
Despite these advancements, formalizing the security of HE and HA remains challenging due to the novelty of these primitives and complexity of application scenarios involving message evaluation. It is inclusive which definitions in this zoo of notions
are insufficient or overly complex. Moreover, HE and HA are designed to be combined to construct a secure communication channel that ensures both confidentiality and authenticity. However, the security of such compositions is not always clear when game-
based notions are used to formalize security.
To bridge this gap, we conduct a constructive analysis through the lens of com- posable security. This method enables us to examine the security properties of each primitive in isolation and to more effectively evaluate their security when integrated
into a larger system. We introduce the concepts of a confidential channel and an au- thenticated channel to specify the security requirements for HE and HA, respectively. We make a comparison with existing game-based notions to determine whether they
adequately capture the intended security objectives.
We then analyze whether the composition of HE and HA constructs a Homomorphic Authenticated Encryption (HAE) that provides both confidentiality and authenticity in presence of message evaluation. Specifically, we examine a serial composition of HE and HA,
corresponding to Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) composition for constructing classical AE.
## 2024/1232
* Title: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Collective Remote Attestation for NFV * Authors: Ghada Arfaoui, Thibaut Jacques, Cristina Onete
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### Abstract
The virtualization of network functions is a promising technology, which can enable mobile network operators to provide more flexibility and better resilience for their infrastructure and services. Yet, virtualization comes with challenges, as 5G
operators will require a means of verifying the state of the virtualized network components (e.g. Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) or managing hypervisors) in order to fulfill security and privacy commitments. One such means is the use of attestation
protocols. In this paper, we focus on Collective Remote Attestation (cRA), which is used to attest the state of a group of devices. Although cRA has been extensively studied in the context of IoT, it has not been used yet in virtualized mobile networks,
a different use-case, with constraints of its own.
In this paper, we propose the first protocol to efficiently and securely attest a group of Virtualized Network Functions which make up a VNF Forwarding Graph. Our protocol comes with strong and provable guarantees of: unforgeability of attestation, the
linkability of attestations for related components, and the privacy of sensitive configuration details for the infrastructure provider. In particular, we are the first to formally define and analyze such properties for VNF-FG attestation. Finally,
through our Proof-of-Concept implementation, we show that our construction is not only strongly secure, but also efficient.
## 2024/1233
* Title: Binding Security of Implicitly-Rejecting KEMs and Application to BIKE and HQC
* Authors: Juliane Krämer, Patrick Struck, Maximiliane Weishäupl
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### Abstract
In this work, we continue the analysis of the binding properties of implicitly-rejecting key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) obtained via the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform. These binding properties, in earlier literature known under the term robustness,
thwart attacks that can arise when using KEMs in larger protocols. Recently, Cremers et al. (ePrint'24) introduced a framework for binding notions, encompassing previously existing but also new ones. While implicitly-rejecting KEMs have been analyzed
with respect to multiple of these notions, there are still several gaps. We complete the picture by providing positive and negative results for the remaining notions. Further, we show how to apply our results to the code-based KEMs BIKE and HQC, which
are among the round-4 candidates in NISTs PQC standardization process. Through this, we close a second gap as our results finish the analysis of the binding notions for the NIST round-4 KEMs.
## 2024/1234
* Title: EagleSignV3 : A new secure variant of EagleSign signature over lattices
* Authors: Abiodoun Clement Hounkpevi, Sidoine Djimnaibeye, Michel Seck, Djiby Sow
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### Abstract
With the potential arrival of quantum computers, it is essential to build cryptosystems resistant to attackers with the computing power of a quantum computer. With Shor's algorithm, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms and factorization become
obsolete. Reason why NIST has launching two competitions in 2016 and 2023 to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems (such as KEM and signature ) based on problems supposed to resist attacks using quantum computers. EagleSign was prosed to NIT
competition in Jun 2023 as an additional signature. An improvement called EagleSign-V2 was proposed in December 2023 but Tibouchi and Pells prove that these two variants don't hold the zero knowledge property. In this document we present the family of
lattices based post-quantum signatures called EagleSignV3. They are secure and efficient successors of both EagleSign-V1 (NIST, June 2023) and EagleSign-V2 (NIST forum, December 2023). The public key of EagleSignV3 is based on a mix of MLE (Module
Learning with Error) and MNTRU (module variant of the famous NTRU problem). The instantiations EagleSignV3 are new variants of the EagleSign signatures family posted to NIST competition in June 2023 as additional signatures. EagleSignV3 uses the
rejection of Lyubashevsky-2012 to achieve the zero-knowledge property. The main difference between EagleSign and Dilithium is the public key.
We have two instantiations based either on ring or on module. The sizes of the ring based variant of EagleSignV3 are close to those of Dilithium but the sizes of its module based instantiation is bigger than those of Dilithium.
NB: The implementation of EagleSign-V1 is available on NIST website and those of EagleSign-V2 can be found on Github at
https://github.com/EagleSignteam/EagleSign_v2 and in NIST forum as a comment on improvements on EagleSign in December 2023. The
implementation of EagleSign-V3 can be deduced from those of EagleSignV2.
## 2024/1235
* Title: Blue fish, red fish, live fish, dead fish
* Authors: Victor Shoup
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### Abstract
We show that the DAG-based consensus protocol Tusk [DKSS22] does not achieve liveness, at least under certain reasonable assumptions on the implementation that are consistent with its specification. In addition, we give a simple 2-round variation of Tusk
with lower latency and strong liveness properties, but with suboptimal resilience. We also show that another 2-round protocol, GradedDAG [DZX+24], which has optimal resilience, also has liveness problems analogous to Tusk.
## 2024/1236
* Title: Optimizing Big Integer Multiplication on Bitcoin: Introducing w-windowed Approach
* Authors: Dmytro Zakharov, Oleksandr Kurbatov, Manish Bista, Belove Bist
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### Abstract
A crucial component of any zero-knowledge system is operations with finite fields. This, in turn, leads to the implementation of the fundamental operation: multiplying two big integers. In the realm of Bitcoin, this problem gets revisited, as Bitcoin
utilizes its own stack-based and not Turing-complete scripting system called Bitcoin Script. Inspired by Elliptic Curve scalar multiplication, this paper introduces the $w$-windowed method for multiplying two numbers. We outperform state-of-the-art
approaches, including BitVM’s implementation. Finally, we also show how the windowed method can lead to optimizations not only in big integer arithmetic solely but in more general arithmetic problems.
## 2024/1237
* Title: Efficient Variants of TNT with BBB Security
* Authors: Ritam Bhaumik, Wonseok Choi, Avijit Dutta, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas López, Hrithik Nandi, Yaobin Shen
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### Abstract
At EUROCRYPT'20, Bao et al. have shown that three-round cascading of $\textsf{LRW1}$ construction, which they dubbed as $\textsf{TNT}$, is a strong tweakable pseudorandom permutation that provably achieves $2n/3$-bit security bound. Jha et al. showed a
birthday bound distinguishing attack on $\textsf{TNT}$ and invalidated the proven security bound and proved a tight birthday bound security on the $\textsf{TNT}$ construction in EUROCRYPT'24.
In a recent work, Datta et al. have shown that four round cascading of the $\textsf{LRW1}$ construction, which they dubbed as $\textsf{CLRW1}^4$ is a strong tweakable pseudorandom permutation that provably achieves $3n/4$-bit security. In this paper,
we propose a variant of the $\textsf{TNT}$ construction, called $\textsf{b-TNT1}$, and proved its security up to $2^{3n/4}$ queries. However, unlike $\textsf{CLRW1}^4$, $\textsf{b-TNT1}$ requires three block cipher calls along with a field multiplication.
Besides, we also propose another variant of the $\textsf{TNT}$ construction, called $\textsf{b-TNT2}$ and showed a similar security bound. Compared to $\textsf{b-TNT1}$, $\textsf{b-TNT2}$ requires four block cipher calls. Nevertheless, its execution of
block cipher calls can be pipelined which makes it efficient over $\textsf{CLRW1}^4$. We have also experimentally verified that both $\textsf{b-TNT1}$ and $\textsf{b-TNT2}$ outperform $\textsf{CLRW1}^4$.
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