## In this issue
1. [2024/1574] Scalable Two-Round $n$-out-of-$n$ and Multi- ...
2. [2024/2087] Post-Quantum Privacy for Traceable Receipt-Free ...
3. [2024/2088] An Embedded Domain-Specific Language for Using One- ...
4. [2024/2089] Computing the Hermite Normal Form: A Survey
5. [2024/2090] Breaking the Shadow: Key Recovery Attack on Full- ...
6. [2024/2091] Encrypted Multi-map that Hides Query, Access, and ...
7. [2024/2092] PQConnect: Automated Post-Quantum End-to-End Tunnels
8. [2024/2093] Exploring Large Integer Multiplication for ...
9. [2024/2094] Secure Vault scheme in the Cloud Operating Model
10. [2024/2095] A Note on the Minimality of One-Way Functions in ...
11. [2024/2096] Efficient Multi-party Private Set Union Resistant ...
12. [2024/2097] NMFT: A Copyrighted Data Trading Protocol based on ...
13. [2024/2098] Asymptotically Optimal Adaptive Asynchronous Common ...
14. [2024/2099] MicroNova: Folding-based arguments with efficient ...
15. [2024/2100] Compact Key Storage in the Standard Model
16. [2025/1] Attribute Based Encryption for Turing Machines from ...
17. [2025/2] Voting with coercion resistance and everlasting ...
18. [2025/3] Post-Quantum DNSSEC with Faster TCP Fallbacks
19. [2025/4] Smaug: Modular Augmentation of LLVM for MPC
20. [2025/5] What is "legal" and "illegal?": Social Norms, ...
21. [2025/6] Nearly Quadratic Asynchronous Distributed Key ...
22. [2025/7] Non Linearizable Entropic Operator
23. [2025/8] A Survey to Zero-Knowledge Interactive Verifiable ...
24. [2025/9] Efficient CPA Attack on Hardware Implementation of ...
25. [2025/10] A Combinatorial Approach to IoT Data Security
26. [2025/11] DL-SCADS: Deep Learning-Based Post-Silicon Side- ...
27. [2025/12] Leuvenshtein: Efficient FHE-based Edit Distance ...
28. [2025/13] Wave Hello to Privacy: Efficient Mixed-Mode MPC ...
29. [2025/14] SPY-PMU: Side-Channel Profiling of Your Performance ...
30. [2025/15] A New Method for Solving Discrete Logarithm Based ...
31. [2025/16] Dynamically Available Common Subset
32. [2025/17] New Quantum Cryptanalysis of Binary Elliptic Curves ...
33. [2025/18] On the Independence Assumption in Quasi-Cyclic ...
## 2024/1574
* Title: Scalable Two-Round $n$-out-of-$n$ and Multi-Signatures from Lattices in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
* Authors: Qiqi Lai, Feng-Hao Liu, Yang Lu, Haiyang Xue, Yong Yu
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### Abstract
In this paper, we construct the first asymptotically efficient two-round $n$-out-of-$n$ and multi-signature schemes from lattices in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts (FSwA) paradigm. Our protocols can be viewed as
the QROM~variants of the two-round protocols by Damgård et al. (JoC 2022). A notable feature of our protocol, compared to other counterparts in the classical random oracle model, is that each party performs an independent abort and still outputs a
signature in exactly two rounds, making our schemes significantly more scalable.
From a technical perspective, the simulation of QROM~and the efficient reduction from breaking underlying assumption to forging signatures are the essential challenges to achieving efficient QROM security for the previously related works.
In order to conquer the former one we adopt the quantum-accessible pseudorandom function (QPRF) to simulate QROM. Particularly, we show
that there exist a QPRF~which can be programmed and inverted, even against a quantum adversary.
For the latter challenge, we tweak and apply the online extractability by Unruh (Eurocrypt 2015).
## 2024/2087
* Title: Post-Quantum Privacy for Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption
* Authors: Paola de Perthuis, Thomas Peters
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### Abstract
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) has recently been introduced as a verifiable public-key encryption primitive endowed with a unique security model. In a nutshell, TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal
information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). The
main application lies in voting systems by allowing voters to encrypt their votes, tracing whether a published ballot takes their choices into account, and preventing them from proving how they
voted. While being a very promising primitive, the few existing TREnc mechanisms solely rely on discrete-logarithm related assumptions making them vulnerable to the well-known record-now/decrypt-later attack in the wait of quantum computers.
We address this limitation by building the first TREnc whose privacy withstands the advent of quantum adversaries in the future. To design our construction, we first generalize the original TREnc primitive that is too restrictive to be easily compatible
with built-in lattice-based semantically-secure encryption. Our more flexible model keeps all the ingredients generically implying receipt-free voting. Our instantiation relies on Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) with pairing-based statistical zero-
knowledge simulation sound proofs from Groth-Sahai, and further enjoys a public-coin common reference string removing the need of a trusted setup.
## 2024/2088
* Title: An Embedded Domain-Specific Language for Using One-Hot Vectors and Binary Matrices in Secure Computation Protocols
* Authors: Andrei Lapets
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### Abstract
The use of secure computation protocols within production software systems and applications is complicated by the fact that such protocols sometimes rely upon -- or are most compatible with -- unusual or restricted models of computation. We employ the
features of a contemporary and widely used programming language to create an embedded domain-specific language for working with user-defined functions as binary matrices that operate on one-hot vectors. At least when working with small finite domains,
this allows programmers to overcome the restrictions of more simple secure computation protocols that support only linear operations (such as addition and scalar multiplication) on private inputs. Notably, programmers are able to define their own input
and output domains, to use all available host language features and libraries to define functions that operate on these domains, and to translate inputs, outputs, and functions between their usual host language representations and their one-hot vector or
binary matrix forms. Furthermore, these features compose in a straightforward way with simple secure computation libraries available for the host language.
## 2024/2089
* Title: Computing the Hermite Normal Form: A Survey
* Authors: Leon Damer
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### Abstract
The Hermite Normal Form (HNF) of a matrix is an analogue of the echolon form over the integers. Any integer matrix can be transformed into its unique HNF.
A common obstacle in computing the HNF is the extensive blow up of intermediate values. As first approach to this problem, we discuss the $Modulo Determinant Algorithm$. It keeps the entries bounded by $d$, the determinant of the lattice, and has a time
complexity of $\mathcal{O}(n^3\log^2 d)$, where $n$ is the dimension of the matrix. Although this algorithm is very useful if the determinant is small, in the general case, the entries still become extremely large.
Secondly, we study the $Linear Space Algorithm$. It has a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(n^5\mathrm{polylog}(M, n))$, where $M$ denotes the largest absolute value of the input matrix. This is as fast as the best previously known algorithms, but in
contrast, it assures space complexity linear in the input size, i.e. $\mathcal{O}(n^2\log M)$.
As last algorithm to compute the HNF we analyze the $Heuristic Algorithm$, which is based on the first two algorithms. It achieves a much faster runtime in practice, yielding a heuristic runtime of $\mathcal{O}(n^4\mathrm{polylog}(M, n))$, while keeping
the linear space complexity.
Besides some performance speed ups, the $Linear Space Algorithm$ and $Heuristic Algorithm$ are precisely the algorithms implemented by SageMath.
## 2024/2090
* Title: Breaking the Shadow: Key Recovery Attack on Full-Round Shadow Block Ciphers with Minimal Data
* Authors: Anda Che, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
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### Abstract
Shadow is a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced by Guo, Li, and Liu in 2021, with Shadow-32 having a 32-bit block size and a 64-bit key, and Shadow-64 having a 64-bit block size and a 128-bit key. Both variants use a generalized Feistel
network with four branches, incorporating the AND-Rotation-XOR operation similar to the Simon family for their bridging function. This paper reveals that the security claims of the Shadow family are not as strong as suggested. We present a key recovery
attack that can retrieve the sequence of round keys used for encryption with only two known plaintext/ciphertext pairs, requiring time and memory complexity of $2^{43.23}$ encryptions and $2^{21.62}$ blocks of memory for Shadow-32, and complexity of $2^{
81.32}$ encryptions and $2^{40.66}$ blocks of memory for Shadow-64. Notably, this attack is independent of the number of rounds and the bridging function employed. Furthermore, we critically evaluate one of the recent cryptanalysis on Shadow ciphers
and identify significant flaws in the proposed key recovery attacks. In particular, we demonstrate that the distinguisher used in impossible differential attacks by Liu et al. is ineffective for key recovery, despite their higher claimed complexities
compared to ours.
## 2024/2091
* Title: Encrypted Multi-map that Hides Query, Access, and Volume Patterns
* Authors: Alexandra Boldyreva, Tianxin Tang
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### Abstract
We present an encrypted multi-map, a fundamental data structure underlying searchable encryption/structured encryption. Our protocol supports updates and is designed for applications demanding very strong data security. Not only it hides the information about queries and data, but also the query, access, and volume patterns. Our protocol utilizes a position-based ORAM and an encrypted dictionary. We provide two instantiations of the protocol, along with their operation-type-revealing variants, all using PathORAM but with different encrypted dictionary instantiations (AVL tree or BSkiplist). Their efficiency has been evaluated through both asymptotic and concrete complexity analysis, outperforming prior work while achieving the same level of strong security. We have implemented our instantiations and evaluated their performance on two real-world email databases (Enron and Lucene). We also discuss the strengths and
limitations of our construction, including its resizability, and highlight that optimized solutions, even with heavy network utilization, may become practical as network speed improves.
## 2024/2092
* Title: PQConnect: Automated Post-Quantum End-to-End Tunnels
* Authors: Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Jonathan Levin, Bo-Yin Yang
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### Abstract
This paper introduces PQConnect, a post-quantum end-to-end tunneling protocol that automatically protects all packets between clients that have installed PQConnect and servers that have installed and configured PQConnect.
Like VPNs, PQConnect does not require any changes to higher-level protocols and application software. PQConnect adds cryptographic protection to unencrypted applications, works in concert with existing pre-quantum applications to add post-quantum
protection, and adds a second application-independent layer of defense to any applications that have begun to incorporate application-specific post-quantum protection.
Unlike VPNs, PQConnect automatically creates end-to-end tunnels to any number of servers using automatic peer discovery, with no need for the client administrator to configure per-server information. Each server carries out a client-independent
configuration step to publish an announcement that the server's name accepts PQConnect connections. Any PQConnect client connecting to that name efficiently finds this announcement, automatically establishes a post-quantum point-to-point IP tunnel to the
server, and routes traffic for that name through that tunnel.
The foundation of security in PQConnect is the server's long-term public key used to encrypt and authenticate all PQConnect packets. PQConnect makes a conservative choice of post-quantum KEM for this public key. PQConnect also uses a smaller post-quantum
KEM for forward secrecy, and elliptic curves to ensure pre-quantum security even in case of security failures in KEM design or KEM software. Security of the handshake component of PQConnect has been symbolically proven using
## 2024/2093
* Title: Exploring Large Integer Multiplication for Cryptography Targeting In-Memory Computing
* Authors: Florian Krieger, Florian Hirner, Sujoy Sinha Roy
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### Abstract
Emerging cryptographic systems such as Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) are computation- and data-intensive. FHE and ZKP implementations in software and hardware largely rely on the von Neumann architecture, where a
significant amount of energy is lost on data movements. A promising computing paradigm is computing in memory (CIM), which enables computations to occur directly within memory, thereby reducing data movements and energy consumption. However, efficiently
performing large integer multiplications - critical in FHE and ZKP - is an open question, as existing CIM methods are limited to small operand sizes. In this work, we address this question by exploring advanced algorithmic approaches for large integer
identifying the Karatsuba algorithm as the most effective for
CIM applications. Thereafter, we design the first Karatsuba multiplier for resistive CIM crossbars. Our multiplier uses a three-stage pipeline to enhance throughput and, additionally, balances memory endurance with efficient array sizes. Compared to
existing CIM multiplication methods, when scaled up to the bit widths required in ZKP and FHE, our design achieves up to 916x in throughput and 281x in area-time product improvements.
## 2024/2094
* Title: Secure Vault scheme in the Cloud Operating Model
* Authors: Rishiraj Bhattacharyya, Avradip Mandal, Meghna Sengupta
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### Abstract
The rising demand for data privacy in cloud-based environments has led to the development of advanced mechanisms for securely managing sensitive information. A prominent solution in this domain is the "Data Privacy Vault," a concept that is being
provided commercially by companies such as Hashicorp, Basis Theory, Skyflow Inc., VGS, Evervault, Protegrity, Anonomatic, and BoxyHQ. However, no existing work has rigorously defined the security notions required for a Data Privacy Vault or proven them
within a formal framework which is the focus of this paper.
Among its other uses, data privacy vaults are increasingly being used as storage for LLM training data which necessitates a scheme that enables users to securely store sensitive information in the cloud while allowing controlled access for performing
analytics on specific non-sensitive attributes without exposing sensitive data. Conventional solutions involve users generating encryption keys to safeguard their data, but these solutions are not deterministic and are therefore unsuited for the LLM
setting. To address this, we propose a novel framework that is deterministic as well as semantically secure. Our scheme operates in the Cloud Operating model where the server is trusted but stateless, and the storage is outsourced.
We provide a formal definition and a concrete instantiation of this data privacy vault scheme. We introduce a novel tokenization algorithm that serves as the core mechanism for protecting sensitive data within the vault. Our approach not only generates
secure, unpredictable tokens for sensitive data but also securely stores sensitive data while enabling controlled data retrieval based on predefined access levels. Our work fills a significant gap in the existing literature by providing a formalized
framework for the data privacy vault, complete with security proofs and a practical construction - not only enhancing the understanding of vault schemes but also offering a viable solution for secure data management in the era of cloud computing.
## 2024/2095
* Title: A Note on the Minimality of One-Way Functions in Post-Quantum Cryptography
* Authors: Sam Buxbaum, Mohammad Mahmoody
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### Abstract
In classical cryptography, one-way functions (OWFs) play a central role as the minimal primitive that (almost) all primitives imply. The situation is more complicated in quantum cryptography, in which honest parties and adversaries can use quantum
computation and communication, and it is known that analogues of OWFs in the quantum setting might not be minimal.
In this work we ask whether OWFs are minimal for the intermediate setting of post-quantum cryptography, in which the protocols are classical while they shall resist quantum adversaries. We show that for a wide range of natural settings, if a primitive Q
implies OWFs, then so does its (uniformly or non-uniformly secure) post-quantum analogue. In particular, we show that if a primitive Q implies any other primitive P that has a 2-message security game (e.g., OWFs) through a black-box classical security
reduction R, then one can always (efficiently) turn any polynomial-size quantum adversary breaking P into a polynomial-size quantum adversary breaking Q. Note that this result holds even if the implementation of P using that of Q is arbitrarily non-black-
We also prove extensions of this result for when the reduction R anticipates its oracle adversary to be deterministic, whenever either of the following conditions hold: (1) the adversary needs to win the security game of Q only with non-negligible
probability (e.g., Q is collision-resistant hashing) or (2) that either of P and Q have "falsifiable" security games (this is the case when P is OWFs). Our work leaves open answering our main question when Q implies OWFs through a non-black-box security
reduction, or when P uses a more complicated security game than a two-message one.
## 2024/2096
* Title: Efficient Multi-party Private Set Union Resistant to Maximum Collusion Attacks
* Authors: Qiang Liu, Joon-Woo Lee
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### Abstract
Multi-party Private Set Union (MPSU) enables multiple participants to jointly compute the union of their private sets without leaking any additional information beyond the resulting union. Liu et al. (ASIACRYPT 2023) presented the first MPSU protocol
that scales to large data sets, designating one participant as the "leader" responsible for obtaining the final union. However, this approach assumes that the leader does not collude with any other participant, which can be impractical due to the
inherent lack of mutual trust among participants, thereby limiting its applicability.
On the other hand, the state-of-the-art protocol that allows all participants to learn the computed union was proposed by Seo et al. (PKC 2012). While their construction achieves $O(1)$ round complexity, it remains secure only if fewer than half of the
participants collude, leaving open the problem of designing stronger collusion tolerance and multi-party output.
In this work, we address these limitations by first proposing $\Pi_\text{MPSU}^{\text{one-leader}}$ that designates one participant as leader to obtain the union result. Building upon this construction, we extend this design to $\Pi_\text{MPSU}^{\text{
leaderless}}$, which enables every participant to receive the union result simultaneously. Both protocols operate under the semi-honest model, tolerate maximal collusion among participants, and efficiently handle large-scale set computation. We implement
these schemes and conducted a comprehensive comparison against state-of-the-art solutions. The result shows that, for input sizes of $2^{12}$ at a comparable security level, $\Pi_\text{MPSU}^{\text{one-leader}}$ achieves a $663$ times speedup in online
runtime compared to the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, it also remains $22$ times faster than half-collusion-tolerant protocol.
## 2024/2097
* Title: NMFT: A Copyrighted Data Trading Protocol based on NFT and AI-powered Merkle Feature Tree
* Authors: Dongming Zhang, Lei Xie, Yu Tao
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### Abstract
With the rapid growth of blockchain-based Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), data trading has evolved to incorporate NFTs for ownership verification. However, the NFT ecosystem faces significant challenges in copyright protection, particularly when malicious
buyers slightly modify the purchased data and re-mint it as a new NFT, infringing upon the original owner's rights. In this paper, we propose a copyright-preserving data trading protocol to address this challenge.
First, we introduce the Merkle Feature Tree (MFT), an enhanced version of the traditional Merkle Tree that incorporates an AI-powered feature layer above the data layer. Second, we design a copyright challenge phase during the trading process, which
recognizes the data owner with highly similar feature vectors and earlier on-chain timestamp as the legitimate owner. Furthermore, to achieve efficient and low-gas feature vector similarity computation on blockchain, we employ Locality-Sensitive Hashing (
LSH) to compress high-dimensional floating-point feature vectors into single uint256 integers.
Experiments with multiple image and text feature extraction models demonstrate that LSH effectively preserves the similarity between highly similar feature vectors before and after compression, thus supporting similarity-based copyright challenges.
Experimental results on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet demonstrate NMFT's scalability with sublinear growth in gas consumption while maintaining stable latency.
## 2024/2098
* Title: Asymptotically Optimal Adaptive Asynchronous Common Coin and DKG with Silent Setup
* Authors: Hanwen Feng, Qiang Tang
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### Abstract
This paper presents the first optimal-resilient, adaptively secure asynchronous common coin protocol with $O(\lambda n^2)$ communication complexity and $O(1)$ rounds, requiring only a public silent setup. Our protocol immediately implies a sequence of
quadratic-communication, constant-round asynchronous Byzantine agreement protocols and asynchronous distributed key generation with a silent setup. Along the way, we formulate a new primitive called asynchronous subset alignment and introduce a simple
framework to reason about specific composition security suitable for asynchronous common coin, which may be of independent interest.
## 2024/2099
* Title: MicroNova: Folding-based arguments with efficient (on-chain) verification
* Authors: Jiaxing Zhao, Srinath Setty, Weidong Cui
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### Abstract
We describe the design and implementation of MicroNova, a folding-based recursive argument for producing proofs of incremental computations of the form $y = F^{(\ell)}(x)$, where $F$ is a possibly non-deterministic computation (encoded using a constraint
system such as R1CS), $x$ is the initial input, $y$ is the output, and $\ell > 0$. The proof of an $\ell$-step computation is produced step-by-step such that the proof size nor the time to verify it depends on $\ell$. The proof at the final iteration is
then compressed, to achieve further succinctness in terms of proof size and verification time. Compared to prior folding-based arguments, a distinguishing aspect of MicroNova is the concrete efficiency of the verifier—even in a resource-constrained
environment such as Ethereum’s blockchain. In particular, the compressed proof consists of $O(\log{N})$ group elements and it can be verified with $O(\log{N})$ group scalar multiplications and two pairing operations, where $N$ is the number of
constraints for a single invocation of $F$. MicroNova requires a universal trusted setup and can employ any existing setup material created for the popular KZG univariate polynomial commitment scheme. Finally, we implement and experimentally evaluate
MicroNova. We find that MicroNova’s proofs can be efficiently verified on the Ethereum blockchain with $\approx$2.2M gas. Furthermore, MicroNova’s prover incurs minimal overheads atop its baseline Nova’s prover.
## 2024/2100
* Title: Compact Key Storage in the Standard Model
* Authors: Yevgeniy Dodis, Daniel Jost
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### Abstract
In recent work [Crypto'24], Dodis, Jost, and Marcedone introduced Compact Key Storage (CKS) as a modern approach to backup for end-to-end (E2E) secure applications. As most E2E-secure applications rely on a sequence of secrets $(s_1,...,s_n)$ from which,
together with the ciphertexts sent over the network, all content can be restored, Dodis et al. introduced CKS as a primitive for backing up $(s_1,...,s_n)$. The authors provided definitions as well as two practically efficient schemes (with different
functionality-efficiency trade-offs). Both, their security definitions and schemes relied however on the random oracle model (ROM).
In this paper, we first show that this reliance is inherent. More concretely, we argue that in the standard model, one cannot have a general CKS instantiation that is applicable to all "CKS-compatible games", as defined by Dodis et al., and realized by
their ROM construction. Therefore, one must restrict the notion of CKS-compatible games to allow for standard model CKS instantiations.
We then introduce an alternative standard-model CKS definition that makes concessions in terms of functionality (thereby circumventing the impossibility). More precisely, we specify CKS which does not recover the original secret $s_i$ but a derived key $
k_i$, and then observe that this still suffices for many real-world applications. We instantiate this new notion based on minimal assumptions. For passive security, we provide an instantiation based on one-way functions only. For stronger notions, we
additionally need collision-resistant hash functions and dual-PRFs, which we argue to be minimal.
Finally, we provide a modularization of the CKS protocols of Dodis et al. In particular, we present a unified protocol (and proof) for standard-model equivalents for both protocols introduced in the original work.
## 2025/1
* Title: Attribute Based Encryption for Turing Machines from Lattices
* Authors: Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Shota Yamada
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### Abstract
We provide the first attribute based encryption (ABE) scheme for Turing machines supporting unbounded collusions from lattice assumptions. In more detail, the encryptor encodes an attribute $\mathbf{x}$ together with a bound $t$ on the machine running
time and a message $m$ into the ciphertext, the key generator embeds a Turing machine $M$ into the secret key and decryption returns $m$ if and only if $M(\mathbf{x})=1$. Crucially, the input $\mathbf{x}$ and machine $M$ can be of unbounded size, the
time bound $t$ can be chosen dynamically for each input and decryption runs in input specific time.
Previously the best known ABE for uniform computation supported only non-deterministic log space Turing machines (${\sf NL})$ from pairings (Lin and Luo, Eurocrypt 2020). In the post-quantum regime, the state of the art supports non-deterministic finite
automata from LWE in the $\textit{ symmetric}$ key setting (Agrawal, Maitra and Yamada, Crypto 2019).
In more detail, our results are:
1. We construct the first ABE for ${\sf NL}$ from the LWE, evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) and Tensor LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022) assumptions. This yields the first (conjectured) post-quantum ABE for ${\sf NL}$.
2. Relying on LWE, evasive LWE and a new assumption called $\textit{circular tensor}$ LWE, we construct ABE for all Turing machines. At a high level, the circular tensor LWE assumption incorporates circularity into the tensor LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022)
Towards our ABE for Turing machines, we obtain the first CP-ABE for circuits of unbounded depth and size from the same assumptions -- this may be of independent interest.
## 2025/2
* Title: Voting with coercion resistance and everlasting privacy using linkable ring signatures
* Authors: Panagiotis Grontas, Aris Pagourtzis, Marianna Spyrakou
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### Abstract
We propose an e-voting protocol based on a novel linkable ring signature scheme with unconditional anonymity. In our system, all voters register create private credentials and register their public counterparts. To vote, they create a ring (anonymity set)
consisting of public credentials together with a proof of knowledge of their secret credential via our signature. Its unconditional anonymity prevents an attacker, no matter how powerful, from deducing the identity of the voter, thus attaining
everlasting privacy. Additionally, our protocol provides coercion resistance in the JCJ framework; when an adversary tries to coerce a voter, the attack can be evaded by creating a signature with a fake but indistinguishable credential. During a moment
of privacy, they will cast their real vote. Our scheme also provides verifiability and ballot secrecy.
## 2025/3
* Title: Post-Quantum DNSSEC with Faster TCP Fallbacks
* Authors: Aditya Singh Rawat, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
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### Abstract
In classical DNSSEC, a drop-in replacement with quantum-safe cryptography would increase DNS query resolution times by $\textit{at least}$ a factor of $2\times$. Since a DNS response containing large post-quantum signatures is likely to get marked
truncated ($\texttt{TC}$) by a nameserver (resulting in a wasted UDP round-trip), the client (here, the resolver) would have to retry its query over TCP, further incurring a $\textit{minimum}$ of two round-trips due to the three-way TCP handshake.
[continued in next message]
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