• [digest] 2024 Week 45 (2/3)

    From IACR ePrint Archive@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 11 03:17:24 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    In this work, we propose a new OMR scheme that substantially improves upon the previous state-of-the-art, PerfOMR (USENIX Security'24). Our implementation demonstrates reductions of 3.3x in runtime, 2.2x in digest size, and 1.3x in key size, in a
    scenario with 65536 payloads (each 612 bytes), of which up to 50 are pertinent.

    At the core of these improvements is a new homomorphic compression mechanism, where ciphertexts of length proportional to the number of total payloads are compressed into a digest whose length is proportional to the upper bound on the number of pertinent
    payloads. Unlike previous approaches, our scheme fully exploits the native homomorphic SIMD structure of the underlying HE scheme, significantly enhancing efficiency. In the setting described above, our compression scheme achieves 7.4x speedup compared
    to PerfOMR.

    ## 2024/1815

    * Title: Succinct Randomized Encodings from Non-compact Functional Encryption, Faster and Simpler
    * Authors: Nir Bitansky, Rachit Garg
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1815)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1815.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    Succinct randomized encodings allow encoding the input $x$ of a time-$t$ uniform computation $M(x)$ in sub-linear time $o(t)$. The resulting encoding $\tilde{x}$ allows recovering the result of the computation $M(x)$, but hides any other information
    about $x$. Such encodings are known to have powerful applications such as reducing communication in MPC, bootstrapping advanced encryption schemes, and constructing time-lock puzzles.

    Until not long ago, the only known constructions were based on indistinguishability obfuscation, and in particular they were not based on standard post-quantum assumptions. In terms of efficiency, these constructions' encoding time is $\rm{polylog}(t)$,
    essentially the best one can hope for. Recently, a new construction was presented based on Circular Learning with Errors, an assumption similar to the one used in fully-homomorphic encryption schemes, and which is widely considered to be post-quantum
    resistant. However, the encoding efficiency significantly falls behind obfuscation-based scheme and is $\approx \sqrt{t} \cdot s$, where $s$ is the space of the computation.

    We construct, under the same assumption, succinct randomized encodings with encoding time $\approx t^{\varepsilon} \cdot s$ for arbitrarily small constant $\varepsilon<1$. Our construction is relatively simple, generic and relies on any non-compact
    single-key functional encryption that satisfies a natural {\em efficiency preservation} property.

    ## 2024/1816

    * Title: Attacking Automotive RKE Security: How Smart are your ‘Smart’ Keys?
    * Authors: Ritul Satish, Alfred Daimari, Argha Chakrabarty, Kahaan Shah, Debayan Gupta
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1816)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1816.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) systems are ubiqui-
    tous in modern day automobiles, providing convenience for
    vehicle owners - occasionally at the cost of security. Most
    automobile companies have proprietary implementations of
    RKE; these are sometimes built on insecure algorithms and
    authentication mechanisms. This paper presents a compre-
    hensive study conducted on the RKE systems of multiple
    cars from four automobile manufacturers not previously
    Specifically, we analyze the design, implementation, and
    security levels of 7 different cars manufactured by Honda,
    Maruti-Suzuki, Toyota, and Mahindra. We also do a deep
    dive into the RKE system of a particular Honda model.
    We evaluate the susceptibility of these systems to known
    vulnerabilities (such as RollJam and RollBack at-
    tacks). This is accomplished using a novel tool – ‘Puck-
    py’, that helps analyze RKE protocols. Our tool automates
    several aspects of the protocol analysis process, reducing
    time and logistical constraints in RKE research; we provide
    standardized protocols to execute various attacks using our
    Puck-Py tool. We find that, despite having a long period
    of time to fix security issues, several popular automobiles
    remain susceptible to attacks, including the basic RollJam

    ## 2024/1817

    * Title: Improved ML-DSA Hardware Implementation With First Order Masking Countermeasure
    * Authors: Kamal Raj, Prasanna Ravi, Tee Kiah Chia, Anupam Chattopadhyay
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1817)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1817.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    We present the protected hardware implementation of the Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Standard (MLDSA). ML-DSA is an extension of Dilithium 3.1, which is the winner of the Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition in the digital signature
    category. The proposed design is based on the existing high-performance Dilithium 3.1 design. We implemented existing Dilithium masking gadgets in hardware, which were only implemented in software. The masking gadgets are integrated with the unprotected
    ML-DSA design and functional verification of the complete design is verified with the Known Answer Tests(KATs) generated from an updated ML-DSA software implementation. We also present the practical power side-channel attack experimental results by
    implementing masking gadgets on the standard sidechannel evaluation FPGA board and collecting power traces up-to 1 million traces. The proposed protected design has the overhead of 1.127× LUT, 1.2× Flip-Flop, and 378× execution time compared to
    unprotected design. The experimental results show that it resists side-channel attacks.

    ## 2024/1818

    * Title: SoK: On the Physical Security of UOV-based Signature Schemes
    * Authors: Thomas Aulbach, Fabio Campos, Juliane Krämer
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1818)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1818.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    Multivariate cryptography currently centres mostly around UOV-based signature schemes: All multivariate round 2 candidates in the selection process for additional digital signatures by NIST are either UOV itself or close variations of it: MAYO, QR-UOV,
    SNOVA, and UOV. Also schemes which have been in the focus of the multivariate research community, but are broken by now - like Rainbow and LUOV - are based on UOV. Both UOV and the schemes based on it have been frequently analyzed regarding their
    physical security in the course of the NIST process. However, a comprehensive analysis regarding the physical security of UOV-based signature schemes is missing.
    In this work, we want to bridge this gap and create a comprehensive overview of physical attacks on UOV and its variants from the second round of NIST’s selection process for additional post-quantum signature schemes, which just started. First, we
    collect all existing side-channel and fault attacks on UOV-based schemes and transfer them to the current UOV specification. Since UOV was subject to significant changes over the past few years, e.g., adaptions to the expanded secret key, some attacks
    need to be reassessed. Next, we introduce new physical attacks in order to obtain an overview as complete as possible. We then show how all these attacks would translate to MAYO, QR-UOV, and SNOVA. To improve the resistance of UOV-based signature schemes
    towards physical attacks, we discuss and introduce dedicated countermeasures. As related result, we observe that certain implementation decisions, like key compression techniques and randomization choices, also have a large impact on the physical
    security, in particular on the effectiveness of the considered fault attacks. Finally, we provide implementations of UOV and MAYO for the ARM Cortex-M4 architecture that feature first-order masking and protection against selected fault attacks. We
    benchmark the resulting overhead on a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI board and validate our approach by performing a TVLA on original and protected subroutines, yielding significantly smaller t-values for the latter.

    ## 2024/1819

    * Title: VCVio: A Formally Verified Forking Lemma and Fiat-Shamir Transform, via a Flexible and Expressive Oracle Representation
    * Authors: Devon Tuma, Nicholas Hopper
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1819)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1819.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    As cryptographic protocols continue to become more complex and specialized, their security proofs have grown more complex as well, making manual verification of their correctness more difficult. Formal verification via proof assistants has become a
    popular approach to solving this, by allowing researchers to write security proofs that can be verified correct by a computer.

    In this paper we present a new framework of this kind for verifying security proofs, taking a foundational approach to representing and reasoning about protocols. We implement our framework in the Lean programming language, and give a number of security
    proofs to demonstrate that our system is both powerful and usable, with comparable automation to similar systems.

    Our framework is especially focused on reasoning about and manipulating oracle access, and we demonstrate the usefulness of this approach by implementing both a general forking lemma and a version of the Fiat-Shamir transform for sigma protocols. As a
    simple case study we then instantiate these to an implementation of a Schnorr-like signature scheme.

    ## 2024/1820

    * Title: On the Power of Oblivious State Preparation
    * Authors: James Bartusek, Dakshita Khurana
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1820)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1820.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    We put forth Oblivious State Preparation (OSP) as a cryptographic primitive that unifies techniques developed in the context of a quantum server interacting with a classical client. OSP allows a classical polynomial-time sender to input a choice of one
    out of two public observables, and a quantum polynomial-time receiver to recover an eigenstate of the corresponding observable -- while keeping the sender's choice hidden from any malicious receiver.

    We obtain the following results:
    - The existence of (plain) trapdoor claw-free functions implies OSP, and the existence of dual-mode trapdoor claw-free functions implies round-optimal (two-round) OSP.
    - OSP implies the existence of proofs of quantumness, test of a qubit, blind classical delegation of quantum computation, and classical verification of quantum computation.
    - Two-round OSP implies quantum money with classical communication, classically-verifiable position verification, and (additionally assuming classical FHE with log-depth decryption) quantum FHE.

    Thus, the OSP abstraction helps separate the cryptographic layer from the information-theoretic layer when building cryptosystems across classical and quantum participants. Indeed, several of the aforementioned applications were previously only known via
    tailored LWE-based constructions, whereas our OSP-based constructions yield new results from a wider variety of assumptions, including hard problems on cryptographic group actions.

    Finally, towards understanding the minimal hardness assumptions required to realize OSP, we prove the following:

    - OSP implies oblivious transfer between one classical and one quantum party.
    - Two-round OSP implies public-key encryption with classical keys and ciphertexts.

    In particular, these results help to ''explain'' the use of public-key cryptography in the known approaches to establishing a ''classical leash'' on a quantum server. For example, combined with a result of Austrin et al. (CRYPTO 22), we conclude that
    perfectly-correct OSP cannot exist unconditionally in the (quantum) random oracle model.

    ## 2024/1821

    * Title: SCIF: Privacy-Preserving Statistics Collection with Input Validation and Full Security
    * Authors: Jianan Su, Laasya Bangalore, Harel Berger, Jason Yi, Alivia Castor, Micah Sherr, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1821)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1821.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    Secure aggregation is the distributed task of securely computing a sum of values (or a vector of values) held by a set of parties, revealing only the output (i.e., the sum) in the computation. Existing protocols, such as Prio (NDSI’17), Prio+ (SCN’22)
    , Elsa (S&P’23), and Whisper (S&P’24), support secure aggregation with input validation to ensure inputs belong to a specified domain. However, when malicious servers are present, these protocols primarily guarantee privacy but not input validity.
    Also, malicious server(s) can cause the protocol to abort. We introduce SCIF, a novel multi-server secure aggregation protocol with input validation, that remains secure even in the presence of malicious actors, provided fewer than one-third of the
    servers are malicious. Our protocol overcomes previous limitations by providing two key properties: (1) guaranteed output delivery, ensuring malicious parties cannot prevent the protocol from completing, and (2) guaranteed input inclusion, ensuring no
    malicious party can prevent an honest party’s input from being included in the computation. Together, these guarantees provide strong resilience against denial-of-service attacks. Moreover, SCIF offers these guarantees without increasing client costs
    over Prio and keeps server costs moderate. We present a robust end-to-end implementation of SCIF and demonstrate the ease with which it can be instrumented by integrating it in a simulated Tor network for privacy-preserving measurement.

    ## 2024/1822

    * Title: Anonymous Public-Key Quantum Money and Quantum Voting
    * Authors: Alper Çakan, Vipul Goyal, Takashi Yamakawa
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1822)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1822.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    Quantum information allows us to build quantum money schemes, where a bank can issue banknotes in the form of authenticatable quantum states that cannot be cloned or counterfeited: a user in possession of k banknotes cannot produce k +1 banknotes.
    Similar to paper banknotes, in existing quantum money schemes, a banknote consists of an unclonable quantum state and a classical serial number, signed by bank. Thus, they lack one of the most fundamental properties cryptographers look for in a currency
    scheme: privacy. In this work, we first further develop the formal definitions of privacy for quantum money schemes. Then, we construct the first public-key quantum money schemes that satisfy these security notions. Namely,
    • Assuming existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and hardness of Learning with Errors, we construct a public-key quantum money scheme with anonymity against users and traceability by authorities.

    Since it is a policy choice whether authorities should be able to track banknotes or not, we also construct an untraceable money scheme, where no one (not even the authorities) can track banknotes.
    • Assuming existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and hardness of Learning with Er- rors, we construct a public-key quantum money scheme with untraceability.

    Further, we show that the no-cloning principle, a result of quantum mechanics, allows us to construct schemes, with security guarantees that are classically impossible, for a seemingly unrelated application: voting!
    • Assuming existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and hardness of Learning with Errors, we construct a universally verifiable quantum voting scheme with classical votes.

    Finally, as a technical tool, we introduce the notion of publicly rerandomizable encryption with strong correctness, where no adversary is able to produce a malicious ciphertext and a malicious random tape such that the ciphertext before and after
    rerandomization (with the malicious tape) decrypts to different values! We believe this might be of independent interest. • Assuming the (quantum) hardness of Learning with Errors, we construct a (post-quantum) classical publicly rerandomizable
    encryption scheme with strong correctness

    ## 2024/1823

    * Title: A Composability Treatment of Bitcoin's Transaction Ledger with Variable Difficulty
    * Authors: Juan Garay, Yun Lu, Julien Prat, Brady Testa, Vassilis Zikas
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1823)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1823.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    As the first proof-of-work (PoW) permissionless blockchain, Bitcoin aims at maintaining a decentralized yet consistent transaction ledger as protocol participants (“miners”) join and leave as they please. This is achieved by means of a subtle PoW
    difficulty adjustment mechanism that adapts to the perceived block generation rate, and important steps have been taken in previous work to provide a rigorous analysis of the conditions (such as bounds on dynamic participation) that are sufficient for
    Bitcoin’s security properties to be ascertained.

    Such existing analysis, however, is property-based, and as such only guarantees security when the protocol is run $\textbf{in isolation}$. In this paper we present the first (to our knowledge) simulation-based analysis of the Bitcoin ledger in the
    dynamic setting where it operates, and show that the protocol abstraction known as the Bitcoin backbone protocol emulates, under certain participation restrictions, Bitcoin’s intended specification. Our formulation and analysis extend the existing
    Universally Composable treatment for the fixed-difficulty setting, and develop techniques that might be of broader applicability, in particular to other composable formulations of blockchain protocols that rely on difficulty adjustment.

    ## 2024/1824

    * Title: Constructing Dembowski–Ostrom permutation polynomials from upper triangular matrices
    * Authors: Yuyin Yu, Yanbin Zheng, Yongqiang Li, Jingang Liu
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1824)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1824.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    We establish a one-to-one correspondence between Dembowski-Ostrom (DO) polynomials and upper triangular matrices. Based on this correspondence, we give a bijection between DO permutation polynomials and a special class of upper triangular matrices, and
    construct a new batch of DO permutation polynomials. To the best of our knowledge, almost all other known DO permutation polynomials are located in finite fields of $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, where $n$ contains odd factors (see Table 1). However, there are no
    restrictions on $n$ in our results, and especially the case of $n=2^m$ has not been studied in the literature. For example, we provide a simple necessary and sufficient condition to determine when $\gamma\, Tr(\theta_{i}x)Tr(\theta_{j}x) + x$ is a DO
    permutation polynomial. In addition, when the upper triangular matrix degenerates into a diagonal matrix and the elements on the main diagonal form a basis of $\mathbb{F}_{q^{n}}$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$, this diagonal matrix corresponds to all linearized
    permutation polynomials. In a word, we construct several new DO permutation polynomials, and our results can be viewed as an extension of linearized permutation polynomials.

    ## 2024/1825

    * Title: BrakingBase - a linear prover, poly-logarithmic verifier, field agnostic polynomial commitment scheme
    * Authors: Vineet Nair, Ashish Sharma, Bhargav Thankey
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1825)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1825.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    We propose a Polynomial Commitment Scheme (PCS), called BrakingBase, which allows a prover to commit to multilinear (or univariate) polynomials with $n$ coefficients in $O(n)$ time. The evaluation protocol of BrakingBase operates with an $O(n)$ time-
    complexity for the prover, while the verifier time-complexity and proof-complexity are $O(\lambda \log^2 n)$, where $λ$ is the security parameter. Notably, BrakingBase is field-agnostic, meaning it can be instantiated over any field of sufficiently
    large size. Additionally, BrakingBase can be combined with the Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proof (PIOP) from Spartan (Crypto 2020) to yield a Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge (SNARK) with a linear-time prover, as well as poly-logarithmic
    complexity for both the verifier runtime and the proof size. We obtain our PCS by combining the Brakedown and Basefold PCS. The commitment protocol of BrakingBase is similar to that of Brakedown. The evaluation protocol of BrakingBase improves upon
    Brakedown’s verifier work by reducing it through multiple instances of the sum-check protocol. Basefold PCS is employed to commit to and later evaluate the multilinear extension (MLE) of the witnesses involved in the sum-check protocol at random points.
    This includes the MLE corresponding to the parity-check matrix of the linear-time encodable code used in Brakedown. We show that this matrix is sparse and use the Spark compiler from Spartan to evaluate its multilinear extension at a random point. We
    implement BrakingBase and compare its performance to Brakedown and Basefold over a 128 bit prime field.

    ## 2024/1826

    * Title: Cloning Games, Black Holes and Cryptography
    * Authors: Alexander Poremba, Seyoon Ragavan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1826)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1826.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    The no-cloning principle has played a foundational role in quantum information and cryptography. Following a long-standing tradition of studying quantum mechanical phenomena through the lens of interactive games, Broadbent and Lord (TQC 2020) formalized
    cloning games in order to quantitatively capture no-cloning in the context of unclonable encryption schemes.

    The conceptual contribution of this paper is the new, natural, notion of Haar cloning games together with two applications. In the area of black-hole physics, our game reveals that, in an idealized model of a black hole which features Haar random (or
    pseudorandom) scrambling dynamics, the information from infalling entangled qubits can only be recovered from either the interior or the exterior of the black hole---but never from both places at the same time. In the area of quantum cryptography, our
    game helps us construct succinct unclonable encryption schemes from the existence of pseudorandom unitaries, thereby, for the first time, bridging the gap between ``MicroCrypt'' and unclonable cryptography. The technical contribution of this work is a
    tight analysis of Haar cloning games which requires us to overcome many long-standing barriers in our understanding of cloning games:

    1. Are there cloning games which admit no non-trivial winning strategies? Resolving this particular question turns out to be crucial for our application to black-hole physics. Existing work analyzing the $n$-qubit BB84 game and the subspace coset game
    only achieve the bounds of $2^{-0.228n}$ and $2^{-0.114n+o(n)}$, respectively, while the trivial adversarial strategy wins with probability $2^{-n}$. We show that the Haar cloning game is the hardest cloning game, by demonstrating a worst-case to average-
    case reduction for a large class of games which we refer to as oracular cloning games. We then show that the Haar cloning game admits no non-trivial winning strategies.

    2. All existing works analyze $1\mapsto 2$ cloning games; can we prove bounds on $t\mapsto t+1$ games for large $t$? Such bounds are crucial in our application to unclonable cryptography. Unfortunately, the BB84 game is not even $2\mapsto 3$ secure, and
    the subspace coset game is not $t\mapsto t+1$ secure for a polynomially large $t$. We show that the Haar cloning game is $t\mapsto t+1$ secure provided that $t = o(\log n / \log \log n)$, and we conjecture that this holds for $t$ that is polynomially
    large (in $n$).

    Answering these questions provably requires us to go beyond existing methods (Tomamichel, Fehr, Kaniewski and Wehner, New Journal of Physics 2013). In particular, we show a new technique for analyzing cloning games with respect to binary phase states
    through the lens of binary subtypes, and combine it with novel bounds on the operator norms of block-wise tensor products of matrices.

    ## 2024/1827

    * Title: OPTIMSM: FPGA hardware accelerator for Zero-Knowledge MSM
    * Authors: Xander Pottier, Thomas de Ruijter, Jonas Bertels, Wouter Legiest, Michiel Van Beirendonck, Ingrid Verbauwhede
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1827)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1827.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    The Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM) is the main barrier to accelerating Zero-Knowledge applications. In recent years, hardware acceleration of this algorithm on both FPGA and GPU has become a popular research topic and the subject of a multi-million
    dollar prize competition (ZPrize). This work presents OPTIMSM: Optimized Processing Through Iterative Multi-Scalar Multiplication. This novel accelerator focuses on the acceleration of the MSM algorithm for any Elliptic Curve (EC) by improving upon the
    Pippenger algorithm. A new iteration technique is introduced to decouple the required buckets from the window size, resulting in fewer EC computations for the same on-chip memory resources. Furthermore, we combine known optimizations from the literature
    for the first time to achieve additional latency improvements. Our enhanced MSM implementation significantly reduces computation time, achieving a speedup of up to $\times 12.77$ compared to recent FPGA implementations. Specifically, for the BLS12-381
    curve, we reduce the computation time for an MSM of size $2^{24}$ to 914 ms using a single compute unit on the U55C FPGA or to 231 ms using four U55C devices. These results indicate a substantial improvement in efficiency, paving the way for more
    scalable and efficient Zero-Knowledge proof systems.

    ## 2024/1828

    * Title: Classic McEliece Hardware Implementation with Enhanced Side-Channel and Fault Resistance
    * Authors: Peizhou Gan, Prasanna Ravi, Kamal Raj, Anubhab Baksi, Anupam Chattopadhyay
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1828)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1828.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    In this work, we propose the first hardware implementation of Classic McEliece protected with countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA). Classic Mceliece is one of the leading candidates for Key Encapsulation
    Mechanisms (KEMs) in the ongoing round 4 of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we implement a range of generic countermeasures against SCA and FIA, particularly protected the vulnerable operations such as
    additive Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Gaussian elimination, that have been targeted by prior SCA and FIA attacks. We also perform a detailed SCA evaluation demonstrating no leakage even with 100000 traces (improvement of more than 100× the number of
    traces compared to unprotected implementation). This comes at a modest total area overhead of between 4× to 7×, depending on the type of implemented SCA countermeasure. Furthermore, we present a thorough ASIC benchmark for SCA and FIA protected Classic
    McEliece design.

    ## 2024/1829

    * Title: Compiled Nonlocal Games from any Trapdoor Claw-Free Function
    * Authors: Kaniuar Bacho, Alexander Kulpe, Giulio Malavolta, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1829)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1829.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    A recent work of Kalai et al. (STOC 2023) shows how to compile any multi-player nonlocal game into a protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Subsequent works have built on this to develop new cryptographic protocols, where a completely
    classical client can verify the validity of quantum computation done by a quantum server. Their compiler relies on the existence of quantum fully-homomorphic encryption.

    In this work, we propose a new compiler for transforming nonlocal games into single-prover protocols.
    Our compiler is based on the framework of measurement-based quantum computation.
    It can be instantiated assuming the existence of \emph{any} trapdoor function that satisfies the claw-freeness property.
    Leveraging results by Natarajan and Zhang (FOCS 2023) on compiled nonlocal games, our work implies the existence of new protocols to classically verify quantum computation from potentially weaker computational assumptions than previously known.

    ## 2024/1830

    * Title: A Tight Analysis of GHOST Consistency
    * Authors: Peter Gaži, Zahra Motaqy, Alexander Russell
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1830)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1830.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    The GHOST protocol has been proposed as an improvement to the Nakamoto consensus mechanism that underlies Bitcoin. In contrast to the Nakamoto fork-choice rule, the GHOST rule justifies selection of a chain with weights computed over subtrees rather than
    individual paths. This mechanism has been adopted by a variety of consensus protocols, and is a part of the currently deployed protocol supporting Ethereum.

    We establish an exact characterization of the security region of the GHOST protocol, identifying the relationship between the rate of honest block production, the rate of adversarial block production, and network delays that guarantee that the protocol
    reaches consensus. In contrast to the closely related Nakamoto consensus protocol, we find that the region depends on the convention used by the protocol for tiebreaking; we establish tight results for both adversarial tiebreaking, in which ties are
    broken adversarially in order to frustrate consensus, and deterministic tiebreaking, in which ties between pairs of blocks are broken consistently throughout an execution. We provide explicit attacks for both conventions which stall consensus outside of
    the security region.

    Our results conclude that the security region of GHOST can be strictly improved by incorporating a tiebreaking mechanism; in either case, however, the final region of security is inferior to the region of Nakamoto consensus.

    ## 2024/1831

    * Title: Fast Two-party Threshold ECDSA with Proactive Security
    * Authors: Brian Koziel, S. Dov Gordon, Craig Gentry
    * [Permalink](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1831)
    * [Download](https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1831.pdf)

    ### Abstract

    We present a new construction of two-party, threshold ECDSA, building on a 2017 scheme of Lindell and improving his scheme in several ways.

    ECDSA signing is notoriously hard to distribute securely, due to non-linearities in the signing function. Lindell's scheme uses Paillier encryption to encrypt one party's key share and handle these non-linearities homomorphically, while elegantly
    avoiding any expensive zero knowledge proofs over the Paillier group during the signing process. However, the scheme pushes that complexity into key generation. Moreover, avoiding ZK proofs about Paillier ciphertexts during signing comes with a steep
    price -- namely, the scheme requires a ``global abort" when a malformed ciphertext is detected, after which an entirely new key must be generated.

    [continued in next message]

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