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### Abstract
Robust message authentication codes (MACs) and authenticated encryption (AE) schemes that provide authenticity in the presence of side-channel leakage are essential primitives. These constructions often rely on primitives designed for strong leakage
protection, among others including the use of strong-unpredictable (tweakable) block-ciphers.
This paper extends the strong-unpredictability security definition to the versatile and new forkcipher primitive. We show how to construct secure and efficient MAC and AEs that guarantee authenticity in the presence of leakage. We present a leakage-
resistant MAC, ForkMAC, and two leakage-resistant AE schemes, ForkDTE1 and ForkDTE2, which use forkciphers instead of traditional secure (tweakable) block-ciphers as compared to the prior art. We prove and analyze their security in the presence of
leakage based on a strong unpredictable forkcipher. A comparison with the state-of-the-art in terms of both security and efficiency is followed in the paper.
Key advantages and highlights promoted by the proposed constructions are that for the minimal assumptions they require, unpredictability with leakage-based security, the tag-generation of ForkMAC is the most efficient among leakage-resilient MAC
proposals, equivalent to HBC. ForkDTE 1 and 2 have a more efficient encryption than any other scheme, achieving integrity with leakage (and also providing misuse-resistance).
## 2024/1326
* Title: On the anonymity of one authenticated key agreement scheme for mobile vehicles-assisted precision agricultural IoT networks
* Authors: Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
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### Abstract
Smart farming uses different vehicles to manage all the operations on the farm. These vehicles should be put to good use for secure data transmission. The Vangala et al.'s key agreement scheme [IEEE TIFS, 18 (2023), 904-9193] is designed for agricultural
IoT networks. In this note, we show that the scheme fails to keep anonymity, instead pseudonymity. The scheme simply thinks that anonymity is equivalent to preventing the real identity from being recovered. But the true anonymity means that the
adversary cannot attribute different sessions to target users. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to clarify the differences between anonymity and pseudonymity.
## 2024/1327
* Title: Public-Key Anamorphism in (CCA-secure) Public-Key Encryption and Beyond
* Authors: Giuseppe Persiano, Duong Hieu Phan, Moti Yung
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### Abstract
The notion of (Receiver-) Anamorphic Encryption was put forth recently to show that a dictator (i.e., an overreaching government), which demands to get the receiver’s private key and even dictates messages to the sender, cannot prevent the receiver
from getting an additional covert anamorphic message from a sender. The model required an initial private collaboration to share some secret. There may be settings though where an initial collaboration may be impossible or performance-wise prohibitive,
or cases when we need an immediate message to be sent without private key generation (e.g., by any casual sender in need). This situation, to date, somewhat limits the applicability of anamorphic encryption.
To overcome this, in this work, we put forth the new notion of “public-key anamorphic encryption,” where, without any initialization, any sender that has not coordinated in any shape or form with the receiver, can nevertheless, under the dictator
control of the receiver’s private key, send the receiver an additional anamorphic secret message hidden from the dictator. We define the new notion with its unique new properties, and then prove that, quite interestingly, the known CCA-secure Koppula-
Waters (KW) system is, in fact, public-key anamorphic.
We then describe how a public-key anamorphic scheme can support a new hybrid anamorphic encapsulation mode (KDEM) where the public-key anamorphic part serves a bootstrapping mechanism to activate regular anamorphic messages in the same ciphertext, thus
together increasing the anamorphic channel capacity.
Looking at the state of research thus far, we observe that the initial system (Eurocrypt’22) that was shown to have regular anamorphic properties is the CCA-secure Naor-Yung (and other related schemes). Here we identify that the KW CCA-secure scheme
also provides a new type of anamorphism. Thus, this situation is hinting that there may be a connection between some types of CCA-secure schemes and some type of anamorphic schemes (in spite of the fact that the goals of the two primitives are
fundamentally different); this question is foundational in nature. Given this, we identify a sufficient condition for a “CCA-secure scheme which is black-box reduced from a CPA secure scheme” to directly give rise to an “anamorphic encryption
scheme!” Furthermore, we identify one extra property of the reduction, that yields a public-key anamorphic scheme as defined here.
## 2024/1328
* Title: A Note on ARADI and LLAMA
* Authors: Roberto Avanzi, Orr Dunkelman, Shibam Ghosh
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### Abstract
Recently, the NSA has proposed a block cipher called ARADI and a mode of operation called LLAMA for memory encryption applications.
In this note, we comment on this proposal, on its suitability for the intended application, and describe an attack on LLAMA that breaks confidentiality of ciphertext and allows a straightforward forgery attack breaking integrity of ciphertext (INT-CTXT)
using a related-IV attack.
Both attacks have negligible complexity.
## 2024/1329
* Title: Small Public Exponent Brings More: Improved Partial Key Exposure Attacks against RSA
* Authors: Yansong Feng, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan
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### Abstract
Let $(N,e)$ be a public key of the RSA cryptosystem, and $d$ be the corresponding private key. In practice, we usually choose a small $e$ for quick encryption. In this paper, we improve partial private key exposure attacks against RSA with MSBs of $d$
and small $e$. The key idea is that under such a setting we can usually obtain more information about the prime factors of $N$ and then, by solving a univariate modular polynomial equation using Coppersmith's method, $N$ can be factored in polynomial
time. Compared to previous results, we reduce the number of the leaked bits in $d$ that are needed to mount the attack by $\log_2 (e)$ bits. For $e=65537$, previous work required an additional enumeration of 17 bits to achieve our new bound, resulting in
a $2^{10}$ (or 1,024x) increase in time consumption. Furthermore, our experiments show that for a $1024$-bit modulus $N$, our attack can achieve the theoretical bound on a simple personal computer, which verifies the new method.
## 2024/1330
* Title: New Results for Coppersmith's Method from the Perspective of Sumsets Theory
* Authors: Yansong Feng, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan
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### Abstract
Coppersmith's method, combined with the Jochemsz-May strategy, is widely used to find the small roots of multivariate polynomials for cryptanalysis.
At Asiacrypt'23, Meers and Nowakowski improved the Jochemsz-May strategy from a single polynomial equation to a system of polynomial equations and proposed a new method, called Automated Coppersmith. Note that it is typically a tedious and non-trivial
task to determine asymptotic upper bounds for Coppersmith’s method and
manual analysis has to be performed anew when a new set of polynomials is considered. By making certain heuristic assumption, Meers and Nowakowski showed that the bound can be obtained using Lagrange interpolation with the computer, but it is still time-
consuming. Moreover, we find that sometimes the interpolation method may get stuck in local convergence, which will result in an incorrect
bound when a natural termination strategy is employed in the method.
In this paper, we revisit the Jochemsz-May strategy as well as the work of Meers and Nowakowski and point out that the bound can be obtained by calculating the leading coefficient of some Hilbert function, which is exactly the volume of the corresponding
Newton polytope. To this end, we introduce the concept of Sumsets theory and propose a series of related results and algorithms. Compared with the Automated Coppersmith, we overcome the issue of getting stuck in local convergence and directly eliminate
the time-consuming calculation for $f^m$ in Automated Coppersmith when $m$ is large, which brings a 1000x$\sim$1200x improvement in running time for some polynomials in our experiment.
Additionally, our new method offers a new perspective on understanding Automated Coppersmith, thus providing proof of Meers and Nowakowski's Heuristic 2 for the system of a single polynomial.
## 2024/1331
* Title: Practical Small Private Exponent Attacks against RSA
* Authors: Yansong Feng, Zhen Liu, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Yanbin Pan
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### Abstract
It is well known that the best small private exponent attack against RSA is that when the private exponent $d < N^{0.292}$, one can factor the RSA modulus $N = pq$. However, the bound $N^{0.292}$ is very difficult to achieve directly since we need to
deal with some lattice with very high dimension, which seems infeasible by now. Recently, Li et al. proposed a practical attack that can solve cases when $d$ approaches $N^{0.292}$ within a month for $1024$ bit $N$. In this paper, we propose an improved
practical small private exponent attack by enumerating the most significant bits of $p + q$. Together with some skills in implementations, we can also achieve the bound $N^{0.292}$, but with significantly less time compared to previous work.
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