• CRYPTO COLOR PRINTS - Preprint [DOI # 10.5281/zenodo.13149715]

    From Byrl Raze Buckbriar@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 1 13:08:09 2024
    Cryptologue Arcade - Crypto Darkpaper - Crypto Color Prints -
    Simplementation Scheme : A Color-Coded Method For Indexing Research and Documentation


    Crypto Color Prints are a memorable and data-dense
    documentation paradigm with a color-coded, structural scheme. The
    scheme forms a simple framework for publishing and improving primitives
    and protocols with a focus on both cooperation and implementation.

    Byrl Raze Buckbriar . OCTADE . < https://octade.net >
    Hacker Hotline . voice & SMS . (781) OCT-AGON
    KeyOxide . < https://keyoxide.org/keyoxide0@octade.net >


    iHUEARYIAB0WIQRneuMjkp+P7n1uq4moad1ZYOZmFwUCZquIugAKCRCoad1ZYOZm FysGAQCmaMwNInbtmk9aIKfgLlwKpsZnfl3SWH3xhMuSNTmgtgEAuYyn9FI1KzlI NoIxh5Bo/5Aw0Cp8qpOAXy8It+fbiAo=
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