• Re: How Many Flat Horizons Make Up a Ball?

    From Kualinar@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 22 11:32:35 2024
    XPost: alt.astronomy, alt.uk.misc.flat-earth

    Le 2024-08-22 à 05:32, Flat Earth Banjo a écrit :
    How Many Flat Horizons Make Up a Ball? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6eA4tOQsZc

    The word «horizon» actually mean «CIRCLE». A huge circle centred at your current location.
    Take a Hula Hoop. Lay it horizontally on the back of two or three
    chairs. Poke your head at it's centre. Raise your eyes so that they are
    1/16 of an inch above it. Can you see the curve ? That's about
    equivalent to seeing the horizon from the summit of Mount Everest.
    It is constituted by the circle created by a sphere and a cone tangent
    to that sphere.
    Horizontal is always LOCAL to the observer and is the imaginary plane perpendicular to the local vertical.
    Vertical is the line from the observer to the centre of mass of the Earth. Remember that horizontal is NOT synonymous to flat and NOT synonymous to
    level. A vertical wall absolutely CAN be flat. Level mean at a constant elevation relative to the mean sea level, and sea level is an oblate
    Remember that the Earth is HUGE ! But, you just can't scale.

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