• Re: [OSG] Salvation, Spiritual Warfare & Scientism w/ Rob Skiba & Robbi

    From Kualinar@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 30 08:16:46 2024
    XPost: alt.astronomy, alt.uk.misc.flat-earth

    Le 2024-10-29 à 14:31, Original Science Gangster a écrit :
    Salvation, Spiritual Warfare & Scientism w/ Rob Skiba & Robbie Davidson on D13 Live!

    D13 Live! Episode #4 Special guests Rob Skiba & Robbie Davidson from Celebrate Truth. Round table discussion. Topics on Salvation, Armor of God, Signs of the Times, Scientism and much more....

    «celebrate truth» ? That channel does EVERYTHING and some more to stay
    AWAY from anything even resembling the truth.
    The term «scientism» is a derogatory term invented be apologists in an attempt to reduce the scientific process to their religious level.
    Rob Skiba and Robbie Davidson are flatards ready to lie, misinterpret
    and misrepresent things to support the flerf's narrative.

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