• Re: The Staff game (AKA Crazy Tiny Players) - Choice #0343

    From Futbolmetrix@21:1/5 to milivella on Tue Jan 7 02:16:54 2025
    On Sat, 4 Jan 2025 2:47:43 +0000, milivella wrote:


    What do you want to do?

    I notice that the gamemaster is losing his edge, and he did give us a
    free round of the ladies...We'll take it!

    Indeed! You still have 3 market rounds to skip, so you'll skip the next
    3 (+ any price for the possible choice in the current round).

    You can take milivella out of evil gamemastering, but you can't take
    evil gamemastering out of milivella...

    Anyway, in light of the above I would like to change my vote:

    Evaluate Puputti: 0.35
    Sell Wiss: 0.25
    Do nothing: 0.15
    Make Money: 0.15
    Train Puputti in passing: 0.1

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Futbolmetrix@21:1/5 to milivella on Fri Jan 3 19:04:14 2025
    On Thu, 2 Jan 2025 0:45:00 +0000, milivella wrote:

    What happened

    Situation before the match (squad, bank, table, results of matched
    before yours if any, opponents' line-up): http://rssclash.altervista.org/staff/0342/index.html

    You agreed with Dan's suggestion about the XI to field.

    Video of the match:

    Maybe the idea to train Puputti in passing was not such a bad one. That,
    and an uncharacteristically weak [erformance from Da Bull, and we are
    out of the Cup. Too bad, but it allows us to concentrate full time on
    the league!

    What do you want to do?

    I notice that the gamemaster is losing his edge, and he did give us a
    free round of the ladies...We'll take it!

    B. Buy = make an offer for one of the players on the market.

    Sure, why not make an offer to Weah? Da Bull needs some competition to
    keep him motivated

    E. Evaluate = get the complete skill report of a player (in your squad,
    or on the market).
    - Consider that: you'll have to skip the next market round (in addition
    to the current one). Then you'll be given the chance to put that player
    on the market (if in your squad) or to make an offer for him (if he is
    on the market now).
    - You must specify: the player.


    H. Heal = one of the following two:
    H1. Reduce the injury of a player by 1 match. You skip the next 2 market rounds (in addition to the current one), though.
    H2. Heal a knocked player, and you'll skip just the next round (in
    addition to the current one).
    - You must specify: the player.

    Hmm... We don't have much cover for Halonen, but who cares?

    M. Make Money = get an additional 403,474 pounds (20% of your budget at
    the beginning of the season).
    - Consider that: you'll have to skip the next 3 market rounds (in
    addition to the current one).

    Always an option. Maybe we eventually will be able to make an offer to

    N. Nothing.


    R. Release = give the folling randomly picked player a free transfer: McGinlay


    S. Sell = put one of the following two randomly picked players on the
    market, making it more likely to receive offers for him, but also making
    it automatic to sell him if you receive an offer, if it is about the min

    Do we even ever use Wiss?

    T. Train = improve a player by 1 point out of 7 (if goalkeeping: out of
    47, and that will make his price higher) in a skill of your choice.
    - Consider that: you'll skip the next 3 or 4 (random choice; if
    goalkeeping, 3) market rounds (in addition to the current one).
    - You must specify: the player and the skill.

    Again, I don't dislike this.

    My vote:
    Evaluate Puputti: 0.35
    Make Money: 0.35
    Sell Wiss: 0.2
    Train Puputti in passing: 0.1

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)