• Re: In lieu of ROOTS ROCK RADIO...

    From RWC@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 28 08:20:07 2024
    On Sat, 28 Dec 2024 10:24:47 +0000, soulexpress@gmail.com (Dean)

    ..how about a countdown of the top 40 soul tunes on Miami's WMBM for
    their weekly chart dated December 29, 1967?


    Dean, because he hails from Connecticut, has a DJ voice that is very
    pleasant, and is instantly understood, I'm confident in saying, by all
    English speakers worldwide.

    (I mean this in a nice way, I'd love to hear the accents of DianeE and
    Dennis; and did Mark and Bill maintain their NYC borough accents
    after becoming esteemed professor and career accountant? :-)

    The most difficult to decipher white English accents I've ever heard
    are some working-class Scottish accents.

    Despite living most of his life in London/Essex Cockneyland, does
    Roger actually have a UK Birmingham accent, from his childhood? :-)

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