• Metal Nibbler .... NUMBER 14

    From Bob La Londe@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 19 15:54:08 2024
    I was getting some feedback from Lloyd Sponenburgh (spelling) earlier
    today over on the CamBam forums. He's still around on-line, but he gave
    up on this group due to the high signal to noise ratio. I guess he did
    check back in once just after we started getting slammed by the Thailand spammers pounding the group, and the server he used didn't filter them

    He bought a retrofit kit from Centroid for a Bridgeport Series one afew
    years ago. Same model Bridgeport as the one I bought recently. I was
    asking how he liked it now that he's had it a few years. I'm neither
    like nor dislike Centroid. I was just asking to round out my knowledge
    a little bit for when (if) I get the machine off the trailer and start
    working on it.

    In my efforts to be a little funny I referenced when I bought the Hurco
    KMB1 and started calling it Metal Nibbler 3. If I only count "mills"
    this is Metal Nibbler 14.

    [1] Taig 2019CRER
    [2] Max NC5 - Sold
    [3] Hurco KMB1
    [4] Noodle Router - Scrap
    [5] RF30 - Sold
    [6] Charter Oak - Scrap!
    [7] Syil X4
    [8] Syil X5
    [9] Syil X5
    [10] Tormach 1100S3
    [11] Noname Mill Drill
    [12] Seig Clone in a box (literally haven't uncreated it yet)
    [13] South Bend 1028
    [14] Bridgeport Series 1 - METAL NIBBLER 14

    Bob La Londe
    CNC Molds N Stuff

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  • From Bob La Londe@21:1/5 to Bob La Londe on Mon Aug 19 15:56:06 2024
    On 8/19/2024 3:54 PM, Bob La Londe wrote:
    I was getting some feedback from Lloyd Sponenburgh (spelling) earlier
    today over on the CamBam forums.  He's still around on-line, but he gave
    up on this group due to the high signal to noise ratio.  I guess he did check back in once just after we started getting slammed by the Thailand spammers pounding the group, and the server he used didn't filter them out.

    He bought a retrofit kit from Centroid for a Bridgeport Series one afew
    years ago.  Same model Bridgeport as the one I bought recently.  I was asking how he liked it now that he's had it a few years.  I'm neither
    like nor dislike Centroid.  I was just asking to round out my knowledge
    a little bit for when (if) I get the machine off the trailer and start working on it.

    In my efforts to be a little funny I referenced when I bought the Hurco
    KMB1 and started calling it Metal Nibbler 3.  If I only count "mills"
    this is Metal Nibbler 14.

    [1] Taig 2019CRER
    [2] Max NC5  - Sold
    [3] Hurco KMB1
    [4] Noodle Router - Scrap
    [5] RF30 - Sold
    [6] Charter Oak - Scrap!
    [7] Syil X4
    [8] Syil X5
    [9] Syil X5
    [10] Tormach  1100S3
    [11] Noname Mill Drill
    [12] Seig Clone in a box (literally haven't uncreated it yet)
    [13] South Bend 1028
    [14]  Bridgeport Series 1 - METAL NIBBLER 14

    Yes, metal nibbler 12 is a brand new mini mill still in the crate. I
    bought it some time ago with the intent to make a video series on making
    useful molds with a cheap import bench top manual mini milling machine.
    Then life just got to busy. Its still in the crate.

    Bob La Londe
    CNC Molds N Stuff

    This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

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