• SALEM'S LOT (no spoilers)

    From moviePig@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 6 17:13:54 2024
    XPost: rec.arts.tv

    Watching the new SALEM'S LOT on HBOMax, I was struck by its similarity
    to another recent -- and mediocre -- Stephen King adaptation, IT. Both productions seemed focused more on the story's events than on the mood
    (creepy) they're meant to evoke. Little surprise, then, to learn that
    IT's co-writer wrote and directed this. What's particularly galling is
    that Tobe Hooper's '79 version (PG, no less) is a masterly blueprint to
    SL's darkest scares, and seems to have been ignored. *This* outing, If
    I didn't know what *could've* been, I'd call minimally recommended.

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