• Re: hi any nazis here??

    From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Wed Dec 25 22:32:26 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky.

    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Wed Dec 25 22:37:20 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:36 am:
    In article <vkeasn$1rvt9$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Rob wrote on 24/12/24 11:28 pm:
    On 23-Dec-24 18:41:51 , The Doctor wrote:

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    What is "Paedohile" you illiterate imbecile
    and a brainless amoeba?

    Don't expect any answer to your question, Rob. I've asked/pointed it out
    before .... but got ZERO sense out of Gobble-de-gook (a.k.a. The Doctor).

    Don't indulge violent racist there Doggo Dannyboy!

    Ah!! Flexibility!! Rob WAS a "Paedohile" (whatever the fuck that is) but
    now it would seem he is a "violent racist"!!

    Is that PROGRESS??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 25 22:33:03 2024
    XPost: edm.general

    UHN5Y2hvdGljIE51dGpvYiBCdXN0ZXIgd3JvdGUgb24gMjUvMTIvMjQgODowNSBhbToNCj4g w4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4Pi gJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKC rMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMOD xpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCa w4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzF ocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aS w6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOC wqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHD g+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi 4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKg w4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4Pi gJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKC rMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMOD xpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCa w4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzF ocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aS w6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOC wqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHD g+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi 4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKg w4PGksOi4oKsxaEgDQo+IA0KPiDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4Pi gJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKC rMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMOD xpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCa w4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzF ocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aS w6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOC wqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaHD g+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKgw4PGksOi 4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4PigJrDgsKg w4PGksOi4oKsxaHDg+KAmsOCwqDDg8aSw6LigqzFocOD4oCaw4LCoMODxpLDouKCrMWhw4Pi gJrDgsKgw4PGksOi4oKsxaEgDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gIMKgVGhpcyB0cm9sbCBtdXN0IGJlIGRy dW5rIHRvIGR1bXAgc3VjaCBydWJiaXNoIGludG8gVXNlbmV0Lg0KPiANCkNvcnJlY3QhIQ0K LS0gDQpEYW5pZWwNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Wed Dec 25 12:21:32 2024
    XPost: edm.general

    In article <vkgqh6$2ckg0$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Psychotic Nutjob Buster wrote on 25/12/24 8:05 am:
    šÃ‚ Ã‚ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ã

    šÃ‚ Ã‚ Â Â Â

     This troll must be drunk to dump such rubbish into Usenet.


    Binaries for you.


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Wed Dec 25 12:22:14 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <vkgqpa$2clp5$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:36 am:
    In article <vkeasn$1rvt9$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Rob wrote on 24/12/24 11:28 pm:
    On 23-Dec-24 18:41:51 , The Doctor wrote:

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    What is "Paedohile" you illiterate imbecile
    and a brainless amoeba?

    Don't expect any answer to your question, Rob. I've asked/pointed it out >>> before .... but got ZERO sense out of Gobble-de-gook (a.k.a. The Doctor). >>> --

    Don't indulge violent racist there Doggo Dannyboy!

    Ah!! Flexibility!! Rob WAS a "Paedohile" (whatever the f*k that is) but
    now it would seem he is a "violent racist"!!

    Is that PROGRESS??

    REgress in you case Doggo Dannyboy.

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Wed Dec 25 20:10:30 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <leycnbW5OJ6TsvH6nZ2dnZfqnPYAAAAA@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    Go % !
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 26 19:05:56 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook
    unable to answer it??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Thu Dec 26 19:04:03 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Thu Dec 26 21:07:54 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jim@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Thu Dec 26 05:32:54 2024
    XPost: edm.general

    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <leycnbW5OJ6TsvH6nZ2dnZfqnPYAAAAA@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    Go % !

    Wipe your chin, binky.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 26 15:13:07 2024
    Daniel70 wrote:

    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you,

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to

    I believe the correct word is 'deported'.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Thu Dec 26 15:22:34 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <vkj2l9$2sl54$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>>> Ted  ><ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Thu Dec 26 15:23:21 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <vkj2oq$2sl54$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>,
    %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook >unable to answer it??

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ted@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 26 14:20:09 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.slack

    % wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <vkj2l9$2sl54$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>, >>>>>>>>>>> %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TedÂÂÂÂÂ
    <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to

    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    he's suckin on his Gobble-de-gook

    You give good blumpkins, you put the heat on the
    meat and the drool on the stool.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Idlehands@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 26 15:29:40 2024
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ever after.

    "Do you make a habit of shitting in newsgroups? This is not
    rational behavior."

    (Binky failed to answer this question)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Fri Dec 27 00:37:21 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <NrqdnQs6BNROAfD6nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <eR2cneAJ2o5HP_T6nZ2dnZfqnPhh4p2d@giganews.com>, >>>>>>>>>> %  <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Ted wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article
    <1813d7fda52cf792$62651$364562$2add206e@news.thecubenet.com>, >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ted  <ted.street@yahoo.net> wrote:


    Give up the stupid pedo lames and answer the question, Binky. >>>>>>>>>>>
    but we're still going steady , right

    What do you expect from Ted the NAMBLA Paedohile?

    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook
    unable to answer it??

    now he's hooked on one word what a usenet rookie

    Go % !
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Fri Dec 27 19:13:38 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:
    In article <vkj2oq$2sl54$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:


    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook
    unable to answer it??

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Fri Dec 27 22:08:09 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:22 am:
    In article <vkj2l9$2sl54$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:


    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??
    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Why would I have to be drunk to ask THAT question, Gobble-de-gook??

    If I were SOBER, Gobble-de-gook, would I only be able to ask SIMPLE
    questions, Gobble-de-gook??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Fri Dec 27 22:10:42 2024
    Blueshirt wrote on 27/12/24 2:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>, Daniel70
    <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to

    I believe the correct word is 'deported'.

    Yeah ...... No matter how often Gobble-de-gook denies that, it seems the
    most likely reason.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Fri Dec 27 22:13:34 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:24 am:
    In article <vkj9th$2u3m8$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:


    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Well, I might HAVE to be an idiot to expect a sensical answer from YOU, Gobble-de-gook!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to Idlehands on Fri Dec 27 22:18:05 2024
    Idlehands wrote on 27/12/24 9:29 am:
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ever after.

    Or, maybe, his Mother ONLY communicates with Gobble-de-gook when she is p155ed!!

    It would make sense. ;-P

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From jojo@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 13:35:40 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    Daniel70 wrote:
    jojo wrote on 19/12/24 6:32 am:
    % wrote:
    jojo wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <vjubof$297d2$1@dont-email.me>, Daniel70
    <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:


    Gee Whiz, Gobble-de-gook, YOU usually rely on Aggy for
    support (but rarely get it), so are YOU, Gobble-de-gook, now
    inviting Janithor to support YOU, Gobble-de-gook?? -- Daniel

    Nope, just to make you suffer.

    guys i dont understand your conversation flow?

    then stay out of it

    this is my thread, i made this thread.

    This *IS* UseNet. Seems you just have to put up with whoever
    replies to your post .... and what garbage they post here!!

    Some people will do anything to get some attention!!

    well i mean, all are welcome, but i built this castle and should
    not be told to vacate it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Fri Dec 27 15:41:25 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <vklnja$3gfbn$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:
    In article <vkj2oq$2sl54$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:


    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook >>> unable to answer it??

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Get stuffed with Idlehands and Dr.wtf Doogo Dannyboy!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Fri Dec 27 15:44:36 2024
    In article <vkm24k$3iktk$3@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:24 am:
    In article <vkj9th$2u3m8$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:


    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada?? >>>>>>>>
    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Well, I might HAVE to be an idiot to expect a sensical answer from YOU, >Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Fri Dec 27 15:43:42 2024
    In article <vkm1qi$3iktk$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:22 am:
    In article <vkj2l9$2sl54$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:


    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??
    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Why would I have to be drunk to ask THAT question, Gobble-de-gook??

    If I were SOBER, Gobble-de-gook, would I only be able to ask SIMPLE >questions, Gobble-de-gook??

    Because you must be drunk to believe the deporation line.


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Fri Dec 27 15:45:16 2024
    In article <vkm2d6$3ipj1$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Idlehands wrote on 27/12/24 9:29 am:
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ^^^^^<-paedohile noted
    ever after.

    Or, maybe, his Mother ONLY communicates with Gobble-de-gook when she is >p155ed!!

    It would make sense. ;-P

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Fri Dec 27 15:45:40 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <u9-cnaTGVcASWfP6nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:
    In article <vkj2oq$2sl54$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:


    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks
    everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to >>>>>>>>>> Canada??

    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook >>>> unable to answer it??

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    there he goes lapping at his Gobble-de-gook!! again

    Noted % !
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Fri Dec 27 15:46:12 2024
    In article <u9-cnabGVcCYWPP6nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    Blueshirt wrote on 27/12/24 2:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 11:21 pm:
    In article <vkgqg4$2ckg0$1@dont-email.me>, Daniel70
    <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I believe the correct word is 'deported'.

    Yeah ...... No matter how often Gobble-de-gook denies that, it seems the
    most likely reason.

    like you could reason anything Gobble-de-gook!!

    Go % !
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Fri Dec 27 15:47:13 2024
    In article <u9-cnaDGVcCkWPP6nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    Idlehands wrote on 27/12/24 9:29 am:
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ever after.

    Or, maybe, his Mother ONLY communicates with Gobble-de-gook when she is

    It would make sense. ;-P

    no it wouldn't Gobble-de-gook!!

    Lying Idlehands the paedophile is the stuffing for Doggo Dannyboy!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Fri Dec 27 16:37:04 2024
    XPost: aus.politics, edm.general

    In article <lI-dnW6IzJ_IUPP6nZ2dnZfqn_idnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <u9-cnaTGVcASWfP6nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:
    In article <vkj2oq$2sl54$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    % wrote on 26/12/24 3:13 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 1:45 am:
    In article <vkechi$1sekv$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 25/12/24 12:01 am:
    In article <vkds7f$1oob9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Ted wrote on 24/12/24 6:08 pm:


    Poor Binky was molested by his pappy so now he thinks >>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone is a pedo.

    Ah!! So that's the reason.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to >>>>>>>>>>>> Canada??

    MUst you be drunk while posting Dannyboy?

    Answer the Question, Gobble-de-gook!!

    You must be drunk to post such a question Doggo Dannyboy!

    Aww!! Is my question too difficult for you, Gobble-de-gook??

    not at all it's just stupid like most of what you say

    If that is the case ('it's just stupid'), Why, Oh Why, is Gobble-de-gook >>>>>> unable to answer it??

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    there he goes lapping at his Gobble-de-gook!! again

    Noted % !

    you wanna notice something ,
    check out that indentation ,
    in his cranium area

    Caused by Idlehands! Got you!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Idlehands@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 15:52:38 2024
    On 2024-12-27 1:13 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Poor little binky, always hiding behind others, too cowardly to directly address someone.

    Will he ever do anything for himself, what ever will he do when mummy
    and daddy are gone?

    "Do you make a habit of shitting in newsgroups? This is not
    rational behavior."

    (Binky failed to answer this question)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Idlehands@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 15:54:42 2024
    On 2024-12-27 4:18 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    Idlehands wrote on 27/12/24 9:29 am:
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ever after.

    Or, maybe, his Mother ONLY communicates with Gobble-de-gook when she is p155ed!!

    It would make sense. ;-P

    I think binky's reaction whenever someone mentions alcohol reflects
    directly on his home life.

    If I realized the end result of drinking was conceiving a child like
    binky I would swear off it for life.

    "Do you make a habit of shitting in newsgroups? This is not
    rational behavior."

    (Binky failed to answer this question)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Sat Dec 28 00:38:24 2024
    In article <Ow2dnXmNjJJioPL6nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Idlehands wrote:
    On 2024-12-27 1:13 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Poor little binky, always hiding behind others, too cowardly to directly
    ^^^^^<-paedophile IDlehands noted.

    address someone.

    Will he ever do anything for himself, what ever will he do when mummy
    and daddy are gone?

    do you inhale Gobble-de-gook!!

    He must after all IDlehands is Dannyoboy's tuffing.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy New Year 2025

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 28 19:56:12 2024
    % wrote on 28/12/24 2:17 am:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:24 am:
    In article <vkj9th$2u3m8$2@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70  <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:


    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Still waiting, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Well, I might HAVE to be an idiot to expect a sensical answer from
    YOU, Gobble-de-gook!!

    hegot and answer from your Gobble-de-gook!!

    "hegot?? "and answer"??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Sat Dec 28 20:00:12 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 28/12/24 2:45 am:
    In article <vkm2d6$3ipj1$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Idlehands wrote on 27/12/24 9:29 am:
    On 2024-12-26 3:07 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:

    You must be drunk to ask that question.

    Is that also the reason him and Mummy moved from England to Canada??

    I think drinking is how binky was conceived and why his mummy abstains
    ^^^^^<-paedohile noted
    Hey, Gobble-de-gook, how does Idlehands calling YOU 'binky' supposedly
    identify Idlehands as a 'paedohile' (whatever the hell that is!!), Gobble-de-gook??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to Idlehands on Sat Dec 28 20:09:33 2024
    Idlehands wrote on 28/12/24 9:52 am:
    On 2024-12-27 1:13 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Poor little binky, always hiding behind others, too cowardly to directly address someone.

    Wrongo, Idlehands, Gobble-de-gook will address someone/anyone ALL THE
    TIME!! I mean he HAS to get his All-Important Precious Post Count up

    Will he ever do anything for himself, what ever will he do when mummy
    and daddy are gone?

    Well, hopefully, He'll be gone (from here, at least) when they've gone
    from this mortal-coil, too!!

    I mean, with ZERO paying customers for his ISP business, how will he
    ever pay the power-bills!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Sat Dec 28 20:11:38 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 28/12/24 11:38 am:
    In article <Ow2dnXmNjJJioPL6nZ2dnZfqn_SdnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Idlehands wrote:
    On 2024-12-27 1:13 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 27/12/24 2:23 am:

    Looks like % is hunting you down Doggo Dannyboy!

    Owww!! I'm quivering in my boots, Gobble-de-gook!!

    Poor little binky, always hiding behind others, too cowardly to directly
    ^^^^^<-paedophile IDlehands noted.

    address someone.

    Will he ever do anything for himself, what ever will he do when mummy
    and daddy are gone?

    do you inhale Gobble-de-gook!!

    He must after all IDlehands is Dannyoboy's tuffing.

    "IDlehands"?? "Dannyoboy's"?? "tuffing"??


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)