• LNH: Most Important Superhero Team Ever #Most Important Number One

    From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to Drew Perron on Mon Jul 8 14:10:18 2024
    Drew Perron <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 05:25 this Monday (GMT):
    On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 2:10 PM Arthur Spitzer <arspitzer2@gmail.com> wrote:

    The RACCCON 2024 Presents:



    *** ONE ISSUE EVER ***

    Oh shit, I better pay attention to this extremely important issue :o

    [Cover: There was a Cover That was The Most Important Cover Ever!
    And THIS — Was that cover!!!]

    It's not just a tribute!?

    Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy there's an Earth that's
    kind of like Earth. Let's call it Basically Earth.

    Love it, cutting to the chase

    But is it "mostly harmless"

    And on this
    Basically Earth there was a man that no matter how badly he screwed
    up always got rewarded for it.


    Teachers were incredibly impressed by him failing even the
    most simplest of tasks and just had to have him skip grade after
    grade. By the age of eight he had failed his way into High School.
    And by ten, he had failed his way to a College Degree. By fourteen
    -- a Doctorate. By eighteen, he needed a challenge so he joined
    the Marines.

    Wow. X3

    There are a lot of jokes I can make here about real people but I don't
    wana offend anyone..

    And so he became The Drill Sergeant Failup. And then Captain
    Failup. And then Major Failup. And Eventually by the Age of 22
    --Supreme General Failup of all Earth's armies in the battle
    against The Christicanthinkupagoodname Intergalactic Empire
    (a space empire made up various conquered alien species headed
    by a race of highly intelligent and very adorable looking koalas).

    I remember them! :D <3

    Which didn't go very well for Basically Earth and so Supreme
    General Failup need to be promoted once again.


    And that's how he became the new leader of Basically Earth's
    Most Important Superhero Team Ever -- which also happened to be
    the team's name.

    Oh no. X3

    The BEMISTE?

    "Arrrghhhhh!!! I can't believe this idiot is our new leader!!"
    raged Great-Utopia-Plans-If Anyone-Would-Listen Lass.

    XD XD XD I feel like I know her already

    "He lost
    the war! And in less than a week at that!! We're being ruled
    by Super Intelligent Koalas!!"

    At least it wasn't the 7 hour war

    "Yeah, have you seen them on TV? They're so adorable!"
    said Close Attention Lad.

    I'm okay with this! :D

    Great-Utopia-Plans-If Anyone-Would-Listen Lass just glared
    at Close Attention Lad. "God. I'm going in there. And I'm
    going to tell him all these great ideas I have to change the
    world for the better. And I don't care if he doesn't listen
    to me! I don't care!! No, I really, really don't!!!!"


    I love the trope of someone being like "I don't care >:(" while they
    clearly care a lot :D

    "Well," said Close Attention Lad backing slightly away as
    if he had seen this same movie many times before. "Good Luck
    with that."

    Mmmmmhm. X>

    And, yes, I know you're probably going to say -- Is a
    Utopia even possible -- a world where ever single person is happy?
    And, yes, that probably isn't actually possible. What I'm
    thinking of is more like a Comfortopia type World. I mean, take me
    for instance -- I have everything I could possiblly need -- a
    nice house, clothes, a loving boyfriend, and all kinds of
    other material junk that I really don't need. I have
    everything and none of it makes me happy! I'm very miserable.
    And that's sort of what I want to the rest of the world.
    Even the most unlucky, unfortunate soul should have my level
    of comfort. And will that make them happy? Probably not.
    But that's life!"

    Damn, well-made point, girl. X>

    Wow, that's one shiny paperclip! Man, what do people use
    these things for? I guess that's one of those questions that no
    one really knows the answer to." General Failup had a rather
    intense philosophical look on his face.

    omfg dude XD

    has he never had to file papers before

    "Okay. It's not your fault. It's my power. It's my curse.
    I have all these amazing ways to make the world so much better
    than it is, but my powers cause everyone to not pay any attention
    to anything I ever say.

    Oh shit. Cassandra'd. :o

    My boyfriend Close Attention Lad is the
    only one who ever listens to me and he has to really use his
    powers very hard to do that.

    awwwww <3

    I mean sure it does have its uses
    in distracting people and I can use my power to sneak into places
    because people refuse to pay attention to..."

    Oooooh, yes good, love creative uses of dumb powers (I mean,
    obviously, I write LNH)!

    Reminds me of the "not my problem field" from Hitchhikers Guide lol

    How about I just call you Yappy Lass. Is that fine?"

    "No. That's absolutely not..."

    "Okay. Yappy Lass it is.

    X3;;; oh noooooo

    I don't know why people keep putting me in
    these assignments. I guess getting jobs that I'm incredibly
    unqualified for getting paid a lot of money is my burden to bear.

    I hate him so much X3; I know I shouldn't but

    seems like a natural response..

    Look. I imagine I'm not going to be here that long. After I
    fail some missions here I'll probably move onto something way
    better than this stupid gig. Perhaps I'll eventually be made
    like Emperor of the Looniverse or something like that."

    jfc X3

    maybe his power is just insane luck

    I mean some of the
    ideas might be a little ethically problematic -- like the one
    about Brainwashing certain difficult world leaders. But, hey,
    sometimes you have to brainwash World Leaders! Sometimes you
    just need to do that!!"

    I mean, that's way better than brainwashing basically anyone else

    id say its way worse since youre destroying the foundation of politics

    "Read?" Supreme General Failup began to look very
    uncomfortable. "Not really my thing. Hey, maybe you could make
    a bunch of fun TikTok videos to convey all these great ideas
    you have. Maybe have some cute animals do dance moves in them.
    I really like those!"

    Great-Utopia-Plans-If Anyone-Would-Listen Lass balled her
    hand into a fist and felt this great urge to punch the World.

    Big mood. X>;;;

    yeahh tiktok sucks

    "EXACTLY!" the caped figure declared, slamming his fist
    down on the table and bringing up the lights on the assembled
    former silhouettes, who blinked for a moment before the lights
    went off again.

    "We really ought to get around to paying that electricity
    bill," one of the silhouettes said.


    Ohh, so that's why villains lairs always have dramatic lighting!

    "The General has failed so many times -- so many, many
    times -- that very soon his powers will wrap right around again
    and cause him to succeed! And we! Cannot! Let! That! HAPPEN!"

    O shit, that's so stupid it might actually be smart

    integer overflow?

    "It would be difficult to describe... difficult for anyone
    else even to comprehend. Anyone who lacks..." Suspenseful music
    began playing before someone realized it was his ring tone and
    quickly shut it down.


    "First," the Board Vision said, "I will manifest greatness."

    Applause broke out again.

    "Second," the Board Vision continued, "second, I will visualize

    This time, the board broke into a standing ovation.

    "And finally," the Board Vision said, "I will maximize my core
    competencies in order to bring about meaningful, sustainable

    The applause that followed was so prolonged and enthusiastic
    that three board members passed out, while another's head exploded.


    X3 Oh god it's way too familiar. At least he didn't start saying he
    was on a mission, with a vision

    then everyone would die?

    The surviving board members took the hint, each choosing
    to look in another direction so that the Board Vision could quietly
    depart using the back door.


    "And now," the Board Vision said, once he had progressed
    far enough down the stairwell that he was fairly certain no one
    could hear him, "now it is time to spring my trap -- a plan so
    diabolically inept, so utterly and completely dysfunctional, that
    it would be impossible for even the greatest imbecile in
    human history to fail... which will force Supreme General FailUp
    to succeed... which will become his greatest failure... and my
    revenge will be complete!"

    He paused, several steps later. "I guess I should have said
    that upstairs," he said before continuing.

    X3 X3 X3 Amazing

    be more careful where you do your evil gloating! >:(

    "This just in," said the announcer, a summer intern who had
    waited his entire life to say those words. "This afternoon, at
    precisely two p.m., a naked man sprinted across the infield at
    Tropicana Stadium holding a huge sign that said 'Most Important
    Super-Team Ever! I Plan to Steal All the Palladium...' "

    "And?" his co-anchor asked.

    "That was it," the announcer said. "But at exactly the same
    time, a naked man sprinted through the middle of the Charlotte
    stock exchange carrying a sign that said 'From Fort McHenry,
    Using My Giant Robot!' "

    "Wow," said his co-anchor, a strikingly attractive brunette
    woman. "It's almost as though someone wanted to publicize some
    kind of event without having to pay for it! This raises all kinds
    of questions!"

    It really does. XD

    using the media to their advantage, smart

    "Actually," his co-anchor said, "I was going to say, 'Where
    would anyone find so many naked sprinters so close to the Olympics?'
    And that's a lead-in to today's sports report. Over to you, Gil!"

    XD XD XD


    "And it was while watching the bombardment of this very fort
    that prisoner of war Francis Scott Key was inspired to write a poem
    that would become our national anthem," a tour guide told a crowd
    of enthusiastic visitors. "Does anybody have any questions?"

    Wait, there's a national anthem?

    "WHERE IS YOUR PALLADIUM?" the giant robot roared.

    "Oooh, here at the National Parks, we raise our hands!" the
    tour guide said.

    X3 X3 X3

    I love the trope of the evil bad guys still having to follow basic rules

    "Yes? Little boy in the back?"

    "Why would a country founded on liberty choose as its national
    anthem a song written by a slave holder that celebrates the
    institution of slavery?"

    "Good question, good questions all," the tour guide said.
    "I'll go with the metal man first.

    Yeah, that's what I fuckin thought

    Are robots a normal thing in this world?

    (also, was some of the post snipped here?)

    "I guess," said Supreme General Failup not too thrilled at the
    prospect of leaving his comfy desk. "Well, then. Everyone to the
    Monster Important Truck!!"

    Oooooh, yes please

    The robot stomped its way down the halls. Its body was a
    seven-foot-tall rectangular wonder of spinning dials, blinking
    lights and aperatures that opened and closed constantly, each
    apparently hiding some sort of weapon, probing device or (in one
    case) a packet of Slim Jims. Its head was a rotating fishbowl
    swirling with green mist with one fiery, unblinking eye hovering
    in its center. Its legs were metallic, misshapen, and several,
    giving the entire creature the appearance of a spider that had
    been partially, but not entirely, crushed by a vending machine.

    cooooooooool :o


    The mechanical monster tottered forward on its gleaming legs
    along the path laid for it by the tour guide, pausing only to
    purchase a shot glass and one of those squashed penny souvenirs
    from the Fort McHenry gift shop

    heeheehee, I'm imagining it turning the penny-squishing crank

    how else are you going to prove you visited?

    With a hideous grinding noise that sounded as if a dying
    jukebox had decided to take up gargling in its last moments, the
    robot opened up one of its aperatures, extended a long aluminum
    probe, and displayed an Authorized Visitor pass.


    "What's up, fanbase? Today we're slumming it in Baltimore
    for a visit to historic Fort McHenry, where those in my Platinum
    Plus Patreon categories will get to watch me make off with a small
    fortune in processed palladium!

    Oh I see. X>

    So THAT'S how they get funding.

    "Whoa! Plot twist! Have to admire the fire!" the young woman
    said, before pausing for nearly two minutes of coughing. "But it
    will take more than being a die-hard try-hard to overcome the
    feverish following of this doyenne of disease at the intersection of
    infection -- can I hear a shoutout from all y'all for the
    woman who puts the 'sick' back in 'success,' THE INFLUENZER!"

    What. XD Why. Oh no. X3;;;


    "Okay. My bad!" Supreme General Failup said while dusting
    himself off as he backed away from the blazing wreckage of
    The Monster Important Truck. "Although you probably shouldn't
    have let me do the driving. That's on you."

    Greta wondered how much trouble she'd get into if she
    murdered this moron.

    I'm sure it'll be fine, I'll help

    so will i

    But just as Clark took out his comm.thingee to try and get a
    backup vehicle, a mysterious black car zoomed next to them.

    They have names now :o

    "And you are?" said Greta with a very suspicious look.

    "Name Later."

    "Um, no. Name Now. Who are you?"

    Their names get revealed by the narration but this guy's keeping mum?? Suspicious indeed!!

    Missed opportunity for a "Who's on First" bit

    "We could, like, count the palladium while waiting for them to

    "VERY WELL," the robot said, as one of its aperatures irised
    open. "I BROUGHT TOTE BAGS."

    "Hey, yeah! The Influenzer and her chrome-plated compadre are
    reppin' recyclability, y'all!"

    X3 <3 Love it

    Anything for more views :D

    "FINALLY," the robot said, as the Influenzer found herself
    completely surrounded by several layers of durable paper.

    "What the hella uncool?" the Influenzer coughed. "You're not
    part of the Most Important Superhero Team!"

    "Not yet," admitted a young man dressed in a red bodysuit with
    a stylized image of two silver hands holding an iPhone. "But
    today... justice comes wrapped up like a birthday present, courtesy

    X3 Okay that one I love

    That is so dumb its clever what

    robot asked.

    "That would be my guess," the Influenzer wheezed.

    "Only when I'm thinking of something awful," Doomscroller
    admitted. "Like just now, when I'm... damn! Can't get that
    Dua Lipa song out of my head! It's just so darn catchy!"


    I'm going to guess that's a really bad artist?

    WOULD LISTEN LASS," the robot explained. "THEY'RE ALL MADE BY

    The Doomscroller looked confused.


    "You need to work on that," the Influenzer mumbled through a
    hacking cough.

    XD XD XD Wow, I love it

    WITHOUT A ROOF," the robot sang.

    "I really have to stop explaining how my powers work to every
    villain I meet," Doomscroller muttered.

    X3 Delightful

    but how will the audience know?

    "No," the Influenzer coughed. "I mean, YOU -- robot you --
    need to stop reciting the lyrics from copyrighted songs. I can't
    afford to have YouTube ban me again."


    woooo copyright strikes!!

    "WAIT," the robot said. "THE HEROES HAVE ARRIVED!"

    "Really?" Doomscroller asked, turning in the direction of the

    "NO," the robot said, hitting Doomscroller over the head with
    a tote bag packed with palladium.


    oh my good golly look timmy fell down the well again

    "I thought you were going for irony," Influenzer said, as the
    robot began cutting through the thick paper surrounding her.

    "MY ATTACK MAY NOT HAVE BEEN IRONIC," said the robot, as the
    Influenzer rubbed her arms and legs. "BUT IT WAS TOTES


    "And this is why I try to keep bots off my channel,"
    the Influenzer said.


    This will really hurt engagement :(

    "Oh, that's what you want? To save the world? But would
    you really -- if you could. Save the World." Name Later made
    his way onto the Washington/Baltimore Parkway.

    "Yes! Of course that's what I want! I'm a Hero! Heroes
    want to save the World!"

    I know, right??

    It is in the job description..

    "What? How did we...? It should be a least an hour drive?"
    she stepped out of black car. They were in the vault and they
    various super people hitting other super people with palladium.
    She had this really weird feeling.

    oooooh. :o

    time warppp

    And then an old redheaded man in a helicopter type suit
    that was completely made of palladium burst into the scene.
    "No no no! Stealing all of the Palladium in the World is my
    Thing! No one else is allowed to do this! Stop all this
    palladium manhandling at once!" And then he focused his finger --
    his Palladium Finger -- on some super people who were busy
    swinging palladium sacks. And palladium became alive.

    Oh my god. X3

    "This is my endearing character quirk!"

    Absolute mayhem filled the vault. General Failup continued
    his assault on the robot, who (which?) seemed unscathed.

    Either way, really

    Utopian Plans If Anyone Would Listen Lass plaintively explained
    her latest idea for world harmony to the Influenza's army of
    listeners, unaware that the Influenza was punctuating her speech
    with an array of filters, snarky pop-up emojis and sounds of

    Gasp! X3

    it does help retention..

    "WE SURRENDER," the robot chirped, a small white flag
    emerging from its rectangular body. "YOU HAVE PREVAILED AGAINST

    "Wait, what?" coughed the Influenzer.

    "I don't remember signing on for this," said Palladium Finger.


    "We... we won?" General Failup said.

    And the room around him suddenly imploded...

    :D >:D >:D

    Soo they're dead?

    Gone were the two-inch press-on nails, the three-inch
    eyelash extensions and the five-inch stiletto heels. The
    woman who stood at the gravesite in flowing white robes
    and simple sandals spoke not in the lilting, singsong
    timbre of a professional YouTuber but rather in the hushed,
    reverent tones of a devotee.


    huh? what just

    "But he showed me the light!" the Influenzer said. "He
    taught me that yes, faiure is an option! The only option!
    That in a world where all of us are marked for the grave since
    birth, where we bask in the rays of a sun that is doomed to
    collapse, in a universe whose days are numbered and dwindling
    -- in a world where even the tattoos we wear today as a celebration
    of friendship or eternal love, or our trillonth follower, no one
    is counting, will someday fade and stretch themselves across our
    tired, sagging, bloated bodies -- then embracing the power of
    failure is the key to unlocking our true potential! The potential
    to accept ourselves as the dismal, miserable souls living in
    quiet desperation that Thoreau -- and our blessed Supreme
    General -- showed us we could be, if we only opened our eyes!"

    ...huh. X3 That's a philosophy

    To be fair, failure is how you learn..not succeeding is a really bad
    thing tho

    "This just in," said a former summer intern for the local
    news station, who had resigned his position several days earlier
    in order to join the burgeoning cult that had formed around the
    late leader of the Most Important Superhero Team. "Our beloved
    General has just been canonized as a saint!"

    "Was he even Catholic?" Doomscroller whispered to Greta,
    who covered her face with her hands.

    X3;;; jfc

    Does it matter at this point?

    "I know," Doomscroller said, placing his hand on her
    shoulder. "He was like a father to me, too. In fact, my own
    father feels the same way, even though they never met. Which I
    guess means that my father and I are kind of like brothers now.
    Which feels weird. But also kind of nice. But mostly weird."

    XD XD XD

    wait what

    "All I cared about was palladium," said Palladium Finger,
    who had ascended to the microphone after the Influenzer left to
    thank her sponsors. "I had my reasons. Chief among them was
    that anything I aimed my finger at turned to palladium.

    I mean, that'll do it

    wait so why didn't they just make their own instead of stealing it

    would not believe the number of traffic accidents I caused by
    flipping off truckers before I realized what was happening. And
    don't get me started on trips to the bath..." he began, before
    noticing Doomscroller shaking his head.


    Wait, liquid palladium?

    "His holy wisdom... left behind for all of us
    in these many, many indexed folders, praise be to the Prophet..

    Ohohoho, all right, all right

    ... turn everyone into living statues of palladium (really sorry
    about those two members of the chorus, by the way, though you
    actually sound better without them)


    Influenzer does have a trillion followers!"

    "There aren't even a trillion people on this damn planet!
    Most of those are bots!

    I've been thinking it. X>

    Well those bots might like his content :(

    And yes, even if I get absolutely no credit for any of this --
    it's the World becoming a better place that is the real goal.


    "All of this. All of these coincidences that just led to
    all this. What if this is someone's Master Plan?"

    "Master Plan? That's a bit crazy, don't you think?"

    "Is it? What if this whole palladium heist was just a ruse?
    What if all those supervillians and that Doomscroller -- what if
    this is part of the plan? And what if Failup -- was also in on it?"

    GASP!! :o

    oh no

    "Umm, or maybe you just can't accept that after years of
    people refusing to listen to any of your ideas that now that
    they're accepting them -- you just can't handle this acceptance?"

    Maybe. ^^;

    "Thanks to the news reports of an assault on the United
    States' palladium reserves, the international price of palladium
    skyrocketed -- which was very, very good for myself and my fellow
    oligarchs," said Vladimir Putin.

    GASP. >:o


    "And what do rich Russian oligarchs do with their money?
    Spend it on weapons, of course!" grinned beloved Muppet and
    secret international arms dealer Bert, before launching into
    his characteristic staccato laugh.

    :o Slander of an innocent Muppet!!

    wait what muppets are a thing in this world?

    "A divided planet of bitter, disillusioned primates
    aching for a path forward," cooed Vice Marshall Cuddlepuff
    of the Christicantthinkofagoodname Empire. "And to think
    ... we didn't even have to come up with one. That delusional
    utopian woman gave us the very thing in several dozen
    color-coded binders, which the masses are now accepting
    as sacred writ."

    GASP!!! >:o >:o >:o She was totally right!!!!

    And right as all the villains were having a big laugh --
    Close Attention Lad stormed into the room.

    "She knows! She's figured it all out! The gig's up!! We're
    all screwed!"

    OH SHIT :o

    is that a good thing or

    And then he paused a bit, "Actually, now that I
    think about a bit more -- she's figured out that you're all in on
    it. But she doesn't know about me so... Sorry Guys!"

    XD Well

    i still have an out!!

    And then Close Attention Lad's eyes blazed red and he started
    levitating off the floor.

    Holy shit??

    Greta took off this wrist band she was wearing. A wrist
    band made of Myopium -- the one thing that could weaken his
    Close Attention powers!


    "How could you do this? I trusted you!"

    "Well, maybe you didn't completely trust me," he said
    gesturing at the Myopium wrist band.

    "Okay, fair point. I guess I've been in loads of bad
    relationships and so that's made me cynical about pretty much


    trauma does that to you

    "See, that's the thing," Greta said. "To say that you want
    to help me build a world where people can believe and trust in
    each other -- and then to do that by creating a massive
    worldwide conspiracy with some of the planet's most evil people
    (did you really just kill Bert?).


    ends justify the means

    I mean, that's as backwards as... as..."

    "Trying to win by failing?" Close Attention Lad said.

    !!! O shit :o

    dun dun dun

    "But... you died! You imploded! I was there!"

    "Oh, that guy? Yeah, you were totally right about me making
    a clone of myself. He was actually the third or fourth -- I mean,
    those things are really good at dying. But I had to do it.
    It was the only way this whole crazy plan could work."

    Holy cow

    oh hey i called it

    Greta's eyes opened wide. "You mean... you deliberately set
    about becoming the opposite of everything I love and care about...
    because it was the only way we could be together?"

    "Is that not love?" Clark asked.

    baby dont hurt me

    "I... I don't know," Greta said. "Kiss me before any of this
    starts to make sense."

    And he did.

    Hmmmmm. @.@ Fascinating...

    All characters here created by either me or Rob
    and sometimes both of us.

    Well, okay — James "Jimmy" DeSanta and
    Bert were probably not created by us.

    And probably also not Putin.

    Dangit, Arthur, you've been dodging the blame for creating Putin all this time!

    he escaped into the real world D:

    Okay. Another RACCCon Story (Does this count
    as a RACCCon? Well, Rob’s kids kind of participated in
    it — so why not.)

    I say: YES. :D

    This was written over a two day period.
    I kind of wish we had made some more Most Important
    Super Hero Team Ever heroes since I assume there
    would have to be more than the three that appeared
    in this issue — but then again not enough to actually
    create them and put them in the story. So, you do
    what you do.

    X3 Fair!

    Will, there be another issue? Probably not, but Rob
    and me have made all these characters free for use.
    So, if you want to go for it! This issue does take some
    where in the Looniverse. I assume Basically Earth is
    some where in the Milky Way galaxy.

    That makes sense! I wonder if I can fit in at least a mention...


    Rob read this entire story to his kids and I took a video
    of it. So, assuming Rob’s kids are okay it going on to
    YouTube maybe you’ll see that someday.

    Ooooo, yes please!

    that sounds cute :D

    Drew "I really want to get in on one of these stories, one day" Nilium

    Same, but I suck at writing :P
    user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

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  • From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to Drew Nilium on Wed Jul 10 14:00:09 2024
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 04:26 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 7/8/24 10:10 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:
    Drew Perron <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 05:25 this Monday (GMT):
    On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 2:10 PM Arthur Spitzer <arspitzer2@gmail.com> wrote:
    Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy there's an Earth that's
    kind of like Earth. Let's call it Basically Earth.

    Love it, cutting to the chase

    But is it "mostly harmless"

    Probably not, considering how many superhumans there are

    True, there is a big concentration lol

    Teachers were incredibly impressed by him failing even the
    most simplest of tasks and just had to have him skip grade after
    grade. By the age of eight he had failed his way into High School.
    And by ten, he had failed his way to a College Degree. By fourteen
    -- a Doctorate. By eighteen, he needed a challenge so he joined
    the Marines.

    Wow. X3

    There are a lot of jokes I can make here about real people but I don't
    wana offend anyone..

    I think those people are just who the authors were thinking of~

    heh yea :D

    "He lost
    the war! And in less than a week at that!! We're being ruled
    by Super Intelligent Koalas!!"

    At least it wasn't the 7 hour war

    Watch out for the headkoalas!

    Gordon Freeman, I presume

    Great-Utopia-Plans-If Anyone-Would-Listen Lass just glared
    at Close Attention Lad. "God. I'm going in there. And I'm
    going to tell him all these great ideas I have to change the
    world for the better. And I don't care if he doesn't listen
    to me! I don't care!! No, I really, really don't!!!!"


    I love the trope of someone being like "I don't care >:(" while they
    clearly care a lot :D

    Yeah! X3

    yea :D

    Wow, that's one shiny paperclip! Man, what do people use
    these things for? I guess that's one of those questions that no
    one really knows the answer to." General Failup had a rather
    intense philosophical look on his face.

    omfg dude XD

    has he never had to file papers before

    He literally never has

    oh i was joking but ye alrigt ^^

    I don't know why people keep putting me in
    these assignments. I guess getting jobs that I'm incredibly
    unqualified for getting paid a lot of money is my burden to bear.

    I hate him so much X3; I know I shouldn't but

    seems like a natural response..

    It *really* does


    I mean some of the
    ideas might be a little ethically problematic -- like the one
    about Brainwashing certain difficult world leaders. But, hey,
    sometimes you have to brainwash World Leaders! Sometimes you
    just need to do that!!"

    I mean, that's way better than brainwashing basically anyone else

    id say its way worse since youre destroying the foundation of politics

    Pretty sure the ones she's thinking of are the ones who already destroyed the foundation of politics to get in...

    oh then alright :)

    "EXACTLY!" the caped figure declared, slamming his fist
    down on the table and bringing up the lights on the assembled
    former silhouettes, who blinked for a moment before the lights
    went off again.

    "We really ought to get around to paying that electricity
    bill," one of the silhouettes said.


    Ohh, so that's why villains lairs always have dramatic lighting!


    Wasted all their money on elaborate plans and stuff :D

    "The General has failed so many times -- so many, many
    times -- that very soon his powers will wrap right around again
    and cause him to succeed! And we! Cannot! Let! That! HAPPEN!"

    O shit, that's so stupid it might actually be smart

    integer overflow?

    YES. :D


    X3 Oh god it's way too familiar. At least he didn't start saying he
    was on a mission, with a vision

    then everyone would die?


    kaboom :D
    (is that like a reference to something)

    "Wow," said his co-anchor, a strikingly attractive brunette
    woman. "It's almost as though someone wanted to publicize some
    kind of event without having to pay for it! This raises all kinds
    of questions!"

    It really does. XD

    using the media to their advantage, smart

    Media *and* nudity! n.n

    "And it was while watching the bombardment of this very fort
    that prisoner of war Francis Scott Key was inspired to write a poem
    that would become our national anthem," a tour guide told a crowd
    of enthusiastic visitors. "Does anybody have any questions?"

    Wait, there's a national anthem?

    ...y-yeah o3o;

    Is it like an actual audio file irl?

    "Oooh, here at the National Parks, we raise our hands!" the
    tour guide said.

    X3 X3 X3

    I love the trope of the evil bad guys still having to follow basic rules


    yea :D

    "Good question, good questions all," the tour guide said.
    "I'll go with the metal man first.

    Yeah, that's what I fuckin thought

    Are robots a normal thing in this world?

    It's a superhero world so probably

    (also, was some of the post snipped here?)

    Yeah, I didn't quote it all! For the whole thing: https://lists.eyrie.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/racc@lists.eyrie.org/thread/JLCUV6CCQ3CQWRFZ4KJ4XCRUIUZHAJ5Y/

    ah, thx

    The mechanical monster tottered forward on its gleaming legs
    along the path laid for it by the tour guide, pausing only to
    purchase a shot glass and one of those squashed penny souvenirs
    from the Fort McHenry gift shop

    heeheehee, I'm imagining it turning the penny-squishing crank

    how else are you going to prove you visited?

    yessssss. :D

    personally i really like the flattened penny souvineers ^^

    "Whoa! Plot twist! Have to admire the fire!" the young woman
    said, before pausing for nearly two minutes of coughing. "But it
    will take more than being a die-hard try-hard to overcome the
    feverish following of this doyenne of disease at the intersection of
    infection -- can I hear a shoutout from all y'all for the
    woman who puts the 'sick' back in 'success,' THE INFLUENZER!"

    What. XD Why. Oh no. X3;;;


    Because "flu" is short for "influenza". X>

    oh ok ^^ i've never really heard it said befor lol

    "And you are?" said Greta with a very suspicious look.

    "Name Later."

    "Um, no. Name Now. Who are you?"

    Their names get revealed by the narration but this guy's keeping mum??
    Suspicious indeed!!

    Missed opportunity for a "Who's on First" bit

    Dang, you're right

    "Not yet," admitted a young man dressed in a red bodysuit with
    a stylized image of two silver hands holding an iPhone. "But
    today... justice comes wrapped up like a birthday present, courtesy

    X3 Okay that one I love

    That is so dumb its clever what

    That's the LNH, baby! :D


    WITHOUT A ROOF," the robot sang.

    "I really have to stop explaining how my powers work to every
    villain I meet," Doomscroller muttered.

    X3 Delightful

    but how will the audience know?

    Excellent point, keep doing it

    yeah :D (i assume theres not a lot of fourth wall breaking stuff right)

    "I thought you were going for irony," Influenzer said, as the
    robot began cutting through the thick paper surrounding her.

    "MY ATTACK MAY NOT HAVE BEEN IRONIC," said the robot, as the
    Influenzer rubbed her arms and legs. "BUT IT WAS TOTES


    :D :D :D

    :D :D :D

    And then an old redheaded man in a helicopter type suit
    that was completely made of palladium burst into the scene.
    "No no no! Stealing all of the Palladium in the World is my
    Thing! No one else is allowed to do this! Stop all this
    palladium manhandling at once!" And then he focused his finger --
    his Palladium Finger -- on some super people who were busy
    swinging palladium sacks. And palladium became alive.

    Oh my god. X3

    "This is my endearing character quirk!"


    Gone were the two-inch press-on nails, the three-inch
    eyelash extensions and the five-inch stiletto heels. The
    woman who stood at the gravesite in flowing white robes
    and simple sandals spoke not in the lilting, singsong
    timbre of a professional YouTuber but rather in the hushed,
    reverent tones of a devotee.


    huh? what just

    I snipped a bunch there. X>

    ah ok ^^" can u put a snip marker so its less confusing?

    "Our beloved
    General has just been canonized as a saint!"

    "Was he even Catholic?" Doomscroller whispered to Greta,
    who covered her face with her hands.

    X3;;; jfc

    Does it matter at this point?

    Seems like no!

    who cares about things like "what happened before" when we have a
    dramatic moment to do!!

    "All I cared about was palladium," said Palladium Finger,
    who had ascended to the microphone after the Influenzer left to
    thank her sponsors. "I had my reasons. Chief among them was
    that anything I aimed my finger at turned to palladium.

    I mean, that'll do it

    wait so why didn't they just make their own instead of stealing it

    That's an excellent question. I think they just figured, when you get superpowers, you gotta commit themed crimes

    true, you gotta get that theming in to get brand opportunities

    Influenzer does have a trillion followers!"

    "There aren't even a trillion people on this damn planet!
    Most of those are bots!

    I've been thinking it. X>

    Well those bots might like his content :(


    "And what do rich Russian oligarchs do with their money?
    Spend it on weapons, of course!" grinned beloved Muppet and
    secret international arms dealer Bert, before launching into
    his characteristic staccato laugh.

    :o Slander of an innocent Muppet!!

    wait what muppets are a thing in this world?


    ok sure why not

    Greta's eyes opened wide. "You mean... you deliberately set
    about becoming the opposite of everything I love and care about...
    because it was the only way we could be together?"

    "Is that not love?" Clark asked.

    baby dont hurt me


    dont hurt me no more

    Drew "I really want to get in on one of these stories, one day" Nilium

    Same, but I suck at writing :P

    That's okay, LNH writers don't have to be good! My first story was a pile of anime-inspired nonsense!

    Drew "with an extremely unfortunate Bob and George reference" Nilium

    yea yea ik just.. confidence issues lol
    user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to Drew Nilium on Mon Jul 15 02:50:08 2024
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 18:24 this Sunday (GMT):
    On 7/10/24 10:00 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 04:26 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 7/8/24 10:10 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:
    Drew Perron <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 05:25 this Monday (GMT):
    On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 2:10 PM Arthur Spitzer <arspitzer2@gmail.com> wrote:
    "We really ought to get around to paying that electricity
    bill," one of the silhouettes said.


    Ohh, so that's why villains lairs always have dramatic lighting!


    Wasted all their money on elaborate plans and stuff :D

    You can either have the lights on or destroy Pluto, you gotta prioritize

    And one of those is actually cool ;)

    X3 Oh god it's way too familiar. At least he didn't start saying he
    was on a mission, with a vision

    then everyone would die?


    kaboom :D
    (is that like a reference to something)

    Just generic corporate-speak. X>

    My favorite

    "And it was while watching the bombardment of this very fort >>>>>> that prisoner of war Francis Scott Key was inspired to write a poem >>>>>> that would become our national anthem," a tour guide told a crowd
    of enthusiastic visitors. "Does anybody have any questions?"

    Wait, there's a national anthem?

    ...y-yeah o3o;

    Is it like an actual audio file irl?

    Oh, uh, sure... let's see... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqxJ_iuBPCs

    hey wait thats plagerisn :(

    The mechanical monster tottered forward on its gleaming legs >>>>>> along the path laid for it by the tour guide, pausing only to
    purchase a shot glass and one of those squashed penny souvenirs
    from the Fort McHenry gift shop

    heeheehee, I'm imagining it turning the penny-squishing crank

    how else are you going to prove you visited?

    yessssss. :D

    personally i really like the flattened penny souvineers ^^

    Me too! They're fun! :D

    ye :D

    "I really have to stop explaining how my powers work to every >>>>>> villain I meet," Doomscroller muttered.

    X3 Delightful

    but how will the audience know?

    Excellent point, keep doing it

    yeah :D (i assume theres not a lot of fourth wall breaking stuff right)

    ...haha, yeah, hardly any fourth-wall-breaking stuff in the LNH at all... >.>
    <.< *shoves https://lnh.diamond-age.net/wiki/Fourth_Wall_Lass in the closet*

    i shouldve known :D

    Gone were the two-inch press-on nails, the three-inch
    eyelash extensions and the five-inch stiletto heels. The
    woman who stood at the gravesite in flowing white robes
    and simple sandals spoke not in the lilting, singsong
    timbre of a professional YouTuber but rather in the hushed,
    reverent tones of a devotee.


    huh? what just

    I snipped a bunch there. X>

    ah ok ^^" can u put a snip marker so its less confusing?

    When I'm reading thru and commenting on a whole story, you can assume I'm snipping out the parts I'm not commenting on. It's just polite! <3

    o sry

    "All I cared about was palladium," said Palladium Finger,
    who had ascended to the microphone after the Influenzer left to
    thank her sponsors. "I had my reasons. Chief among them was
    that anything I aimed my finger at turned to palladium.

    I mean, that'll do it

    wait so why didn't they just make their own instead of stealing it

    That's an excellent question. I think they just figured, when you get
    superpowers, you gotta commit themed crimes

    true, you gotta get that theming in to get brand opportunities

    It's true!

    and thats how you get the funding to blow up pluto :D

    Greta's eyes opened wide. "You mean... you deliberately set >>>>>> about becoming the opposite of everything I love and care about... >>>>>> because it was the only way we could be together?"

    "Is that not love?" Clark asked.

    baby dont hurt me


    dont hurt me no more

    Drew "I really want to get in on one of these stories, one day" Nilium >>>>
    Same, but I suck at writing :P

    That's okay, LNH writers don't have to be good! My first story was a pile of
    anime-inspired nonsense!

    Drew "with an extremely unfortunate Bob and George reference" Nilium

    yea yea ik just.. confidence issues lol

    *nodnods* Yeah that's fair. :> Do as you feel comfortable, but I'm sure you could do it if you wanted!

    t thx ^^"

    Drew "your comics are quite fun!!" Nilium

    user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to Drew Nilium on Sun Jul 28 22:30:07 2024
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 20:43 this Sunday (GMT):
    On 7/14/24 10:50 PM, candycanearter07 wrote:
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 18:24 this Sunday (GMT):
    On 7/10/24 10:00 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:
    Drew Nilium <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 04:26 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 7/8/24 10:10 AM, candycanearter07 wrote:

    Wait, there's a national anthem?

    ...y-yeah o3o;

    Is it like an actual audio file irl?

    Oh, uh, sure... let's see... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqxJ_iuBPCs

    hey wait thats plagerisn :(

    It's in the public domain! X>;

    "All I cared about was palladium," said Palladium Finger, >>>>>>>> who had ascended to the microphone after the Influenzer left to >>>>>>>> thank her sponsors. "I had my reasons. Chief among them was
    that anything I aimed my finger at turned to palladium.

    I mean, that'll do it

    wait so why didn't they just make their own instead of stealing it

    That's an excellent question. I think they just figured, when you get >>>>> superpowers, you gotta commit themed crimes

    true, you gotta get that theming in to get brand opportunities

    It's true!

    and thats how you get the funding to blow up pluto :D

    Yeah! Brought to you by the PlutoSploder!


    That's okay, LNH writers don't have to be good! My first story was a pile of
    anime-inspired nonsense!

    Drew "with an extremely unfortunate Bob and George reference" Nilium

    yea yea ik just.. confidence issues lol

    *nodnods* Yeah that's fair. :> Do as you feel comfortable, but I'm sure you >>> could do it if you wanted!

    t thx ^^"

    Very welcome!

    Drew "your comics are quite fun!!" Nilium


    Drew "keep moving forward!" Nilium

    t thx!!
    user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)