• Re: LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #333: ALL THINGS DARK AND SCARY #3.1-3.

    From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to Drew Perron on Tue Jul 30 01:00:17 2024
    Drew Perron <pwerdna@gmail.com> wrote at 04:03 this Monday (GMT):
    On Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 5:09 PM Arthur Spitzer <arspitzer2@gmail.com> wrote:
    And it's All Things Dark and Scary #3.1 & 3.2 by Josh Geurink!


    Is it time for Occultism Kid to make a lot of screaming sounds?!
    Will everything be doomed because Elvis Man hasn't joined the LNH

    Curse you, Evil-vis Man!

    And is it time for the Silver-Age and Bronze Age Occultism
    Kids to give the other one a different nickname to avoid

    Yessss, the Occultism Kid Legacy

    The panels are black and white. The people walking around
    are all vaguely familiar, but different from the ones we'd recognize.
    The art isn't quite up to today's caliber...
    In this rather primitive state, a man adorned with feathers
    and bones and other shamanic symbols stands up and starts chanting.

    Hmmmmmm. Not sure what to think of this...

    ooooo flashback episode?

    The red gem on the amulet begins to pulse a heartbeat.
    The man screams in pain, but refuses to remove the amulet...
    and then it is over. The man collapses onto the ground with a
    grin on his face, and no glowing talisman in his hands.

    ...but this is fuckin' cool~

    man i hate it when items damage you on use :(

    (The cover of issue three features three individuals -- RosterwReam,
    Occultism Kid, and... someone. Bright emergy flows around OK and
    the stranger, who are standing face to face -- mirroring each other --
    while RosterwReam stands in the back looking on with his clenched
    fists raised before his mouth in fear and surprise.)

    Ooooo, good cover.

    Interesting :D

    RosterwReam, after dusting himself off, took a good look
    at the inside of the Confessional he'd dived into.
    It was big.
    Really big.
    One might say emormous.
    Especially considering, by all rights, it should only be
    about 2' by 5'.

    You could even say that it's... smaller on the outside!

    is that a reference?

    "Yeeeeaaarrrggghhhh!!!!! Noooooo!!!!" Occultism Kid screams.
    Then, something interesting happens.
    A shape, with magical energies dancing about it, begins to split off
    of Occultism Kid's chest. "It can't be!!!" he mutters through gritted
    The shape finally breaks free and, with a brilliant flash
    of prismatic color, solidifies. "But it IS, Occulism Kid. It is I, your
    Silver Age counterpart!" The new man still glows with energy.
    And Occultism Kid passes out.

    Very dramatic!


    "Not _quite_, boss. One
    of the components the lad needed was sequins from Elvis Man."
    Minister's face was a complete sneer. "Your point, Squiggy?"
    "Uh, well, there IS no Elvis Man, boss! At least, not yet..."
    MM's face suddenly went blank. "So what'd he use for
    refractors? Glass shards!?"
    "Acutally boss, according to my internal scans of the device,
    ice cubes. MainStream man must've..."


    "...provided you with ice cubes because he couldn't find the

    Oh. So it's actually good Elvis Man hadn't shown up yet! X>

    "But, you perished during CrySig on Infinite Net.Earths by
    sacrificing yourself to save the rest of the Legion from imminent doom(tm)!"

    Notably, this is the moment when it's established that there had been
    two different Occultism Kids at all.

    is there two of everyone?

    "I know many things. For one, you feel threatened
    by my return because I'm Older, More Experienced, More Talented, More
    Powerful, and, well, alive. You think I want my old job back."

    wait what the other one is dead?

    "Well, yeah. You DO, don't you?" OK squeaked.
    His silver-age counterpart just laughed. "Oh, heavens no! I have
    so much to catch up on! Tell you what -- from now on, call me 'The
    August One' to clear up any confusion.

    Heeheehee. Ah, OK was so young then.

    "But during the CrySig on Infinite Net.Earths, the Occultism Kid was
    seemingly deleted during a systems crash, using his life.data to preserve
    the files of the other net.heros." He closed volume 13 with a titanic
    THUMP, and pondered to himself.
    "But little did he know that a Copy of the Pre-CrySig Occultism Kid
    was created and existed after the Crisis was over -- hard-copied straight
    into the Bronze-Age Occultism Kid!"

    This is very much the old-school "net.heroes are literally in a computer" style.

    digital characters are awesome i should make one

    "No, fool! This is better than I ever expected!" He looks
    straight out of the frame, dramatically.
    "By the time this story is over, both the Net.romonicon _AND_
    the Guest-Star Gem shall be MINE!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!"

    *high-pitched sting into beginning of-- wait there's a little more*

    "The sixth one this week. What's going on around here?" Burke
    comtemplates as he walks off into a nearby side alley. "This always used
    to be such a safe place to live, filled with happy, hard-working people.
    Now six of them are presumed dead." Burke lights up a cigarette, turns
    around, and walks back towards the manhole.
    Had he waited a moment later, he might have seen a church confessional
    silently materialize down the way...

    THERE we go. *high-pitched sting into beginning of Doctor Who theme*

    So what, is this a Doctor Who styled char who uses a confessional?

    The August One took a moment out of studying the screen to survey
    the pair of net.heros standing before him. With a knowledgeable chuckle, he >> shakes his head. "You two might want to look in a mirror before you go
    out there, you know. You don't exactly `blend' in what you're wearing."
    Occultism Kid looks down at his button-down shirt and jeans, and
    nods in agreement. "Come on, RwR. He's got a point. I think I built a
    wardrobe into this thing somewhere."
    "But... but... I _like_ what I'm wearing!" He protests.
    "Too bad. Come on, already!"

    A moment or two later, Occultism Kid wanders back into the control
    room wearing brown slacks, a white frilly shirt, a paisley vest, and NET Gear
    tennies. He seems quite happy with himself.

    ...which time period is alt.horror.cthulhu supposed to be? Because
    jeans go back a ways as working-class gear...

    "Oh, and Occultism Kid? I've got something for you." TAO reaches
    behind him and lifts a box. "This's been handed down from one Occultism
    Kid to another, and now I present it to you. Wear it in good health."
    Looking slightly surprised, OK hesitantly accepts the box and
    steps back into the hallway. A yelp of plesant shock is heard, and moments >> later the mystic avenger returns to the others...
    ...wearing a long, brown trenchcoat.

    awwwwwwwwww <3

    ? trenchcoats are cool but i dont get it

    The scene shifts to a dark chamber, presumably the basement or
    cellar of a large, stone structure. A large pentagram is drawn on the
    floor, and inside the pentagram rests a large pile of weeds. The pile
    is shifting slightly.
    A man in a dark robe, formerly standing in shadow, steps forward
    and looks at the pile. "Ahhh... my pet. You will feed again, soon.
    You will feed very well, very well indeed. And soon, with your
    strength and my mastery of the arcane, I shall become undisputed MASTER
    of this net.dimension!" A narrow shaft of light illuminates his eyes
    momentarily -- eyes full of spite, madness, and unspeakable ambition.
    "Yessssss," he whispers, "I shall rule supreme, and no-one shall stop

    He's gonna get eaten by his own plant, isn't he.

    Drew "is this gonna become Little Shop of Horrors?" Nilium

    the wonders of hubris
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