DailyWire+ Announces Adult Animated Comedy Series, "Mr. Birchum", Creat
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All on Wed Dec 6 04:30:53 2023
XPost: rec.arts.tv
Just days after dropping a viral trailer for its first feature-length comedy, ôLady Ballers,ö the Daily Wire announced its first animated scripted series, ôMr. Birchum,ö created by comedian Adam Carolla.
The teaser trailer, which was first screened at the ôLady Ballersö red carpet premiere, will be released before the premiere of ôLady Ballersö on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 8 p.m. ET exclusively on DailyWire+. ôMr. Birchumö features an all-star voice cast: Adam Carolla (Mr. Birchum), Megyn Kelly (Wendi), Tyler Fischer (Karponzi), Alonzo Bodden (Gage), Brett Cooper
(Jeanie), Candace Owens (Deena), Kyle Dunnigan (Eddie), Danny Trejo (Switchblade), Patrick Warburton (Burly Man), Jay Mohr (Coach Murphy), Rob Riggle (Gunderson), and Roseanne Barr (Principal Bortles).
ôI am super excited to be working with my friends Ben Shapiro, Jeremy
Boreing, and our terrific cast of talent to bring æMr BirchumÆ to life on the Daily Wire!ö said Carolla.
ôAdam Carolla created Birchum back before Barack Obama killed comedy,ö said Jeremy Boreing, co-founder of The Daily Wire. ôOf course Hollywood wouldnÆt make Birchum today because theyÆve stopped making comedies altogether for
fear of offending the æwrongÆ people û so we realized we had to do it. We teamed up with Adam and some of the funniest people we know û Roseanne, Rob Riggle, Patrick Warburton, Tyler Fischer and so many more û to bring back the irreverent patriarch in a truly hilarious comedy that doesnÆt care who it offends.ö
The series follows CarollaÆs classic character, a no-nonsense junior high woodshop teacher. Popularized on KROQ radio and brought to life in puppet
form on Comedy CentralÆs æCrank Yankers,Æ Mr. Birchum has entertained
audiences for decades. In 2024, the animated version of Mr. Birchum attempts
to navigate a world he doesnÆt understand or approve of. HeÆs befuddled by
his gaming streamer son, Eddie (Dunnigan), annoyed at his selfie-taking, snowflake students and is constantly at war with the school districtÆs appointed ôJ.E.D.I.ö (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion officer) Mr. Karponzi (Fischer), whose feelings-over-facts style of administration is everything thatÆs wrong with education today.
This is DailyWire+Æs first animated comedy, produced by David Coleman for
Daily Wire and Dallas Sonnier for Bonfire Legend, with Daily WireÆs co- founders Jeremy Boreing and Ben Shapiro and CEO Caleb Robinson executive producing. Chassy Media is the physical production Company for the show. Executive Producers for Chassy Media are Adam Carolla and Mike August along with Showrunner/Executive Producer Nate Adams and Supervising Producer Curtis Koller. Mike Lynch is the head writer for the show with additional episodes written by Byron Kavanagh and Mark Hoffmeier.
Let's go Brandon!
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