IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 6th, 2024
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This Week's News
IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday October 6th, 2024
Silent Key - Ron Skingley EI8GMB
We were saddened to learn of the death of Ron Skingley EI8GMB. Ron
passed away at his home in Coomkeen, Co. Cork on September 27th, 2024.
We extend our condolences to his partner Rachel, son Duncan, extended
family, and friends.
As a mark of respect for the late Ron Skingley EI8GMB, we will now
pause for a moment of silence.
News from the IRTS
The latest IRTS Committee meeting took place on Thursday, September
19th. It started at 8 p.m., concluded shortly after 10 p.m., and was
held on the Zoom platform. The very well attended meeting was hosted by
IRTS President, Enda EI2II. Many items were discussed during the
meeting with the following being of major importance to the general
membership. The IRTS examination board has appointed a new chairman,
John Ronan EI7IG. John takes over the chairman role from Declan Horan
EI9FVB. The IRTS would like to thank Declan for the massive amount of
time and effort he put into the role as chairman especially as we
navigated out of Covid-19 restrictions. The IRTS also wish to
acknowledge the appointment of Des Chambers, EI5GT, Deputy head of NUIG
IT department to the examination board. Des has over 30 years of 3rd
level teaching in communications and networks with a background in
electronics and will be a great addition to the team. The IRTS wish
both John and Des the very best of luck in their new roles.
As noted earlier this year the IRTS club affiliation process is being
overhauled to improve our systems. Going forward, we will be requiring
all clubs applying for, or renewing affiliation to complete a form
giving the society up to date contact details for each club. This is to
enable us to work closer with clubs on promoting the hobby and managing
our insurance requirements more efficiently. We are requesting club
secretaries to submit current details before the end of October, so we
have the information at hand for our 2025 insurance renewal. As many
clubs hold AGMs also at the end of the year or early in 2025, we would
ask to be notified of any changes. Application/renewal forms can be
found on the download section of the IRTS website.
The next IRTS committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, November
13th at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. All IRTS affiliated clubs are
reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club or
society may elect a representative and an alternate annually to attend
IRTS committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a representative should
notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at irts_secretary /at/
in advance to ensure notification and links are provided.
IRTS Contest Manager Update
The next and last IRTS contest of the year is the 80m Evening Counties
contest using SSB and CW on Tuesday the 8th of October 2024. It runs
for one hour starting at 19:00 UTC
Stay tuned to the IRTS contest results webpage where the 2m/70cms
Counties contest results are expected to be published over the next few
Contest manager Mark EI6JK is very willing to help anyone with logging
programs for contests anytime. You can contact him via email at
contestmanager /at/
VHF/Microwave News
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is planning a
Slow Scan Television experiment, scheduled to start on Tuesday the 8th
of October 2024 at 16:00 UTC and running through to Monday the 14th of
October 2024 at 14:10 UTC. There will be an interruption on 11 October
2024 for planned school contacts over Europe. The ISS radio downlink
frequency will be 145.800 MHz FM using the PD120 mode. The ISS will use
the callsign RS-Zero-ISS.
A 2m FM simplex net takes place each Thursday night from 8 p.m. in the
southern Ireland region on 145.200MHz. It is run by the Patriot Radio
Communications Club EI7PRC. All are welcome to call in.
FM nets also take place in the Cork region on Tuesday nights from 9
p.m. rotating through the 2m, 70cm, and 4m bands. On the first Tuesday
of the month, you can find activity on 145.475 MHz, 433.475 MHz on the
second Tuesday of the month, 70.2625 MHz on the third Tuesday, and
using DMR on Talk Group 2723 on the 4th Tuesday.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group is delighted to announce that
they will be QRV as Echo India 25 Juliet Oscar Tango Alpha (EI25JOTA)
with the 25th Wexford Scouts from October 18th to 20th as part of the
2024 International JOTA/JOTI festival. The group will be active from
the beautiful Dunbrody Abbey, which is located just outside Campile in
Co. Wexford. More information will follow in the coming days and will
be available on and the club's other social media outlets
as well as IRTS news bulletins.
For more information about EI2WRC, their activities, and for contact
details, please see
North Dublin Radio Club Update
North Dublin Radio Club will be setting up a Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA)
station for Malahide Sea Scouts at the scout den in Malahide. More
details will be announced when finalised.
Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club
The next monthly meetings of the club will take place at 7.30 p.m. on
Thursday the 10th of October in Room 10A05 of the Technological
University of the Shannon, Midlands, Midwest at Moylish in Limerick. At
the meeting, the club will discuss the formulation of a programme of
events up to the end of the year.
At the latest committee meeting, a vote of sympathy was passed to club
member Simon Kenny on the recent death of his wife. Simon is well known
and respected in the amateur radio community through his work on
various areas of activity over many years, most recently as a popular
tutor on the National Short Wave Listeners Club HAREC Courses.
Club activation of their station at the Shannon Aviation Museum,
callsign EI4SAM, continues each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. with
7.123MHz as the initial calling frequency, plus or minus QRM.
Tipperary Amateur Radio Group
The next meeting of the Tipperary Amateur Radio Group will be held at
The Princess Bar, Irishtown Upper, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary on Wednesday
the 9th of October 2024 at 8 p.m. The Eircode for this venue is E91
PW90. The meeting is open to all and Short Wave Listeners are in in
particular very welcome to attend. For more information about Tipperary
Amateur Radio Group, visit their group website at
Shannon Basin Radio Club SSB DX Nets
Shannon Basin Radio Club's 80m SSB DX net continues again at 9 p.m.
local time on Thursday night next on 3.770 MHz plus or minus QRM. All
are very welcome to join in including SWL reports. Further information
may be found at or via the club's social media channels.
Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's
radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for
automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The
deadline is midnight on Thursday.
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