• IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 29th, 2024

    From newsteam at irts dot ie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 29 23:00:09 2024
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    This Week's News

    IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 29th, 2024

    News from the IRTS

    The latest IRTS committee meeting took place on Thursday, September
    19th. The meeting started at 8 p.m., concluded shortly after 10 p.m.,
    and was held on the Zoom platform. The meeting which was very well
    attended was hosted by IRTS President, Enda EI2II.

    During the duration of the meeting, many items were discussed with the
    following being of major importance to the general membership. The IRTS
    examination board has appointed a new chairman, John Ronan EI7IG. John
    takes over the chairman role from Declan Horan EI9FVB. The IRTS would
    like to thank Declan for the massive amount of time and effort he put
    into the role as chairman especially as we navigated out of Covid-19
    restrictions. The IRTS also wish to acknowledge the appointment of Des
    Chambers, EI5GT, Deputy Head of NUIG's IT department to the examination
    board. Des has over 30 years of 3rd level teaching in communications
    and networks with a background in electronics and will be a great
    addition to the team. The IRTS wish both John and Des the very best of
    luck in their new roles.

    As noted earlier this year, the IRTS club affiliation process is being
    overhauled to improve our systems. Going forward, we will be requiring
    all clubs applying for, or renewing affiliation to complete a form
    giving the society up to date contact details for each club. This is to
    enable us to work closer with clubs on promoting the hobby and managing
    our insurance requirements more efficiently. We are requesting club
    secretaries to submit current details before the end of October, so we
    have the information at hand for our 2025 insurance renewal. As many
    clubs hold AGMs also at the end of the year or early in 2025, we would
    ask to be notified of any changes. Application/renewal forms can be
    found on the download section of the IRTS website.

    The next IRTS committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, November
    13th at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. All IRTS affiliated clubs are
    reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club or,
    society may elect a representative and an alternate annually to attend
    IRTS committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a representative should
    notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at irts_secretary /at/ irts.ie
    in advance to ensure notification and links are provided.

    VHF/Microwave Co-Manager Updates

    The newly appointed IRTS VHF/Microwave co-managers Keith EI5IN and
    Denis EI4KH have contacted clubs seeking input and ideas regarding VHF
    and above in EI. Interest is also being sought regarding regular
    activity evenings on the bands above 30 MHz. Updated information
    regarding worked locator squares for publication on the IRTS website
    would also be appreciated from operators.

    A 2m FM simplex net is taking place each Thursday night from 8 p.m. in
    the southern Ireland region on 145.200 MHz. All are welcome to call in
    even if you just have time to exchange a report.

    On Wednesday night, October 2nd, digital mode fans can take part in a
    European activity evening which uses both FT8 and FT4 rotating through
    the 2m, 70cm, and 23cm bands each week. The 2m band is the focus for
    Wednesday night's activity from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. local time. Further
    details available at www.ft8activity.eu

    You can contact the VHF/microwave team via email at vhf_manager /at/

    IRTS Contest Manager Update

    SSB Field Day results are available on the IRTS website. Contest
    manager Mark EI6JK reports a record level of participation, with seven
    EI Field Day stations in action, involving more than 30 operators.
    Overall, very few QSOs on 10m were noted and it was not much better on
    15m. Lots of activity on 20m and 40m was recorded. Well done to all
    that took part.

    The closing date for IRTS VHF/UHF Counties contest log submissions is
    today Sunday the 29th of September. 14 logs for the 2m contest and 11
    logs for the 70cms contest have been submitted so far.

    The next and last IRTS contest of the year is the 80m Evening Counties
    contest on Tuesday the 8th of October 2024. These fun events are
    excellent opportunities for self-training and learning more about
    propagation as well as your station performance. Good luck to all
    taking part.

    Contest manager Mark EI6JK is very willing to help anyone with logging
    programs for contests anytime. You can contact him via email at
    contestmanager /at/ irts.ie.

    South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC

    There will not be any physical September or October meeting of the
    EI2WRC club. The next physical meeting will take place at 8 p.m. on
    Monday, November 25th at the SETU West Campus, Carriganore, Waterford
    at 8:00 p.m. sharp. Normal Zoom meetings take place weekly on a Monday
    evening at 8 p.m. For anyone that would like to join in on a Zoom
    meeting, please get in contact with an EI2WRC committee member.

    For more information about EI2WRC, their activities, and for contact
    details please see www.searg.ie

    Avondhu Radio Club in the SSB Field Day

    Avondhu Radio Club were active for the SSB Field Day using the callsign
    EI1E/P. SWL Declan helped assemble and test an 80m to 10m fan dipole.
    The club reported that this antenna worked a treat with 400W and no
    antenna tuner. They logged stations as far away from Japan to the USA.
    Power was provided by a Honda 20i generator. Radio equipment included
    an Elecraft K3S, P3, and a KPA-500 using Wintest as their logger. The
    club's next event is the CQWW SSB contest.

    Shannon Basin Radio Club SSB DX Nets

    Shannon Basin Radio Club's 80m SSB DX net recommenced on Thursday night
    last with a long list of call-ins. It continues again at 9 p.m. local
    time on Thursday October 3rd on 3.770 MHz +/- QRM. All are very welcome
    to join in including SWL reports. Their topband DX net will restart
    near the end of October and further information will be provided closer
    to the date.

    DX FΘile 2024

    DX FΘile which is organised and run by the EIDX Group takes place next
    Saturday October 5th in the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis. For further
    information, please contact David Deane via email to ei9fbb /at/
    gmail.com or telephone 087 7444777.

    Enigma Reloaded Event

    From September 27th to October 5th, Italian and other amateur radio
    stations around the world will be taking part in an Enigma award event.
    The main goal of the Enigma event is to promote as much radio amateur
    activity as possible all over the world, celebrating the history of the
    Enigma cipher machine and its crucial role in the outcome of World War
    II, and spreading the knowledge of those key people who contributed to
    its decryption. On October 5th, the final day, activator stations will
    exchange predefined CW messages previously encrypted by a real or
    emulated Enigma machine. Further information is available at

    Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

    That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's
    radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ irts.ie for
    automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The
    deadline is midnight on Thursday.

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