IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 15th, 2024
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IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 15th, 2024
News from the IRTS
The next IRTS Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, September
19th at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. All IRTS affiliated clubs are
reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club,
society or other body may elect a representative and an alternate
annually to attend IRTS Committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a
representative should notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at
irts_secretary /at/ in advance to ensure notification and links
are provided.
The next HAREC examination is on November 16th
The next HAREC examination will be held on the 16th of November 2024.
The exam venue is the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport, Stockhole Lane,
Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 X3H5.
Doors open from 10.30 a.m. for registration. The exam itself will
commence at 11.00 a.m. sharp and ends two hours later at 1 p.m. The
closing date for applications is Thursday the 7th of November. As there
are a limited number of places, anyone wishing to sit the exam should
forward their application along with the appropriate fee. The
application form and the payment details can be found at You can also contact Mick EI6IKB by email at
irts_exams /at/ if you have any queries.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC
On the 28th of September, with thanks to Maria Kyte, manager, EI2WRC
will be active from the Waterford and Suir Valley Railway station
Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford for the 2024 Railways on The Air event.
Waterford Suir Valley Railway Company CLG was established to preserve
and promote Waterford's rich railway heritage. The aim to develop and
operate a 10km section of the abandoned Waterford to Dungarvan Railway
line from Kilmeaden Station to Bilberry, Waterford City as a tourist
attraction. The vision is that the area through which the railway
travels will become a linear park and the railway will service other
attractions along the route, eventually extending to Waterford city and
operating with a steam engine. For more information about the WSVR
please see
The following day, September 29th, EI2WRC will be active as a 145 Alive
Control Station for the 145 Alive activity from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC. The
EI2WRC team will be active on 145.250 MHz FM from the Nine Stones
carpark located at the entrance to the Mount Leinster RT╔ mast site in
south Carlow. Around Ireland, many other stations will be active from
various locations on various frequencies. The idea of the 145 Alive
event is to promote activity on the 2m band. Please listen out for as
many stations as possible and give them all a shout if you can!
For more information about EI2WRC, their activities, and for contact
details please see
Shannon Basin Radio Club Update
Shannon Basin Radio Club wish to extend their deepest condolences to
club member Peter Carty KM6MJC and family on the death of his mother
Alma Carty. Alma passed away last Sunday September 8th, 2024, in Sligo.
Ar dheis DΘ go raibh a hanam.
The club will soon recommence their HF DX SSB nets. Their hugely
popular nets encourage experimentation and activity on 80m and topband.
Further information will be announced over the coming weeks.
Digital Mobile Radio Talk by South Dublin Radio Club
The next South Dublin Radio Club talk focuses on Digital Mobile Radio
(DMR) concepts. This will take place on Tuesday the 24th of September.
The club opens at 7:30 p.m. and the talk starts at 8 p.m. sharp.
Visitors are welcome at the community centre on Marian Road in
Rathfarnham Dublin. Keith Garland EI9BAB will give a talk on DMR which
is a popular digital voice standard used on VHF and UHF. This
presentation will focus on some of the technical aspects of the
protocol and how it is used in commercial systems including obfuscation
and encryption facilities. There will also be some interesting
real-world demos and a question-and-answer session.
Help requested for a charity-based amateur radio initiative
Anthony EI7LB based in Carlow town is working with a charity called
Delta which involves working with young adults with intellectual
disabilities. Some of you might be familiar with Anthony from his
Friday morning repeater chats along with Kyle who is a service user in
Delta. A lot more of the service users have a great interest in
listening to ham radio and Anthony would like to take this a step
further. He would like to start up a ham radio club where both the
service users and members of the public can work together and become
active ham operators. To do this, he is asking for help with equipment.
If anyone has receivers, transceivers, or indeed any radio equipment
that they are no longer using, he would be very grateful to receive
them. He will give them a new home with very interested young people
who could do with a little dig out. If you have anything suitable or
want to give anything to help, you can get in contact with Anthony at
anthony.brophy /at/ or contact him at 087 1176676. All
donations would be gladly accepted and appreciated.
DX FΘile 2024
DX FΘile which is organised and run by the EIDX Group takes place on
Saturday October 5th in the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis. This year's
convention will feature presentations from the recent N5J DXpediton to
Jarvis Island, the current CY9C DXpedition to St. Paul Island, the 8R7X
team from Guyana, as well as EIDXG's own 7P8EI activity from Lesotho
earlier this year.
You are invited to come and meet Ireland's DXers and have a great day
out with the hugely popular CW and SSB simulated pileups and fun DX
Quiz to name a few. Accommodation packages are almost fully sold out
however there are still some day tickets available for the convention.
These still need to be pre-booked in advance. For further information
please contact David ei9fbb /at/ or telephone 087 7444777.
145 Alive Event takes place on Sunday 29th September
The next 145 Alive event is two weeks away. It takes place on Sunday
the 29th of September from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. This is not a contest but
is a fun activity to promote experimentation and use of 2-metre FM
simplex. David Gardiner EI3IXB is coordinating net control locations
and frequencies on a first come first serve basis. Anyone interested in
getting involved as a net control station should contact David via
email at ei3ixb /at/ as soon as possible.
August edition of the IARU Monitoring System newsletter
The August edition of the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 newsletter
features reports of new intruder activity on the 10-metre band. The
report cites erratic behaviour of military radar type signals that make
it hard to avoid on the band. Normally a quiet month in radio terms,
radar-based intruders continued to dominate reports across all bands
monitored. The reports provide detailed insights regarding intruders on
the amateur radio bands and offer details of what to look out for. You
can download the August newsletter as well as previous editions from
the Monitoring System Region 1 page at
Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News
That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's
radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ for
automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The
deadline is midnight on Thursday.
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