• IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 8th, 2024

    From newsteam at irts dot ie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Sep 8 23:00:11 2024
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    This Week's News

    IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday September 8th, 2024

    News from the IRTS

    The IRTS had a very successful and fun participation in the Dublin
    Maker 2024 festival. This year's event took place at the historic
    Richmond Barracks, in Dublin 8 over the weekend of Saturday August 31st
    and Sunday, September 1st from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days. Over the
    two days, the IRTS stand proved very popular and had massive crowds on
    both days.

    Tony EI5EM's homebrew equipment was a big hit with everyone who stopped
    by the stall. To encourage the kids to try some CW any kid who sent
    their name by Morse got to design a badge which they took away with
    them. Also, on both days a free raffle was held for a chance to win an
    SDR dongle. The winners were Bibin Madhu and John Fons Lister.

    Also in attendance over the weekend was the South Dublin Radio Club.
    The SDRC crew had HF and UHF/VHF stations in operation as well as an
    SDR receiver. As per usual, there was the usual great craic, banter,
    and comradery between both groups, and both complimented each other
    perfectly. Anyone that called to the IRTS stand asking about a radio in
    operation were pointed to the SDRC stand to experience the live
    station. In addition, anyone asking about joining the IRTS or doing the
    HAREC course at the SDRC stand were directed to the IRTS stand. Both
    groups achieved the goal of promoting the great hobby we all love and
    hopefully this will result in gaining some new interest in the hobby
    from people not familiar with ham radio. It was great to meet visitors
    from all over the country interested in the hobby, also a few visiting
    amateurs and former radio officers who were delighted to hear the kids
    playing on the Morse keys too.

    Thanks to the IRTS crew of Ana EI5IXB, Cillian EI2075, Enda EI2II, Joe
    EI2JZ, Mark EI4FNB, Megan EI5LA, Owen EI4GGB, Pat EI2HX, Seany EI2HZB,
    Tony EI5EM, and anyone else who helped over the weekend. Thanks to all
    the organisers who made Dublin Maker 2024 such a great success. We
    extend a massive thanks to Jeffrey Roe EI7IRB for his invaluable
    assistance in making our participation possible. The IRTS had a great
    weekend, and we are looking forward to attending again next year.

    The next IRTS committee meeting will take place on Thursday, September
    19th at 8:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. All IRTS affiliated clubs are
    reminded that under Rule 16.1, the members in each affiliated club,
    society or other body may elect a representative and an alternate
    annually to attend IRTS committee meetings. Clubs wishing to send a
    representative should notify the IRTS Secretary, Owen EI4GGB at
    irts_secretary /at/ irts.ie in advance to ensure notification and links
    are provided.

    IRTS Examination Board announces the next HAREC examination

    The IRTS Examination Board is pleased to announce that the next HAREC
    examination will be held on the 16th of November 2024. The location for
    the exam will be the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport, Stockhole Lane,
    Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 X3H5.

    The doors will be open from 10.30 a.m. for registration and the exam
    itself will commence at 11.00 a.m. sharp. The exam is two hours long
    finishing at 1 p.m. The closing date for applications is Thursday the
    7th of November. As there are a limited number of places, anyone
    wishing to sit the exam should forward their application along with the
    appropriate fee. The application form and the payment details can be
    found at www.irts.ie/exams You can also contact Mick EI6IKB by email at
    irts_exams /at/ irts.ie if you have any other queries about the exam or
    its location.

    IOTA 2024 Results and the IRTS 2m/70cm Counties Contest

    The 2024 Islands on the Air (IOTA) results have been published.
    Information regarding the EI/GI stations involved in this can be found
    on the results page of the IRTS website located at www.irts.ie/results
    Well done to all the Irish stations who took part. There was a record
    number of 30 EI/GI stations who entered a log. Congratulations to EI7M
    who came first in the multi-two Ireland section and who set a new
    European record also.

    The IRTS 70cm and 2m Counties contests take place next Sunday the 15th
    of September. The 70cm contest runs for just 30 minutes starting at 2
    p.m. This is immediately followed by the 2m contest running from 2.30
    p.m. until 4 p.m. All stations and clubs are encouraged to take part in
    what is a fun and friendly event. Further details can be found at

    South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC

    On the 28th and 29th of September, EI2WRC will be active from the
    Waterford and Suir Valley Railway station Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford for
    the 2024 Railways on the Air event. Waterford Suir Valley Railway
    Company CLG was established to preserve and promote Waterford's rich
    railway heritage. The aim to develop and operate a 10km section of the
    abandoned Waterford to Dungarvan Railway line from Kilmeaden Station to
    Bilberry, Waterford city as a tourist attraction. The vision is that
    the area through which the railway travels will become a linear park.
    The intention is that the railway will service other attractions along
    the route, eventually extending to Waterford city and operating with a
    steam engine. For more information about the WSVR please see
    www.wsvrailway.ie For more information about EI2WRC, their activities,
    and for contact details please see www.searg.ie

    DX FΘile 2024

    The EIDX Group is proud to announce this year's DX FΘile line-up for
    Saturday October 5th in the Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis. This year's
    convention will see presentations from the recent N5J DXpediton to
    Jarvis Island, the current CY9C DXpedition to St. Paul Island, the 8R7X
    team from Guyana will be attendance, and not forgetting EIDXG's own
    7P8EI activity from Lesotho earlier this year.

    You are invited to come and meet Ireland's DXers and have a great day
    out with the hugely popular CW and SSB simulated pileups and fun DX
    Quiz to name a few. Accommodation packages are almost fully sold out
    however there are still some day tickets available for the convention.
    These still need to be pre-booked in advance. For further information
    please contact David, ei9fbb /at/ gmail.com or telephone 087 7444777.

    Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club

    Following the summer break, monthly meetings of the club will
    re-commence at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday the 12th of September in Room
    10A05 of the Technological University of the Shannon, Midlands, Midwest
    at Moylish in Limerick. At the meeting, the club will review the recent
    successful activation of Loop Head Lighthouse, look forward to the
    coming series of meetings, and Diarmuid EI4LF will give a presentation
    on his recent visit to the G-QRP Convention including the construction
    of a 40 metre five-watt transmitter.

    The club submitted detailed and constructive comments recently on two
    documents issued during the summer. The first of these was their
    response to ComReg Document 24/65 which deals with several issues
    impacting amateur radio. The second dealt with an IARU Region 3 paper
    entitled HF 40m Band Plan Challenges and Proposals 2024 v3.1 which
    proposed a severe curtailment of access to the 40 metre band for CW

    Activations of their station at the Shannon Aviation Museum, callsign
    EI4SAM, continue each Saturday from 11.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. with 7.123
    MHz as the initial calling frequency, plus or minus QRM.

    Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

    That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion in next week's
    radio news can be submitted by email to newsteam /at/ irts.ie for
    automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services. The
    deadline is midnight on Thursday.

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