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ARRL Division News
Midwest Division
From: The Joplin Amateur Radio Club W0IN
Joplin Hamfest
August 23-24, 2024
The Joplin Amateur Radio Club W0IN will be celebrating the 35th year
of hosting the Joplin Hamfest. The event is located near I-44 and I-49
in Joplin, MO. The event venue, the Joplin Family Worship Center, is
air conditioned and carpeted with over 100 indoor tables, commercial
vendors, abundant free paved parking, a food commissary, ease of
access, and ADA compliant.
This year we are pleased to be hosting the Missouri Repeater Council,
our ARRL Midwest Director, District D ARES, and the Arkansas Razorback
Net folks. Along with forums and meetings, we will have two sessions
of ARRL VE testing. In accord with ARRL s goal to bring young people
into the hobby, the Joplin club will have their trailer set up to
enable middle-school students to experience the magic of ham
radio. And, of course, there will be lots of prizes too!
Online registration closes Wednesday at midnight, so don't delay.
Please visit www.joplinhamfest.org [
http://www.joplinhamfest.org/ ]
for registration and more information.
Location: Joplin Family worship center 5290 E. 7th St., Joplin, MO
64801 (1/4 mi west on 7th St, from MO-249 exit 11).
Schedule: Friday noon to 7pm; Saturday 8am - 2pm.
Admission: $8 in advance / $10 at the door.
Talk-in: W0IN Repeater 147.210 MHz, +0.6 MHz offset, 91.5 kHz tone
Art Zygielbaum, K0AIZ
ARRL Director
Midwest Division
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