• IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday July 14th, 2024

    From newsteam at irts dot ie@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 14 23:00:10 2024
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    This Week's News

    IRTS Radio News Bulletin Sunday July 14th, 2024

    News from the IRTS

    The IRTS is delighted to announce that the latest batch of the IRTS
    HAREC Amateur Station Licence Study Guides have been printed and can
    now be preordered. Preordered copies expect to be delivered to those
    who preordered them in the first week of August. More information
    including how to preorder a copy of the guide can be found on the Study
    Guide page on irts.ie.

    As this will be the last IRTS news bulletin before our summer break,
    the IRTS would like to thank all of our newsreaders both HF and local
    weekly readers for your continued great service to the society. Thanks
    of course too to Keith EI5IN, our news editor for his great work every
    week compiling the news for the weekly bulletins. Lastly and by no
    means least, a massive thanks to all who call in and support all the
    IRTS news bulletins every week both for Sundays HF bulletins and weekly
    local services too. Thank you all for your great support and we look
    forward to catching up with all of you after our break. IRTS weekly
    news bulletins will recommence on Sunday, August 4th with the 40m
    bulletin at 11 a.m. Submissions for that bulletin should reach the IRTS
    news editor by midnight on Thursday August 1st.

    South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC

    The July meeting of the EI2WRC group will take place on Monday, July
    29th at 8 p.m. sharp at the South East Technological University.
    Netlabs Research and Innovation Building, SETU West Campus,
    Carriganore, Waterford. Eircode X91 WR86. Anyone that has an interest
    in amateur radio or communications in general is very welcome to come
    along. SWLs are in particular very welcome to attend.

    The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group have once again been invited to
    attend the Inistioge Vintage Rally, in Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny on
    Sunday the 4th of August. The vintage rally, which this year celebrates
    its 30th anniversary, is a great fun filled family day out with loads
    of vintage cars and engines from times gone past. There are loads of
    things for all the kids too. If you are looking for a great day out,
    head on down to Inistioge and call by the SEARG demonstration area
    where the SEARG crew will be delighted to meet you and explain all
    about amateur radio to you. For more information about EI2WRC, their
    activities, and for contact details, please see www.searg.ie

    Mayo Repeater is Back on Air

    The Mayo repeater is back on air since July 9th. Final adjustments will
    be ongoing for a period of time. Mayo Radio Experimenters Network would
    like to hear reports on the reception of its coverage from far and wide
    please. If you wish to give a report, please include your Worked All
    Ireland square and tropospheric conditions at the time of reception.
    You are asked to send reports via email to
    mayoradioexperimentersnetwork /at/ gmail.com or text Padraic EI9JA at
    087-6957154. The club would greatly appreciate your efforts.

    Bere Island Activation for IOTA

    On the 27th and 28th of July, Mick EI6IKB and Vic EI5IYB with be QRV on
    Bere Island for the 2024 Islands on the Air Contest. The contest runs
    from 12.00 UTC on the Saturday till 12.00 UTC on the Sunday. The ops
    plan to use the callsign EJ9MV. The station will be located near the
    Lonehort Battery on Bere island. Currently the equipment list includes
    a Yaesu FT-710, Acom A600 amplifier, and a Clarke pump up mast to
    suspend various types of wire antenna. Before and after the contest,
    the pair will be QRV on other modes and bands including four and six
    meters and will update the cluster depending on band conditions. They
    will also monitor 145.500 MHz and local repeaters. They are looking
    forward to put you in the log if you chase them or just happen to hear
    them on the bands.

    Worked All Ireland Opportunity

    Gordon Higgins, G3PXT will be touring Ireland for the next six weeks
    operating as EI/G3PXT/p and will be operational on HF on the 40 and 80
    metre bands. Gordon is a very active Worked all Britain square
    activator in the UK. He has become a member of the Worked all Ireland
    scheme and will be activating many squares during his stay. This is a
    great chance to work Gordon and record many WAI squares as he navigates
    throughout the Island and gives the award scheme a much-needed boost.
    It is hoped a weekly net will be run on 7.170 MHz. This will be
    publicised via the WAI Facebook page and the IRTS newsgroup. If you are
    interested in joining the Worked all Ireland award scheme, please get
    in contact with Dave Moore EI4BZ or visit the IRTS website for further
    details. Membership costs only 10/ 10 for your WAI book. As many
    operators as possible are encouraged to participate.

    June Edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter

    The June edition of the of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System
    newsletter has been published. In this, they note that in addition to
    the regular intruders like over-the-horizon radar, they report a
    worrying trend. This is related to an increasing number of other
    signals whose purpose is largely unknown and have no place on the
    amateur radio bands. The newsletter continues with examples of these.
    You can learn more about this and the work of the IARU Region 1
    Monitoring System at www.iaru-r1.org

    IRTS Contests Update

    Well done to everyone that took part in the recent IRTS VHF/UHF field
    day. This is a reminder that the deadline for log submissions is July
    21st. Logs should be sent via email to IRTS contest manager Mark EI6JK
    at contestmanager /at/ irts.ie. The next outing will be the IRTS SSB
    Field Day over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday the 7th and 8th of

    Items for Inclusion in the Next Radio News

    That is the news for this week. Items for inclusion for the next radio
    news, which will be on Sunday, August 4th, can be submitted by email to
    newsteam /at/ irts.ie for automatic forwarding to both the radio and
    printed news services. The deadline is midnight on Thursday August 1st.

    News Archives

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