• Re: FAQ/Intro for rec.radio.amateur.*

    From nospamforu@none.com@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 18 13:54:53 2025
    On 7 Feb 2025 07:05:01 -0000, rram@panix.com (rec.radio.info Admin)

    Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3.2 beta (PGPMoose V2.0, Perl 5.005)
    Archive-name: radio/ham-radio/recruitment
    Revision: 1.2 2009/11/25 14:41:01
    Posting-Frequency: posted quarterly
    URL: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/radio/personal-intro/

    Changes followed by "|".

    The rec.radio.info newsgroup, first established in 1993, has been
    recently revived by an active moderation team. We are currently seeking >suitable information, FAQ, and bulletin articles from the entire
    rec.radio.* newsgroup hierarchy for simultaneous cross-posting to our >newsgroup.

    We are seeking a replacement maintainer for the following information >bulletin formerly posted to rec.radio.amateur.* (and currently archived
    at http://www.faqs.org/faqs/radio/personal-intro/ ):

    Subject: Guide to the rec.radio Newsgroups
    Maintainer: jeffreyh@Hawaii.Edu (Jeffrey Herman)
    Last Posted: 9 Nov 2001 06:18:17 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: 15th of each month

    One significant omission, requiring immediate updates, for this article |
    is that it does not mention newer amateur radio newsgroups created since |
    it was written, including: |

    rec.radio.amateur.antenna |
    rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors |
    rec.radio.amateur.dx |
    rec.radio.amateur.equipment |
    rec.radio.amateur.homebrew |
    rec.radio.amateur.moderated |
    rec.radio.amateur.space |

    We are willing to provide any technical support necessary to get this
    article updated and automatically posted again at a regular interval.
    This would include establishing contact with the original maintainer for
    any necessary permissions. We would prefer to seek a new, dedicated >maintainer at this time, rather than start auto-posting the original
    article ourselves.

    For more information about our newsgroup, see:


    Please direct any comments, questions, or criticisms to >rec-radio-info-request@panix.com.


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)