• =?UTF-8?B?UkU6IFJlOiBUb20ncyBkZW1vbnMgYXJlIHN0cm9uZyB0b2RheSEgUmU6IFJFO

    From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 19:38:36 2024
    On Wed Dec 18 12:05:45 2024 John B. wrote:
    On Tue, 17 Dec 2024 21:08:43 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sun, 15 Dec 2024 07:27:57 +0700, John B. wrote:

    On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:57:56 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Mon, 09 Dec 2024 06:26:53 -0500, zen cycle wrote:

    On 12/8/2024 4:19 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun, 01 Dec 2024 14:03:59 +0700, John B. wrote:

    On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 22:31:30 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:27:58 -0800, Jeff Liebermann wrote:

    On Fri, 29 Nov 2024 18:30:58 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com> >>>>>>>> wrote:

    On Mon Nov 4 00:06:49 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:37:45 +0700, John B.

    On Sun, 03 Nov 2024 19:12:04 -0800, Jeff Liebermann

    On Sun, 3 Nov 2024 20:49:03 -0500, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Tom's demons are strong and raging today! He's digging back >>>>>>>>>>>>> months to resurrect piles of dead threads so he can hurl more >>>>>>>>>>>>> insults and threats at those who have disrespected him. >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Something very bad must have happened at his home. Something >>>>>>>>>>>>> even worse than botching a component installation yet again! >>>>>>>>>>>>
    It probably wasn't something "bad". My guess(tm) is that he >>>>>>>>>>>> sorted his news readers list of articles by name, subject or >>>>>>>>>>>> sender, instead of by date. It's easy to do by accident. He >>>>>>>>>>>> might have also turned off threading, which arranges articles >>>>>>>>>>>> on a given "Subject" into a tree. Without the tree structure, >>>>>>>>>>>> untangling articles into a logical sequence is rather >>>>>>>>>>>> difficult.
    The resulting mess also explains why Tom is switching back and >>>>>>>>>>>> forth between two newsreaders (newshosting.com reader and Pan) >>>>>>>>>>>> which can be identified by his name vacillating between >>>>>>>>>>>> "cyclintom" and "Tom Kunich". The newshosting.com newsreader: >>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/>
    is also responsible for the multiple "RE: Re: RE: Re:" mess in >>>>>>>>>>>> the subject line. The Windoze version of Pan is also well >>>>>>>>>>>> behind the current Linux version, which means that Pan bugs >>>>>>>>>>>> tend to become permanent.

    I really wonder about some of Tommy's posts. He goes on and on >>>>>>>>>>> about the period he seems to have spent at Guam in support of >>>>>>>>>>> the B-52 missions over N Vietnam.

    Our base sent people temporary duty to Guam for 90 days and >>>>>>>>>>> then they returned and a different group was selected but for >>>>>>>>>>> whatever reason they weren't required to go.

    So out of a 4 year enlistment some of out guys served in Guam >>>>>>>>>>> for 3 months but Tommy's post are all about his service in Guam >>>>>>>>>>> as though that was the only place he served during his entire 4 >>>>>>>>>>> year A.F. service... or maybe he was never in the A.F. at all? >>>>>>>>>>
    I don't know anything about how the USAF operated at the time. >>>>>>>>>> Presumably, it was after he had some training, possibly at Lowry >>>>>>>>>> AFB from 1961 to 1962 as shown on his online resume at:

    I didn't know what to think until Tom posted a highly unlikely >>>>>>>>>> fantasy about how the USAF sent avionics for him to fix from >>>>>>>>>> Vietnam to Tom in Oakland and then back to Vietnam. Here's >>>>>>>>>> something on that amazing claim. There's more but it's late and >>>>>>>>>> I'm burned out from relaxing too much today:

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>>> LCkJkdp7BwAJ>
    "I worked for Bayaire Avionics for 4 years during the Vietnam >>>>>>>>>> Airlift as an avionics technician."

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>>> p0Ugd2OEBwAJ>
    The Vietnam Airlift lasted a grand total of 2 days:
    I'm missing something here. The Vietnam Airlift was in Vietnam. >>>>>>>>>> Bayaire was in Oakland, CA. Did they fly the helicopters back >>>>>>>>>> and forth across the Pacific Ocean?

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>>> Hvi1fsv9AQAJ>
    More on Bayaire Avionics.

    Jeff, you've never done anything. Please don't try to interpret >>>>>>>>> things you can't understand. The Vietnam airlift wasn't that ASS >>>>>>>>> Bidens retreat from Afghanistan and Iraq which took 2 days and >>>>>>>>> left hundreds of American behind.

    Vietnam was a planned retreat that Nixon planned and not someone >>>>>>>>> like you who doesn't know anything. All of the Aemrican troops >>>>>>>>> where broght back as a reduction of force until they were all >>>>>>>>> back including all of the civilian agencies and most of the South >>>>>>>>> Vietnamese government who would have been slaughtered.

    Why exactly do you lie about everything?

    Where did the Air Force send me anything to fix for them? Is your >>>>>>>>> growing dementia getting these sorts of answers?

    What dod Helicopters have to do with anything? All of the
    American vehicles were shipped back to the US along with all of >>>>>>>>> the people that used or maintained them.

    The airlift was bout moving people out of South Vietnam.
    "More than 7,000 people were evacuated by helicopter from various >>>>>>>> points in Saigon."

    More of the same:
    <https://www.afhistory.af.mil/FAQs/Fact-Sheets/Article/458955/1975- >>>>>>> operation-babylift-and-frequent-wind/>

    US military was returned to the states via COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT >>>>>>>>> you stupid twit. And Bayaire Avionics maintained commercial >>>>>>>>> aircraft.

    You entire life has been one of bad decision after bad decision. >>>>>>>>> Do not think for one second that that is normal.

    Tom. That's a really great example of you attempting to change >>>>>>>> the topic and divert attention away from your mistakes. There is >>>>>>>> nothing in your reply that mentions your airlift, the duration of >>>>>>>> the airlift,
    or your 4 years working as an avionics technician. In other >>>>>>>> words, a random assortment of unrelated "facts".

    The US "military" did not ship avionics equipment 6,800 nautical >>>>>>>> miles from Vietnam to Oakland California and back again just so >>>>>>>> you,
    in a commercial avionics shop, could work on military avionics >>>>>>>> equipment. How would they get their training on military avionics? >>>>>>>> What happened to working on Guam?

    Photo of the Bayaire Avionics hangar circa 1972:
    I'm trying to visualize cramming a B-52 into that hangar.

    I would be interested in knowing which 4 years you worked for >>>>>>>> Bayaire as an avionics technician in Oakland. Was that before, >>>>>>>> during or after you were in the USAF?

    Tell everyone here what you personally knew about Vietnam that you >>>>>>> didn't get from Wikipedia? I was there and you were hiding. You >>>>>>> know nothing about it and pretend you do. You would make a toad >>>>>>> vomit but they are smarter than you and know better than to pay the >>>>>>> slightest attention to you.

    You were in Vietnam? When was that? Before or after you spent your >>>>>> tour in Guam?

    And where did you do for the other 3 years and some months that you >>>>>> were in the Air Force?

    Or is your whole life a lie? You were never in the Air Force, you >>>>>> were never on Guam and you certainly were never in Vietnam.

    John, you claim that you were in Vietnam but never in what capacity. >>>>> But I see no reason to doubt you. Even though it would mean that you >>>>> changed basic commands from SAC to TAC and SAC NEVER lets go of
    useful people.

    So 1. Why are you lying that Guam was not classified as a war zone >>>>> and 2. Why don't you include the airspace above north and south
    Vietnam as being in Vietnam?

    I was on at least 3 bombing missions to Vietnam in my 3 months of
    TDY. I even was in the AC's position and the Pilot turned off the
    autopilot and allowed me to fly the aircraft while over Vietnam
    moving towards the DMZ.

    yeah, a B-52 pilot would allow an airman with no pilot training to fly >>>> his plane...lol...sure tommy. Tell us another one....

    Seems like you can't stand the idea that there were other people in >>>>> the Air Force that have your number.

    Every time you comment you show what an utter fool you are. A B52 flies >>>easily. The PILOT is called a co-pilot in commercial aviation and the >>>military equivilent of the "pilot" is the Aircraft Commander. While in a >>>war zone it was manditory that both seats be manned at all times. So >>>when the AC or Pilot left to use the head, the Electronics Warfare >>>Officer WHO ALSO HAD NO FLIGT TRAINING AT ALL would sit in the open >>>seat. But the EWO was a lot more vsluable at his station making sure >>>that we could not be tracked by missiles.

    More proof that you never flew on a B-52 and may never in the Air Force
    at all.

    Multi engine airplanes have two "pilots". The guy in the Left Hand seat
    is the Aircraft Commander and is equal of a Navy "Captain" in that the
    entire airplane and all in it are under his command. And whether he is
    sitting in his seat or gets up to pee he is always the sole commander of >> the aircraft and the your assertion that some untrained A2c or even
    another member of the crew would sit in his seat is again ridicules, if
    no other reason that what they do there? They have no idea of that the
    AC does in flight.

    Your arguments seem more and more to indicate that you don't know what
    you are talking and may not even have been in the Air Force at all.
    Were you one of those that ran away to Canada to avoid the draft?

    John, you were a CREW CHIEF. The only thing you did was take writeups by >the crew, distribute those to the proper maiuntenance shops and to the >aircraft to the refueling pits. Quit pretending that you actually know >ANYTHING about the operation of the aircraft.

    Nope, in my day the Crew Chief and his crew maintained the engines
    and airframe. Long before you joined the A.F. (if you ever did)

    John B.

    Why can't you keep yourself from telling lies? The crew chief had nothing to do with the engine and airframe mechanics beyond submitting write-ups from the crew or submitting your own writeup for normal timed maintenance.

    John, it drives you nuts that you can't lie in front of someone who has been there. You didn't even know that there were SAC and TAC. So stop your trying to deny I was in thge Air Force. AF19748158 E2 with a level 5 maintenance level and a secret
    security clearance until 9-11 when the government seized its chance to take away all of the clearances so that the could spend huge amounts of money to redocument your clearance.

    Tell us again how you and your wife used to ride down into Bangkok.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 16:28:06 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 11:54:45 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:32:42 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Eisenhower chose Nixon as his running mate for the very simple reason that he was probably thge finest in6ternational scholar alive at that time. It was nesessary for the Demecrats to silence Nixon because not only did he make sense to most Americans
    but he promised the dawn of a brave new Republican world.

    Therefore the Democrats had to commit election fraud on a grander scale than they had been doing. Nixon commented on that in front of Colonel Oliver North and North decided he had to know what the Democrats' plans were. So he planned and invaded the
    Democrats inner sanctom. It was plan that Nixon had nothing to do with it because it was clumbsy and ineffective, far different from what Nixon would have done. But the Slime Stream Media dumped it into Nixon's lap and hounded him into resigning. To that
    point most of the media was at least polite. But the moment they smelled blood in the water, like the sharks they were, they were tearing Nixon to bits. I wish to remind you of Nixon's last speech. "Your President is not a crook." What's more he never
    needed to be one.

    Now here are 50 years after the event and even from that distance Krygowski still cannot think about what happened. Even with the Nixon Foundation'z vidios of Nixon speeches showing him to have been far too smart to even try something like Watergate.

    Krygowski insists on being stupid because Nixon was a first class Liberal whereas Frank is and remains a stupid socialist.

    This is closer to reality on why Eisenhower wanted Nixon as VP. <https://www2.gwu.edu/~erpapers/mep/displaydoc.cfm?docid=erpn-ricnix>
    I guess(tm) this is what you consider to be an "international
    "Nixon was kept outside of the president's inner circle, yet he
    developed considerable skill in foreign policy, which was demonstrated
    in his 1959 confrontation in Moscow with Soviet premier Nikita
    Khrushchev, known as the kitchen debate."

    You also screwed up your dates and events, but I don't have time to
    fix that for you.

    Eisenhower wanted Nixon as VP because Nixon was viewed a fervent anti-communist because he was a member of the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) and because he worked on alien registration
    laws. At the time, the "Red Scare" was very much on everyone's mind. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare#Second_Red_Scare_(1947%E2%80%931957)>

    As usual, Error 404 Page Not Found.

    But Liebermann who wasn't alive at that time is willing to tell us all about it. Just like saying that the Techtronix wire fault detector is the way to measure wire length when it operates exactly like my home made device. Or that he could tell you that
    I am wrong about mud conditions on Cull Canyon by looking at a picture from Google Earth of unknown date. Liebermann - your life is a failure because you can never learn from your mistakes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 17:00:23 2024
    On Sun Dec 15 12:46:24 2024 John B. wrote:
    On Sun, 15 Dec 2024 10:08:10 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com>

    On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 23:38:22 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 14:56:21 -0600, AMuzi wrote:

    On 12/14/2024 1:12 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun, 08 Dec 2024 23:10:41 -0500, Frank Krygowski wrote:

    On 12/8/2024 7:35 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 8 Dec 2024 22:46:45 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    Tell us Liebermann, why did you spend 6 years in college to get a 4 >>>>>>> year degree? You told us it was to get antidraft status.

    Close. It was to obtain a draft deferment. There's no such thing as >>>>>> "antidraft" unless you're referring to someone opposed to the draft. >>>>>> There were some other reasons why it took so long, but the deferment >>>>>> was the major motivation. For example, I had a part time job for all >>>>>> of the first 5 years and worked full time during two summers. There >>>>>> was also a problem getting into classes required for graduation. The >>>>>> colleges were overflowing with students doing the same thing.
    Seniors had priority for obtaining seats. I had to take some
    unrelated classes (i.e. tractor driving and tractor mechanics) in >>>>>> order to have enough units to obtain a deferment and later try to >>>>>> catch up when seats in my major became available. At one point, I >>>>>> was drafted and went as far as getting a pre-induction physical, but >>>>>> was able to convince the draft board that I should be allowed to stay >>>>>> in school.

    So after all that time in school you learned nothing at all

    Who are you to judge what I've learned? You didn't graduate from >>>>>> high school and therefore didn't have any college experience. By >>>>>> your own criteria, you're not qualified to judge anything with which >>>>>> you haven't personally experienced.

    and exited it with nothing more than the analog radio knowledge you >>>>>>> had before going to college from your interesst in citizen's band >>>>>>> radios.

    Nice word salad. Impressing sounding terms, but nothing

    Bend over in front of Flunky and say "Please".

    You're probably expecting me to get angry and react to that comment. >>>>>> Being angry makes you happy, so I'll have no part of that.

    I'll just note that Tom has been stuck in high rant mode for several >>>>> days now. I wonder what's triggered him. Did another crank arm fall >>>>> off?
    Did Janet Yellen refuse his phone consultation? Did Trump pass him >>>>> over for a Cabinet position yet again? ;-)

    Poor little Frank, with Biden's inflation eating iunto his retirement >>>> he finds himself not wanted at Youngstown. Too woke. The world changes >>>> but not Krygowski. Socialism is out of fashion.

    You may be mistaken.

    In Mahoning county, 50636 voters or 44.9% voted for Ms Harris. That's >>> slightly higher than Ohio overall but not by much.

    Remember, despite the failed Democrat strategy to pretend that there is >>such a thing as a popular vote it is the Democrats themselves who put into >>effect the "winjner takes all" strategy.

    So it is ELECTORAL votes that count now and not the "popular vote" that >>Democrats are claiming was so close. Trump won by a full 25% of electoral >>votes and now you're hearing the Democrats crying that we should eliminate >>the electoral system and go with the "entirely Democratic" popular vote. >>Remember that Adolf Hitler was elected with the popular vote which is

    Nope, Hitler was appointed as Chancellor because his party was the
    largest in the Reichstag although not a majority.

    EXACTLY why our founding fathers preferred the electoral system -

    More bull shit. The U.S. was originally "designed" to be a union of
    states and the Electrical system was designed to give each state
    election authority, in presidential and vice presidential elections,
    based on their population.

    Obviously I misspelled a word... Electional perhaps?

    John B.

    Electoral College John.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 17:43:01 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 14:08:40 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:28:06 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    As usual, Error 404 Page Not Found.

    Try pasting it into a web browser. Notepad will not work.

    But Liebermann who wasn't alive at that time is willing to tell us all about it. Just like saying that the Techtronix wire fault detector is the way to measure wire length when it operates exactly like my home made device. Or that he could tell you
    that I am wrong about mud conditions on Cull Canyon by looking at a picture from Google Earth of unknown date. Liebermann - your life is a failure because you can never learn from your mistakes.

    Liebermann unfortunately is willing to dig around and find any left wing sourse that will sling dirt on Nixon.

    To the real people here, Nixon was driven out of office because he believed that even an unsuccessful attempt to impeach him would destroy his legacy. The Democrats tried this again with Trump and he simply ignored them. Virtu8ally all articles about
    Trump in the Slime Stream Media are completely negative and most are outright lies such as the claim that he said to drink bleach to cure Covid-19.

    This has ended the rein of the Slime Stream Media and 70% of Americans give them not the slightest heed.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 17:49:30 2024
    On Sat Dec 14 14:31:09 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 12/14/2024 2:12 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun, 08 Dec 2024 23:10:41 -0500, Frank Krygowski wrote:

    I'll just note that Tom has been stuck in high rant mode for several
    days now. I wonder what's triggered him. Did another crank arm fall off? >> Did Janet Yellen refuse his phone consultation? Did Trump pass him over
    for a Cabinet position yet again? ;-)

    Poor little Frank, with Biden's inflation eating iunto his retirement he finds himself not wanted at Youngstown. Too woke. The world changes but
    not Krygowski. Socialism is out of fashion.

    :-) Last night I paid some bills via the internet. I was pleased to see
    that the state teacher's retirement system gave us an extra bonus check yesterday. Let me know if you need a loan, Tom.

    Why thank you, I could use $100,000 since there is another investment I would like to make in land.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 17:17:53 2024
    On Mon Dec 16 08:23:39 2024 John B. wrote:
    On Sun, 15 Dec 2024 12:42:30 -0600, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 12/14/2024 9:08 PM, John B. wrote:
    On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 23:38:22 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sat, 14 Dec 2024 14:56:21 -0600, AMuzi wrote:

    On 12/14/2024 1:12 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sun, 08 Dec 2024 23:10:41 -0500, Frank Krygowski wrote:

    On 12/8/2024 7:35 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 8 Dec 2024 22:46:45 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    Tell us Liebermann, why did you spend 6 years in college to get a 4 >>>>>>>> year degree? You told us it was to get antidraft status.

    Close. It was to obtain a draft deferment. There's no such thing as >>>>>>> "antidraft" unless you're referring to someone opposed to the draft. >>>>>>> There were some other reasons why it took so long, but the deferment >>>>>>> was the major motivation. For example, I had a part time job for all >>>>>>> of the first 5 years and worked full time during two summers. There >>>>>>> was also a problem getting into classes required for graduation. The >>>>>>> colleges were overflowing with students doing the same thing.
    Seniors had priority for obtaining seats. I had to take some
    unrelated classes (i.e. tractor driving and tractor mechanics) in >>>>>>> order to have enough units to obtain a deferment and later try to >>>>>>> catch up when seats in my major became available. At one point, I >>>>>>> was drafted and went as far as getting a pre-induction physical, but >>>>>>> was able to convince the draft board that I should be allowed to stay >>>>>>> in school.

    So after all that time in school you learned nothing at all

    Who are you to judge what I've learned? You didn't graduate from >>>>>>> high school and therefore didn't have any college experience. By >>>>>>> your own criteria, you're not qualified to judge anything with which >>>>>>> you haven't personally experienced.

    and exited it with nothing more than the analog radio knowledge you >>>>>>>> had before going to college from your interesst in citizen's band >>>>>>>> radios.

    Nice word salad. Impressing sounding terms, but nothing

    Bend over in front of Flunky and say "Please".

    You're probably expecting me to get angry and react to that comment. >>>>>>> Being angry makes you happy, so I'll have no part of that.

    I'll just note that Tom has been stuck in high rant mode for several >>>>>> days now. I wonder what's triggered him. Did another crank arm fall >>>>>> off?
    Did Janet Yellen refuse his phone consultation? Did Trump pass him >>>>>> over for a Cabinet position yet again? ;-)

    Poor little Frank, with Biden's inflation eating iunto his retirement >>>>> he finds himself not wanted at Youngstown. Too woke. The world changes >>>>> but not Krygowski. Socialism is out of fashion.

    You may be mistaken.

    In Mahoning county, 50636 voters or 44.9% voted for Ms Harris. That's >>>> slightly higher than Ohio overall but not by much.

    Remember, despite the failed Democrat strategy to pretend that there is >>> such a thing as a popular vote it is the Democrats themselves who put into
    effect the "winjner takes all" strategy.

    So it is ELECTORAL votes that count now and not the "popular vote" that >>> Democrats are claiming was so close. Trump won by a full 25% of electoral >>> votes and now you're hearing the Democrats crying that we should eliminate
    the electoral system and go with the "entirely Democratic" popular vote. >>> Remember that Adolf Hitler was elected with the popular vote which is

    Nope, Hitler was appointed as Chancellor because his party was the
    largest in the Reichstag although not a majority.

    EXACTLY why our founding fathers preferred the electoral system -

    More bull shit. The U.S. was originally "designed" to be a union of
    states and the Electrical system was designed to give each state
    election authority, in presidential and vice presidential elections,
    based on their population.

    uh, the 'Electrical System' is East US, West US and Texas.
    I think you meant 'electoral'.

    Yes, My spell checker made another mistake :-)

    John B.

    This is why Flunky, Liebermann and Krygowski feel so superior to people that do not spell correctly, They can pick the proper spelling from the list provided. You just witnessed Flunky and Liebermann making a big deal out of spelling Techtronix correctly
    while saying nothing about the fact that the wire fault detector they were touting worked exactly the same way my home made instrument worked and and they claimed wouldn't work. Liebermann, Flunky and Krygowski are life's losers, though at least Flunky
    and Krygowski managed to earn a living.

    Right here in my closet I have one of the best Techtronix oscilloscopes made and a dozen to one, neither Flunky nor Liebermann could even turn it on or use it properly. But they can spell the name correctly and that is important, right?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 18:04:49 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 12:32:15 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:39:18 -0500, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@gXXmail.com> wrote:

    On 12/22/2024 12:51 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 16 22:36:57 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 12/16/2024 5:59 PM, cyclintom wrote:

    I will just note that Frank feels very uncomrfortable when I keep making points. According to him Trump barely won when in fact he held a 75/25 victory.

    Oh, please DO show us your "75/25" computations in detail!

    After telling us that you had to teach high level math it sort of stood out that you didn't correct me.

    It's obvious your "75/25" statement was wrong. If you want me to correct >your math in detail - that is, so you wouldn't repeat your mistake -
    you'd have to show me your work.

    You've refused to do that. I can't help you.

    Help is always possible. Whether the recipient is interested in being
    helped is the current problem. Tom wants to be the source and origin
    of literally everything in rec.bicycles.tech. If someone else makes a
    valid claim, backs it with references and explains how it works in
    detail, Tom will want no part of it and claim that it's a Democratic
    party conspiracy. He might also claim that he didn't see the message, couldn't read it because his anti-virus program wasn't allowing him to
    see it, or simply ignore any further discussion on the topic.

    These Percentage Vote Calculators might help, assuming Tom is able to
    read, think and calculate: <https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/statistics/vote-percentage-calculator.php>

    Liebermann, you're the only person in the world that can believe that winning by 86 votes in the electoral college where Trump needed only 270 votes to win and he had 312 is only 16%. That stupidity alone should disqualify you for welfare.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 25 23:53:17 2024
    On Tue Dec 17 08:01:47 2024 John B. wrote:
    On Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:38:15 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Mon, 09 Dec 2024 12:41:17 +0700, John B. wrote:

    On Sun, 8 Dec 2024 21:19:06 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sun, 01 Dec 2024 14:03:59 +0700, John B. wrote:

    On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 22:31:30 -0000 (UTC), Tom Kunich
    <cyclintom@yahoo.com> wrote:

    On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 13:27:58 -0800, Jeff Liebermann wrote:

    On Fri, 29 Nov 2024 18:30:58 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com> >>>>>> wrote:

    On Mon Nov 4 00:06:49 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:37:45 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com> >>>>>>>> wrote:

    On Sun, 03 Nov 2024 19:12:04 -0800, Jeff Liebermann

    On Sun, 3 Nov 2024 20:49:03 -0500, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
    Tom's demons are strong and raging today! He's digging back >>>>>>>> >>>months to resurrect piles of dead threads so he can hurl more >>>>>>>> >>>insults and threats at those who have disrespected him.

    Something very bad must have happened at his home. Something >>>>>>>> >>>even worse than botching a component installation yet again! >>>>>>>> >>
    It probably wasn't something "bad". My guess(tm) is that he >>>>>>>> >>sorted his news readers list of articles by name, subject or >>>>>>>> >>sender, instead of by date. It's easy to do by accident. He >>>>>>>> >>might have also turned off threading, which arranges articles on >>>>>>>> >>a given "Subject" into a tree. Without the tree structure, >>>>>>>> >>untangling articles into a logical sequence is rather difficult. >>>>>>>> >>The resulting mess also explains why Tom is switching back and >>>>>>>> >>forth between two newsreaders (newshosting.com reader and Pan) >>>>>>>> >>which can be identified by his name vacillating between
    "cyclintom" and "Tom Kunich". The newshosting.com newsreader: >>>>>>>> >><https://www.newshosting.com/newsreader/>
    is also responsible for the multiple "RE: Re: RE: Re:" mess in >>>>>>>> >>the subject line. The Windoze version of Pan is also well >>>>>>>> >>behind the current Linux version, which means that Pan bugs tend >>>>>>>> >>to become permanent.

    I really wonder about some of Tommy's posts. He goes on and on >>>>>>>> >about the period he seems to have spent at Guam in support of the >>>>>>>> >B-52 missions over N Vietnam.

    Our base sent people temporary duty to Guam for 90 days and then >>>>>>>> >they returned and a different group was selected but for whatever >>>>>>>> >reason they weren't required to go.

    So out of a 4 year enlistment some of out guys served in Guam for >>>>>>>> >3 months but Tommy's post are all about his service in Guam as >>>>>>>> >though that was the only place he served during his entire 4 year >>>>>>>> >A.F. service... or maybe he was never in the A.F. at all?

    I don't know anything about how the USAF operated at the time. >>>>>>>> Presumably, it was after he had some training, possibly at Lowry >>>>>>>> AFB from 1961 to 1962 as shown on his online resume at:

    I didn't know what to think until Tom posted a highly unlikely >>>>>>>> fantasy about how the USAF sent avionics for him to fix from >>>>>>>> Vietnam to Tom in Oakland and then back to Vietnam. Here's
    something on that amazing claim. There's more but it's late and >>>>>>>> I'm burned out from relaxing too much today:

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>LCkJkdp7BwAJ>
    "I worked for Bayaire Avionics for 4 years during the Vietnam >>>>>>>> Airlift as an avionics technician."

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>p0Ugd2OEBwAJ>
    The Vietnam Airlift lasted a grand total of 2 days:
    I'm missing something here. The Vietnam Airlift was in Vietnam. >>>>>>>> Bayaire was in Oakland, CA. Did they fly the helicopters back and >>>>>>>> forth across the Pacific Ocean?

    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/ZMiLSdqisfg/m/ >>>>>Hvi1fsv9AQAJ>
    More on Bayaire Avionics.

    Jeff, you've never done anything. Please don't try to interpret >>>>>>>things you can't understand. The Vietnam airlift wasn't that ASS >>>>>>>Bidens retreat from Afghanistan and Iraq which took 2 days and left >>>>>>>hundreds of American behind.

    Vietnam was a planned retreat that Nixon planned and not someone >>>>>>>like you who doesn't know anything. All of the Aemrican troops where >>>>>>>broght back as a reduction of force until they were all back >>>>>>>including all of the civilian agencies and most of the South >>>>>>>Vietnamese government who would have been slaughtered.

    Why exactly do you lie about everything?

    Where did the Air Force send me anything to fix for them? Is your >>>>>>>growing dementia getting these sorts of answers?

    What dod Helicopters have to do with anything? All of the American >>>>>>>vehicles were shipped back to the US along with all of the people >>>>>>>that used or maintained them.

    The airlift was bout moving people out of South Vietnam.
    "More than 7,000 people were evacuated by helicopter from various >>>>>> points in Saigon."

    More of the same:
    <https://www.afhistory.af.mil/FAQs/Fact-Sheets/Article/458955/1975- >>>>>operation-babylift-and-frequent-wind/>

    US military was returned to the states via COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT you >>>>>>>stupid twit. And Bayaire Avionics maintained commercial aircraft. >>>>>>>
    You entire life has been one of bad decision after bad decision. Do >>>>>>>not think for one second that that is normal.

    Tom. That's a really great example of you attempting to change the >>>>>> topic and divert attention away from your mistakes. There is
    nothing in your reply that mentions your airlift, the duration of >>>>>> the airlift,
    or your 4 years working as an avionics technician. In other words, >>>>>> a random assortment of unrelated "facts".

    The US "military" did not ship avionics equipment 6,800 nautical >>>>>> miles from Vietnam to Oakland California and back again just so you, >>>>>> in a commercial avionics shop, could work on military avionics
    equipment. How would they get their training on military avionics? >>>>>> What happened to working on Guam?

    Photo of the Bayaire Avionics hangar circa 1972:
    <https://twinotterarchive.com/ >>>>>154_N7663_unk_Oakland_Jul-1972_ejc_1024a.jpg>
    I'm trying to visualize cramming a B-52 into that hangar.

    I would be interested in knowing which 4 years you worked for
    Bayaire as an avionics technician in Oakland. Was that before,
    during or after you were in the USAF?

    Tell everyone here what you personally knew about Vietnam that you >>>>>didn't get from Wikipedia? I was there and you were hiding. You know >>>>>nothing about it and pretend you do. You would make a toad vomit but >>>>>they are smarter than you and know better than to pay the slightest >>>>>attention to you.

    You were in Vietnam? When was that? Before or after you spent your
    tour in Guam?

    And where did you do for the other 3 years and some months that you
    were in the Air Force?

    Or is your whole life a lie? You were never in the Air Force, you were >>>> never on Guam and you certainly were never in Vietnam.

    John, you claim that you were in Vietnam but never in what capacity. But >>>I see no reason to doubt you. Even though it would mean that you changed >>>basic commands from SAC to TAC and SAC NEVER lets go of useful people.

    While overseas I never heard a mention of TAC or SAC, it was the 14th
    Air Commando Wing at Nha Trang Air Base when I was there, under the
    command of the United States Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) Seventh Air

    So 1. Why are you lying that Guam was not classified as a war zone and >>>2. Why don't you include the airspace above north and south Vietnam as >>>being in Vietnam?

    I thought I asked you whether you were paying income tax or not - we
    didn't in Vietnam - a war zone - and you never answered.

    I was on at least 3 bombing missions to Vietnam in my 3 months of TDY. I >>>even was in the AC's position and the Pilot turned off the autopilot and >>>allowed me to fly the aircraft while over Vietnam moving towards the >>>DMZ.

    Tommy stop lying. Nobody sits in the A.C.'S seat except the A.C. You
    saying that the let you fly the airplane is so ridicules that it isn't
    even funny.
    As for flying on a mission I have heard that was done when it was
    possible that a technician could fix something in flight but I'm
    guessing that was a rare happening and the thought of a shop chief
    sending a half trained A2C to do the job is, again, ridicules.
    Particularly as said A2C has confessed that his usual "work" was to
    carry the tool bag for a competent A1C.

    In short, you have,once again, proved yourself a liar.

    Seems like you can't stand the idea that there were other people in the >>>Air Force that have your number.

    I do find it interesting that you are completely unaware of the fact that >while there was a unit of the 7th Air Force in Vietnam, it was largely in >Thailand. I also find it incriminating that you do not know that it was >part of TAC.

    No Tommy I didn't know that the 7th AF was a part of TAC, and I don't
    believe you do either. So provide a little evidence.

    If you don't even know that how could you possibly know what
    occurred on Missions? And tell us again how the AC never took a piss or >that there wasn't an Air Force rule that both aircraft control stations >were not supposed to be manned at all times.

    Well, given that I've flown on more flights then you I suspect I know
    more about what goes on in airplanes then you do and there is no rule
    that the AC's seat has to be filled at all times. Why would there be
    such a rule? After all what could an untrained A2c do there?

    Your lies are getting ahead
    of you. Crew Chiefs knew NOTHING about an aircraft in the air. Give us
    some more of your stupid bullshit.

    Ah, so loud, so dumb.

    As a Crew Chief or maintenance technician I flew (lets see) from Japan
    to Okinawa (several times), to The Philippines, to Thailand, and to
    Enewetak. The flight to Thailand was long before any U.S. unit had
    been there before and was to honor the King's birthday or some such
    thing. Enewetak was for the atomic tests of course.

    And so you won't get confused, if you fly there you have to fly back

    And the reason why was, of chouse to perform any required maintenance
    a full maintenance crew was needed as there was no qualified
    technicians for our airplanes stationed at these locations.

    It was very easy to remember Stategic Bombders and Tankers were part of SAC. Fighters and Fighter/bombers were TAC.

    The 7th Air Force operated A10's which were fighter/bombers and F15's which were fighter/interceptors and is part of TAC.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 21:29:52 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 11:28:42 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:28:06 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 11:54:45 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:32:42 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Eisenhower chose Nixon as his running mate for the very simple reason that he was probably thge finest in6ternational scholar alive at that time. It was nesessary for the Demecrats to silence Nixon because not only did he make sense to most
    Americans but he promised the dawn of a brave new Republican world.

    Therefore the Democrats had to commit election fraud on a grander scale than they had been doing. Nixon commented on that in front of Colonel Oliver North and North decided he had to know what the Democrats' plans were. So he planned and invaded
    the Democrats inner sanctom. It was plan that Nixon had nothing to do with it because it was clumbsy and ineffective, far different from what Nixon would have done. But the Slime Stream Media dumped it into Nixon's lap and hounded him into resigning. To
    that point most of the media was at least polite. But the moment they smelled blood in the water, like the sharks they were, they were tearing Nixon to bits. I wish to remind you of Nixon's last speech. "Your President is not a crook." What's more he
    never needed to be one.

    Now here are 50 years after the event and even from that distance Krygowski still cannot think about what happened. Even with the Nixon Foundation'z vidios of Nixon speeches showing him to have been far too smart to even try something like

    Krygowski insists on being stupid because Nixon was a first class Liberal whereas Frank is and remains a stupid socialist.

    This is closer to reality on why Eisenhower wanted Nixon as VP.
    I guess(tm) this is what you consider to be an "international
    "Nixon was kept outside of the president's inner circle, yet he
    developed considerable skill in foreign policy, which was demonstrated
    in his 1959 confrontation in Moscow with Soviet premier Nikita
    Khrushchev, known as the kitchen debate."

    You also screwed up your dates and events, but I don't have time to
    fix that for you.

    Eisenhower wanted Nixon as VP because Nixon was viewed a fervent
    anti-communist because he was a member of the HUAC (House Un-American
    Activities Committee) and because he worked on alien registration
    laws. At the time, the "Red Scare" was very much on everyone's mind.

    As usual, Error 404 Page Not Found.

    Very few of the web servers produce "Error 404 Page Not Found". More commonly, it's just "404 page not found". See for yourself: <https://www.google.com/search?q=404+page+not+found&udm=2>
    You either can't accurately copy what's on the screen or you're lying
    as usual. If you're going to hallucinate error messages, at least
    write something clever, humorous or entertaining.

    Also as usual, you're the only person with the alleged problem. Fix
    it yourself. You experience far too many problems for them to be

    But Liebermann who wasn't alive at that time is willing to tell us all about it.

    What time (or date)? Try to be a little less vague and evasive.

    I was born in 1948 and was very much alive when Nixon was president
    (1969 - 1974). I was also alive when Nixon was vice-president (1953 -
    1961). I have fond memories of the Watergate scandal, where one of my roommates in college hung a rather large print of Nixon the wall of
    our dorm room. At the time, I was a Libertarian which made for some interesting conversation.

    Just like saying that the Techtronix wire fault detector is the way to measure wire length when it operates exactly like my home made device. Or that he could tell you that I am wrong about mud conditions on Cull Canyon by looking at a picture from
    Google Earth of unknown date. Liebermann - your life is a failure because you can never learn from your mistakes.

    Thanks for demonstrating your ineptitude. A wire fault detector is a continuity tester. A cable fault detector is a TDR. Show me a
    continuity tester that measures cable length and I might believe a
    small part of the rubbish you're unloading in RBT.

    Liebermann, willyou please stop demonstrating your ignorance so casually? There are all kinds of faults that can occur to wire strings. Discontinuity is only one. I re4alize that you're too stupid to actually read that article on the Techtronix wire
    fault testor but it shoed PARTIAL cracks inb the wire in three different regions. That makes no difference to someone whose entire world was changing ink jet printer cartridges since you're use to either continuity or not, but to sensitive electronics
    those reflections from partial breaks can cause failures. And this can come from simply handling the wire too roughly.

    Since you didn't evrn bother to look at the display you missed the demonstration of wire length.

    Is there some reason that you 7you feel the need to show your ignorance with EVERY posting? Why don't you prove that there wasn't water behind the dam on Cull Canyon before the rainy season filled it completely in with mud? You could always show a Google
    Earth photo of indeterminate date to prove me wrong. Of you could always show a picture of the carefully maintained swimming area filling up with mud. Or one that you can clearly see open water in the background. Or you can ignore the sign saying "Keep
    Out, Soft Mud."

    Continue blathering on. At least you have Flunky who is no kind of EE at all agreeing with you. Or the both of you can claim that my resume is falsified because companies would NEVER be smart enough to actually varify claims. Or call the people making
    recommendations of my work. PhD's who earned their degrees honestly.

    Hey, you can always tell everyone that my claim that the BCC Model 1 which I helped build wasn't the
    worlds largest and fastest time sharing computer. THAT must have been why UC Berkeley bought it and put it on line! UC Berkeley at the time actually graduated engineers and not draft dodgers.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 21:34:33 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 12:05:52 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 17:47:44 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Flunky believes the Democrat's version of what happened. He thinks that Archebald Cox was a "historian" though part of the open attack on Nixon,

    Archibald Cox was the special prosecutor. In order to prosecute, he
    is expected to "attack" the defendant (Nixon). I don't think anyone
    expected him to be on Nixon's side.

    a registered Democrat who the Democrats wouldn't touch when he approved of the far left Supreme Court judges they wanted installed.

    At the time, far left was the Democratic party. You say the Democrats
    would touch Cox because he approved of the far left judges that the
    Democrats wanted installed? That makes no sense.

    So now you're complaining because my punctuation isn't up to your standards? Or that you simply didn't understand what I said? Archibald Cox was a favored son until he approved of a conservative Supreme Court Justice purely on the grounds that he was an
    originalist and a particularly fine judge.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 22:03:19 2024
    On Fri Dec 27 12:19:48 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 16:57:32 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    It really pains you for me to have a long resume and recommendations from PhD's and all you have is a lousy PE that isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Engineers engineer things. Fools believe that assigning things to a class from textbooks written
    by real engineers makes them engineers.

    I seem to recall the you "read out" 4 libraries in order to gain the knowledge that allows you to call yourself an engineer.

    06/07/2022 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/QNPNSofg064/m/Xaamy15iBQAJ> "I would warrant that I've read more than 20 times more books than you
    have. I read out three public libraries, the military library and all
    of the books I used to gain the knowledge to become an engineer."

    Obviously, someone told you which books to read or you would be
    reading engineering books forever. You would never finish reading
    because new books arrive faster than you can read them. Or, you could
    claim that you knew which library books to read because they came to
    you in a dream.

    You will try absolutely anything to attempt to pretend I wasn't 50 years an engineer while you had only a very short term as a QC engineer and pissed off everyone so much that they fired you and wouldn't even acjknowledge that you worked for them.

    I was an electronics engineer NOT because I read out so many libraries. I was an engineer because I was actually curious about things from a very young age. I didn't go to college to AVOID something. I went into the Air Force because I wanted to learn
    things new.

    After I got out of the Air Force, I continued and while you were trying to finish the manual on how to change ink jet printer cartridges, I read every single Intel manual down to the slightest derail and knew that an Intell 8008 could control a
    mechanical device performing a complex control job and then later realize that the latest 8080 was pin comatible and simply by changing the clock speed could perform many additional jobs with the same instrument merely by adding additional dimensions of

    Again and again you show your true ignorance. Why doesn't it EVER make you stop and think what you look like? John Slocomb's analysis of historicsl events shows that aven in his 90's he is curious and learning. That at least shows to me that they
    probably misclassified him when he enterred the service and should have at least put him in a more technical trade. Jet engine mechanics probably.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 22:20:50 2024
    On Fri Dec 27 15:53:31 2024 Zen Cycle wrote:

    I recall he modified that later on to claim to have read all of the "non-fiction" volumes

    You're nothing more than a QC manager that wouldn't know how to engineer a peanut butter sandwich. They hire QC engineers not because anyone thinks that they are good engineers but because they need someone "qualified" to sign paperwork off.

    It is always entertaining to see you deny you're a "QC manager" because you know damned well what the engineering opinion of QC engineers is and you're not even that - you're a MANAGER who knows so little about engineering that you wouldn't read a C
    program with comments appended that explained what it was doing.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 23:43:21 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 11:41:58 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:04:49 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 12:32:15 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:39:18 -0500, Frank Krygowski
    <frkrygow@gXXmail.com> wrote:

    On 12/22/2024 12:51 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 16 22:36:57 2024 Frank Krygowski wrote:
    On 12/16/2024 5:59 PM, cyclintom wrote:

    I will just note that Frank feels very uncomrfortable when I keep making points. According to him Trump barely won when in fact he held a 75/25 victory.

    Oh, please DO show us your "75/25" computations in detail!

    After telling us that you had to teach high level math it sort of stood out that you didn't correct me.

    It's obvious your "75/25" statement was wrong. If you want me to correct >> >your math in detail - that is, so you wouldn't repeat your mistake -
    you'd have to show me your work.

    You've refused to do that. I can't help you.

    Help is always possible. Whether the recipient is interested in being
    helped is the current problem. Tom wants to be the source and origin
    of literally everything in rec.bicycles.tech. If someone else makes a
    valid claim, backs it with references and explains how it works in
    detail, Tom will want no part of it and claim that it's a Democratic
    party conspiracy. He might also claim that he didn't see the message,
    couldn't read it because his anti-virus program wasn't allowing him to
    see it, or simply ignore any further discussion on the topic.

    These Percentage Vote Calculators might help, assuming Tom is able to
    read, think and calculate:

    Liebermann, you're the only person in the world that can believe that winning by 86 votes in the electoral college where Trump needed only 270 votes to win and he had 312 is only 16%. That stupidity alone should disqualify you for welfare.

    In deference to your limited ability to do simple arithmetic, I posted
    my calculations in as simple a manner as possible. I also provided
    links to two online calculators (above) that will do the arithmetic
    for you without the need to deal with intermediate results. I can do
    no more to help you.

    08/03/2022 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/cJi96AJ2A3k/m/JEyDC0TDBgAJ> "I'll bet that there wasn't anything I didn't do wrong"

    Liebermann, as usual you posted absolutely inconsequential crap totally misjudging what the actual question was. You wanted to ptove that the winning margine was 16% of the number of electors.

    While that is correct that was not and is not the question. The question is the winning margin. Trump made 138% of the electors voting for Harris. You attempt to make it appear to be less simply through slight-of-hand fails yet again.

    And no matter WHAT Trump has a majority that cannot be broken by any legal method. And he has a majority in the House and the Senate and the Supreme Court. All of which would vote against him if he were the Adolf Hitler you wish he were.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 28 00:19:29 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 15:39:25 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:04:49 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Liebermann, you're the only person in the world that can believe that winning
    by 86 votes in the electoral college where Trump needed only 270 votes to
    win and he had 312 is only 16%.

    Trump 312 votes
    Harris 226 votes
    Total 538 votes

    Percentage of Trumps votes = number of votes/total of votes* 100 = 312/538*100 = 58%

    Percentage of Harris votes = number of votes/total of votes* 100 = 226/538*100=42%

    58% + 42% = 100%. Just checking data is valid.

    Trump won by 58% - 42% = 16%

    So now you know why degrees are important, and why only people that
    can think logically can get them (well, in sciences anyway)

    Liebermann's calculus was correct, assuming the number of votes is
    also correct.

    That stupidity alone should disqualify you for welfare.

    And yet it didn't. Biden and Obama were kind to you. You still
    live on welfare.

    But chins up, Trump will be giving you a 75% raise next
    year**, because he gave his "word" he would and he loves poor people.

    ** in taxes, but hey, 75% is 75% !!!!

    What you have calculated was the percentage of electoral votes based on total electoral votes. You are quite correct but that is meaningless when the question is WHAT WAS THE MARGIN OF VICTORY BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM.

    And again the number is 38%

    I suppose that you have a degree and consider the same slight of hand that Liebermann attempted to pull off as clear to anyone else with a degree. Well it is also clear to me that by not answering the real question you did nothing.

    Not to insult you but simply to point out why I was the one selected to take all of the impossible engineering jobs. Unless you seriously consider the correct questions you can never arrive at the correct answers.

    I was actually insulted that they gave me the NASA job to design a communications adapter board for the International Space Station. It was nothing more than cross connecting interface chips. And then I was doubly insulted when NASA wanted a 5,000 page
    manual which was nothing more than the layout of the backplane and the manufacturers manual descriptions of the indivisual communication's adapters. But I suppose that my managers thought that a NASA job would look good on my resume that they used to
    contract me out.

    I have the best anti-virus and VPM that money can buy. That's because when I was recovering frommy head injury I had someone break into my old and slow desktop and screw everything up. It wouldn't even load the OS. So still in the throws of disability I
    took it into a local computer repair business. He promptly told me that the only way to fix it was to load in a new OS. Not understanding what he meant I gave him the go ahead. He ERASED the entire disk and loaded a new OS in. My complete resume and all
    of the recommendations were on it and lost forever. I had a lot of partial resume's out because head hunters didn't like 27 page resume's so I would shorten and specialize them for a particular job. But that meant that all I could recover was partial
    resume's and letters of recommendation.

    A very good friend was an NCIS team leader who was a spy catcher and led a team of I think 16 agents in Italy. He wanted to return to the US but NCIS is almost exclusively overseas. He appled to the FBI which is what his master's was in but they said "
    Whites need not apply" So the only position open was a Federal Agent position as a computer specialist keeping the Federal computer system free of invasions.

    The point is, that if I had asked him about my computer he could have recovered all of my data AND installed a new OS without any damage.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)