• Re: Education that is in such short supply

    From zen cycle@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 07:38:27 2024
    T24gMTIvMjIvMjAyNCAzOjMwIFBNLCBjeWNsaW50b20gd3JvdGU6DQo+IEkgY2FuIHVuZGVy c3RhbmQgU2xvY29tYiBibGFzdGluZyB1cyB3aXRoIGhpcyBpZ25vcmFuY2UgYmVjYXVzZSBo ZSB3YXMgYWx3YXlzIGEgbG93IElRIG1lbWJlciBvZiBzb2NpZXR5LiBUaGUgQWlyIEZvcmNl IGZvdW5kIGEgcGxhY2UgdG8gcHV0IGhpbSB3aGVyZSBoZSB3b3VsZCBkbyB0aGUgbGVhc3Qg aGFybS4gWW91IGhhdmUgdG8gYmUgcHJldHR5IHN0dXBpZCBub3QgdG8ga25vdyB0aGF0IHRo ZSBhY3RpdmUgY29tbWFuZHMgb2YgdGhlIEFpciBGb3JjZSBpcyB0aGUgU3RyYXRpZ2ljIEFp ciBDb21tYW5kIChib21iZXJzKSBBbmQgdGhlIFRhY3RpY2FsIEFpciBDb21tYW5kLiBUaGUg b3RoZXIgY29tbWFuZHMgYXJlIG5vdCBidXQgdGhlIHN1cHBvcnQgZm9yIFNBQyBhbmQgVEFD LiBBbmQgeWV0IHdlIGFsbCByZWFkIHRoYXQgU2xvY29tYiBkaWRuJ3QgZXZlbiBrbm93IHdo YXQgU0FDIGFuZCBUQUMgd2VyZSENCj4gDQo+IEZsdW5reSBpcyBhbHNvIGluIHRoYXQgY2F0 ZWdvcnkgdGhhdCBoYXMgdG8gdGFsayBhYm91dCB0aGluZ3MgaGUgZG9lc24ndCBrbm93LiBN eSBob21lbWFkZSB3aXJlIGxlbmd0aCBkZXRlY3RvciB1c2luZyBhbiBhZGp1c3RhYmxlIHdh dmVsZW5ndGggZ2VuZXJhdG9yIHRvIGhpbSB3b3VsZCBuZXZlciB3b3JrLiANCg0KTm90IGp1 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YXMgcHJlc3VwcG9zZWQgYnkgd2hhdCB5b3UgYWN0dWFsbHkga25vdy4gQWZ0ZXIgT2JhbWEg dGhlIG9ubHkgdGhpbmcgdGhhdCBjb3VudGVkIHdhcyBhIHVzZWxlc3MgcGllY2Ugb2YgcGFw ZXIgY2FsbGVkIGEgImRlZ3JlZSIuIEJlZm9yZSBPYmFtYSBhIGRlZ3JlZSBhdCBsZWFzdCBo ZWxkIHNvbWUgdmFsdWUuIFRoaXMgaXMgd2h5IExpZWJlcm1hbm4gd2F2ZXMgaXQgYXJvdW5k IHRvIHByb3ZlIGhlIGlzIHNtYXJ0IHdoZW4gaGUgcHV0IG5vdCB0aGUgc2xpZ2h0ZXN0IGVm Zm9ydCBpbiB0byBsZWFybiBhbnl0aGluZyBhbmQgaGUgZXNzZW50aWFsbHkgYm91Z2h0IGhp cyBkZWdyZWUuDQoNCkknbSBsaXRlcmFsbHkgbGF1Z2hpbmcgb3V0IGxvdWQgYXQgdGhlIG1l bnRhbCBneW1uYXN0aWNzIGludm9sdmVkIHdpdGggDQp0b21teSB0cnlpbmcgdG8gZGVmZW5k IGEgdm90ZSBjb3VudCBvZiAyMjYgdG8gMzEyIGlzIDI1JSB0byA3NSUsIG9yIA0KcGxheWlu ZyB3aXRoIHRoZSBudW1iZXJzIHRvIHRoYW4gY2xhaW0gMzglLg0KDQoNCj4gDQo+IFRoZSBw ZW9wbGUgdGhhdCBwdXQgaW4gc28gbXVjaCBlZmZvcnQgaGVyZSB0byBwcm92ZSBtZSB3cm9u ZyBhYm91dCB0aGUgc2ltcGxlc3QgdGhpbmcgc3VjaCBhcyBhIGNyYW5rc2V0IGZhbGxpbmcg b2ZmIGJlY2F1c2UgdGhlIGJvdHRvbSBicmFja2V0IGlzIHRvbyB3aWRlIHRvIGFsbG93IHRo ZSBwcm9wZXIgdG9ycXVlIHRvIGJlIHNldCBtYWtlcyB0aGVzZSBpZGlvdHMgbG9vayBwcmV0 dHkgc3R1cGlkLiBGcmFuayB3aG8ga25vd3Mgbm90aGluZyBhYm91dCBoaXMgb3duIGJvdHRv bSBicmFja2V0IHRlbGxzIG1lIHRoYXQgSSBpdCBpcyBkdW1iIG5vdCB0byBzZXQgdGhlIHBy b3BlciB0b3JxdWUuIE5vdyB3aGlsZSBJIHByb2JhYmx5IGFncmVlIHdpdGggdGhhdCB0byBh IHNtYWxsIGV4dGVuZCB0aGUgaWRlYSB0aGF0IEkgc2hvdWxkICJmZWVsIGl0IHdvYmJsaW5n IiBzZXRzIGhpcyBpbnRlbGxlY3R1YWwgcHJvY2Vzc2VzIHZlcnkgbG93IG9uIHRoZSBJUSBz Y2FsZS4NCg0Kbm8sIHRvbW15LCB5b3VyIGNyYW5rIGFybSBmYWxsaW5nIG9mZiB3YXNuJ3Qg c3VkZGVuIGFuZCB3aXRob3V0IHdhcm5pbmcuIA0KQXMgdXN1YWwsIHlvdSBkaWQgaXQgd3Jv bmcuDQoNCj4gDQo+IEkgY291bGQgY292ZXIgU2hhZG93IGJ1dCBJIHRoaW5rIHRoYXQgSSBo YXZlIG1hZGUgdGhhdCBwb2ludCBlbm91Z2guIA0KDQpZZXMsIHlvdSBtYWRlIHRoZSBwb2lu dCB0aGF0IHlvdSdyZSBjb21wbGV0ZWx5IGlnbm9yYW50Lg0KDQo+IEEgQnJhemlsaWFuIHdp dGggcGVyZmVjdCB1c2Ugb2YgQW1lcmljYW4tRW5nbGlzaCBpZGlvbSBpcyBzdXNwZWNpb3Vz IHRvIHNheSB0aGUgbGVhc3QuIEkgbGl2ZWQgYXJvdW5kIFBvcnR1Z3Vlc2Ugc3BlYWtlcnMg YWxsIG9mIG15IGxpZmUgYW5kIGhhdmUgeWV0IHRvIGtub3cgb25lIHRoYXQgY291bGQgZGVh bCBzbyBwcmVjaXNlbHkgd2l0aCBFbmdsaXNoLiBFdmVuIHRob3NlIGJvcm4gaGVyZSB0aGF0 IG1lZXQgYXQgdGhlIGRvbnV0IHNob3AgSSBhdHRlbmQgb24gVHVlc2RheSByaWRlcy4NCg0K V2UgaGF2ZSBhIEJyYXppbGlhbiBlbXBsb3llZSwgYm9ybiBpbiBTYW4gUGFvbG8sIGN1cnJl bnRseSByZXNwb25zaWJsZSANCmZvciBtYXJrZXRpbmcgc3RyYXRlZ2llcyBpbiBjZW50cmFs IGFuZCBzb3V0aCBhbWVyaWNhLiBTaGUncyBhIEVFIHdpdGggDQphbiBNQkEsIEhlciB3cml0 dGVuIEVuZ2xpc2ggc2tpbGxzIGFyZSBpbXBlY2NhYmxlLCBiZXR0ZXIgdGhhbiB0aGUgdmFz dCANCm1ham9yaXR5IG9mIHRoZSBwZW9wbGUgaGVyZSBpbiB0aGUgVVMuIFNoZSdzIGxpdmVk IGluIHRoZSBVUyBvZmYgYW5kIG9uIA0KZm9yIGFsbW9zdCAyMCB5ZWFycywgYW5kIG90aGVy IHRoYW4gYSBCcmF6aWxpYW4gUG9ydHVndWVzZSBhY2NlbnQgc2hlIGlzIA0KY29udmVyc2F0 aW9uYWxseSBmbHVlbnQgd2l0aCBhbiBleGNlbGxlbnQga25vd2xlZGdlIG9mIGFtZXJpY2Fu IHNsYW5nLCANCmlkaW9tcyBhbmQgbWV0YXBob3JzLg0KDQpJdCdzIHdlbGwgd2l0aGluIHRo ZSByZWFsbSBvZiBwb3NzaWJpbGl0eSB0aGF0IGEgQnJhemlsaWFuIE1EIHdvdWxkIGJlIA0K Zmx1ZW50IGluIGNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbmFsIGVuZ2xpc2guDQoNClRvbW15LCB5b3VyIGV4cGVy aWVuY2UgaW4gbGlmZSBpc24ndCB0aGUgZGVmaW5pdGl2ZSBhbWVyaWNhbiBleHBlcmllbmNl LiANCkl0J3MgYWJvdXQgdGltZSB5b3UgZ290IHRoYXQgdGhyb3VnaCB5b3VyIHRoaWNrIGZ1 Y2tpbmcgaGVhZC4NCg0KDQoNCj4gDQo+IA0KDQo=

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  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 16:58:18 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 07:38:27 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/22/2024 3:30 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    I can understand Slocomb blasting us with his ignorance because he was always a low IQ member of society. The Air Force found a place to put him where he would do the least harm. You have to be pretty stupid not to know that the active commands of
    the Air Force is the Stratigic Air Command (bombers) And the Tactical Air Command. The other commands are not but the support for SAC and TAC. And yet we all read that Slocomb didn't even know what SAC and TAC were!

    Flunky is also in that category that has to talk about things he doesn't know. My homemade wire length detector using an adjustable wavelength generator to him would never work.

    Not just to me, but to anyone with a passing knowledge of electronics.
    It was wrong, and we explained why it wouldn't work.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    I've never seen any electronic equipment from any company called "techtronics".

    Both are far too slow to actually know that it operates EXACTLY the same way as my design!

    Not even close. You were shown a TDR tester. You claimed you were using
    PWM (which would never work even if it were actually PWM you were using, which it wasn't).

    Krygowski just mentioned that I didn't know mathematics because I was looking at the electoral votes in a way that he didn't agree with. And yet he offered NO corrections.

    It wasn't necessary. It was so stupidly wrong it didn't need anyone to demonstrate how wrong it was.

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger, 86/226 is also 38%. Now it is important to note that this Bozo was teaching children
    the incorrect way to engineer things. This is the person claiming that I have demons when he cannot tell the manner in which elections are carried about in the United States and he doesn't ubnderstand simple arithmatic. He says that there was only 1.5%
    in the popular vote when the founders of this nation used the electoralsystem to give every state a say in the outcome of an election and the Democrats have since done everything they could to make it a popular vote so that New York and California would
    be the only states electing a President by the size of its population. What Krygowski is saying is that none of the other states should matter because California and New York could easily offset the population of Texas. Well Krygowski is a socialist and
    that is the way that socialist think. They put Adolf Hitler into power as well as Joseph Stallin, these two virtually mudering the world's population.

    So why does the education of people coumt? Well, until Obama was elected intelligence was presupposed by what you actually know. After Obama the only thing that counted was a useless piece of paper called a "degree". Before Obama a degree at least
    held some value. This is why Liebermann waves it around to prove he is smart when he put not the slightest effort in to learn anything and he essentially bought his degree.

    I'm literally laughing out loud at the mental gymnastics involved with
    tommy trying to defend a vote count of 226 to 312 is 25% to 75%, or
    playing with the numbers to than claim 38%.

    The people that put in so much effort here to prove me wrong about the simplest thing such as a crankset falling off because the bottom bracket is too wide to allow the proper torque to be set makes these idiots look pretty stupid. Frank who knows
    nothing about his own bottom bracket tells me that I it is dumb not to set the proper torque. Now while I probably agree with that to a small extend the idea that I should "feel it wobbling" sets his intellectual processes very low on the IQ scale.

    no, tommy, your crank arm falling off wasn't sudden and without warning.
    As usual, you did it wrong.

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.

    Yes, you made the point that you're completely ignorant.

    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English. Even those born here that meet at the donut
    shop I attend on Tuesday rides.

    We have a Brazilian employee, born in San Paolo, currently responsible
    for marketing strategies in central and south america. She's a EE with
    an MBA, Her written English skills are impeccable, better than the vast majority of the people here in the US. She's lived in the US off and on
    for almost 20 years, and other than a Brazilian Portuguese accent she is conversationally fluent with an excellent knowledge of american slang,
    idioms and metaphors.

    It's well within the realm of possibility that a Brazilian MD would be
    fluent in conversational english.

    Tommy, your experience in life isn't the definitive american experience.
    It's about time you got that through your thick fucking head.

    There isn't anything that you've ever been right about. NOTHING at all. You were sure that you hsf mr when Liebermann mentioned that Techtronics wire fault de5ector, but you were even too stupid to look it up and discover that it operated with a pulse
    width modula6toe just like my homemaede vwesion. That was simply because you do not understand electronis basics.

    Only you would think that Shadow was a doctor and I went beck through all of his postings and could not find any place where he said he was. This was strictly an invention in you5r own mind. I grew up around
    Portuguese and the languade prevents even American born speakers fom understanding American-Englsh speakers from grasping the full details of the idium. But as usual the idiot QC guy knows better. Yet even translators struggle with Amerrican idiom as
    simple as "bro".

    Tell us again why you couldn't understand a simple C++ program with comments added that told you what it does? It is simple, you are a low IQ graduate from a school that didn't require anything of you other than you pay your tuition.


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 17:04:57 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 17:59:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    <https://www.google.com/search?q=2024+presidential+election+electoral+votes> Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than.

    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy explanation.

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when
    there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have
    received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how
    much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out". Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment,
    cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techtronic_Industries>

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one? What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked? Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 12:30:34 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:04 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sun Dec 22 17:59:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    <https://www.google.com/search?q=2024+presidential+election+electoral+votes> >> Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than.

    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when
    there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have
    received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how
    much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out".
    Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment,
    cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    We know he didn't spell it techtronix...

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    He understands it better than you ever had the capacity to understand
    it. Once again, it doesn't use PWM.

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Tell us again how some allegedly genius software engineer calculated
    that a vote count of 312 to 226 is 75% to 25%.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 12:25:48 2024
    On 12/23/2024 11:58 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:38:27 2024 zen cycle wrote:

    We have a Brazilian employee, born in San Paolo, currently responsible
    for marketing strategies in central and south america. She's a EE with
    an MBA, Her written English skills are impeccable, better than the vast
    majority of the people here in the US. She's lived in the US off and on
    for almost 20 years, and other than a Brazilian Portuguese accent she is
    conversationally fluent with an excellent knowledge of american slang,
    idioms and metaphors.

    It's well within the realm of possibility that a Brazilian MD would be
    fluent in conversational english.

    Tommy, your experience in life isn't the definitive american experience.
    It's about time you got that through your thick fucking head.

    There isn't anything that you've ever been right about. NOTHING at all.

    Yeah, like that time I couldn't find special campagnolo non-stretch
    shifter cables?

    You were sure that you hsf mr when Liebermann mentioned that Techtronics wire fault de5ector

    Techtronics doesn't make a wire fault detector. Tektronix does. This is
    how I know you were never more than a bench tech. Even _they_ know how
    to spell the test equipment companies name.

    but you were even too stupid to look it up and discover that it operated with a pulse width modula6toe just like my homemaede vwesion.

    No tommy, it doesn't operate with PWM, it's a TDR tester. Your homemade
    version didn't use PWM either. Manually adjusting a pulse width is _not_

    Do us a favor and look up what PWM actually is, and what it's used for. Explaining this repeatedly to you over the past few years is getting


    I challenge you to find cable fault or cable length testing anywhere in
    the context of PWM.

    That was simply because you do not understand electronis basics.

    Like PWM is used to test cables?

    Only you would think that Shadow was a doctor

    Three other people also told you he was a doctor.

    and I went beck through all of his postings and could not find any place where he said he was. This was strictly an invention in you5r own mind.

    The fact that you couldn't find it says more about you than anyone else. Everyone else here saw it.

    I grew up around


    and the languade prevents even American born speakers fom understanding American-Englsh speakers from grasping the full details of the idium.

    first, it's "idiom". Second, that's one of them most blindingly ignorant comments you've made in this forum. I mentioned our Brazilian product
    manager. Our production manager is american-born first generation from
    the Azores. If you didn't know he was Portuguese, you wouldn't know from talking to him, and he has as much of an understanding of American slang metaphors and idioms as anyone I've ever met. Your made-up experience is complete bullshit. If you did know any Portuguese Americans, they likely pretended they couldn't understand you so you'd shut the fuck up and
    leave the alone.

    But as usual the idiot QC guy knows better.

    I'll have to ask this idiot QC guy you keep mentioning.

    Yet even translators struggle with Amerrican idiom as simple as "bro".

    no, you dumb ignorant twat, they don't.

    Tell us again why you couldn't understand a simple C++ program with comments added that told you what it does?

    No matter how many times you tell that lie, it will never become true.
    How about you tell us why someone who allegedly wrote the code wasn't
    aware that it defined a peripheral A/D converter instead of using the
    one integrated into the PIC?

    It is simple, you are a low IQ graduate from a school that didn't require anything of you other than you pay your tuition.

    Keep flailing tommy, all you're doing is keeping us amused.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 17:31:00 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 18:54:10 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:18:23 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com>

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:59:02 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> >wrote:

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.
    Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than.

    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy >>explanation.

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described. >>Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when >>there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have >>received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how >>much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out". >>Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment, >>cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines: >><https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techtronic_Industries>

    But! In many less developed countries and perhaps in the U.S. too
    there are posts along the side of the road. some are called "light
    poles" and some are referred to as "telephone poles" and the wires
    hanging on them are often referred to as telephone lines or "LIGHT
    LINES" (:-|)

    Tom wrongly declared that Light Line was the name for fiber optic communications cable. It was part of a previous discussion about
    using PWM (pulse width modulation) to measure the length of coaxial
    cables, which doesn't work.

    PWM to measure losses.
    12/23/2021 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/t0uJbEMbDQAJ> "I'm not explaining anything to someone so stupid that they don't know
    why you use pulse width modulation to measure loses due to line shorts
    which is the failure mode of coax." <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/bIkgkvkKDQAJ> "Using PWM to test extremely long cables is common practice."

    Light Lines
    12/23/2021 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/cgRIn7ofDQAJ> "Do you think that you're impressing people using the term "fiber
    optics" when the common term is light lines and even AT&T is using

    A little searching on the internet will domonstate that the only
    products called a Light Line are some rather nice illumination fiber
    used in illumination, and not in data communications:

    More of the same:
    When I searched for "light line" during the discussion 3 years ago,
    there was only a small number of products that used "light line" as a trademark. That has apparently grown to a much larger number. <https://tmsearch.uspto.gov/search/search-information>
    (Plug "light line" into the search box including the quote marks).
    30 active trademarks. 73 that are dead or abandoned. As I barely
    recall from 3 years ago, there were on 4 active trademarks at the

    I did no such thing, I called them light lines and so did the AT&T technicians I worked around. You declared that no one used that phaseology. You never worked a single day in the telephone business and were telling all of us that you know far more about
    it than I do. I was coownwe of a telephone business and you were nothing. The only one that knows more about things that they have never done than you is Flunky.

    You have been shown to be wrong about everything and you own ignorance forces you to commit more lies.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 17:48:01 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 12:30:34 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:04 PM, cyclintom wrote:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    We know he didn't spell it techtronix...

    But he can't explain why his idea of a Techtronix wire fault detector works exactly like my variable wavelength detector that both you and he denied would even work. Say something else so stupid it further proves that your "higher" education waqs in fact,

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    He understands it better than you ever had the capacity to understand
    it. Once again, it doesn't use PWM.

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Tell us again how some allegedly genius software engineer calculated
    that a vote count of 312 to 226 is 75% to 25%.

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it and showing pictures of the PWM. Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 17:39:35 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 12:25:48 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 11:58 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:38:27 2024 zen cycle wrote:

    We have a Brazilian employee, born in San Paolo, currently responsible
    for marketing strategies in central and south america. She's a EE with
    an MBA, Her written English skills are impeccable, better than the vast
    majority of the people here in the US. She's lived in the US off and on
    for almost 20 years, and other than a Brazilian Portuguese accent she is >> conversationally fluent with an excellent knowledge of american slang,
    idioms and metaphors.

    It's well within the realm of possibility that a Brazilian MD would be
    fluent in conversational english.

    Tommy, your experience in life isn't the definitive american experience. >> It's about time you got that through your thick fucking head.

    There isn't anything that you've ever been right about. NOTHING at all.

    Yeah, like that time I couldn't find special campagnolo non-stretch
    shifter cables?

    You were sure that you hsf mr when Liebermann mentioned that Techtronics wire fault de5ector

    Techtronics doesn't make a wire fault detector. Tektronix does. This is
    how I know you were never more than a bench tech. Even _they_ know how
    to spell the test equipment companies name.

    but you were even too stupid to look it up and discover that it operated with a pulse width modula6toe just like my homemaede vwesion.

    No tommy, it doesn't operate with PWM, it's a TDR tester. Your homemade version didn't use PWM either. Manually adjusting a pulse width is _not_

    Do us a favor and look up what PWM actually is, and what it's used for. Explaining this repeatedly to you over the past few years is getting tiresome.


    I challenge you to find cable fault or cable length testing anywhere in
    the context of PWM.

    That was simply because you do not understand electronis basics.

    Like PWM is used to test cables?

    Only you would think that Shadow was a doctor

    Three other people also told you he was a doctor.

    and I went beck through all of his postings and could not find any place where he said he was. This was strictly an invention in you5r own mind.

    The fact that you couldn't find it says more about you than anyone else. Everyone else here saw it.

    I grew up around


    and the languade prevents even American born speakers fom understanding American-Englsh speakers from grasping the full details of the idium.

    first, it's "idiom". Second, that's one of them most blindingly ignorant comments you've made in this forum. I mentioned our Brazilian product manager. Our production manager is american-born first generation from
    the Azores. If you didn't know he was Portuguese, you wouldn't know from talking to him, and he has as much of an understanding of American slang metaphors and idioms as anyone I've ever met. Your made-up experience is complete bullshit. If you did know any Portuguese Americans, they likely pretended they couldn't understand you so you'd shut the fuck up and
    leave the alone.

    But as usual the idiot QC guy knows better.

    I'll have to ask this idiot QC guy you keep mentioning.

    Yet even translators struggle with Amerrican idiom as simple as "bro".

    no, you dumb ignorant twat, they don't.

    Tell us again why you couldn't understand a simple C++ program with comments added that told you what it does?

    No matter how many times you tell that lie, it will never become true.
    How about you tell us why someone who allegedly wrote the code wasn't
    aware that it defined a peripheral A/D converter instead of using the
    one integrated into the PIC?

    It is simple, you are a low IQ graduate from a school that didn't require anything of you other than you pay your tuition.

    Keep flailing tommy, all you're doing is keeping us amused.

    I love it with you and Liebermann; knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works. Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. You can be entirely incompetent as an
    electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly. My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development. I also have an H-P laptop that
    I use for programming off of the Internet. The SAME H-P that fired you for incompetence.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 12:39:35 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:31 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sun Dec 22 18:54:10 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:18:23 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com>

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:59:02 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than. >>>>
    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when
    there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have
    received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how
    much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out".
    Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment,
    cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    But! In many less developed countries and perhaps in the U.S. too
    there are posts along the side of the road. some are called "light
    poles" and some are referred to as "telephone poles" and the wires
    hanging on them are often referred to as telephone lines or "LIGHT
    LINES" (:-|)

    Tom wrongly declared that Light Line was the name for fiber optic
    communications cable. It was part of a previous discussion about
    using PWM (pulse width modulation) to measure the length of coaxial
    cables, which doesn't work.

    PWM to measure losses.
    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/t0uJbEMbDQAJ> >> "I'm not explaining anything to someone so stupid that they don't know
    why you use pulse width modulation to measure loses due to line shorts
    which is the failure mode of coax."
    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/bIkgkvkKDQAJ> >> "Using PWM to test extremely long cables is common practice."

    Light Lines
    <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/_1eEehgsDD0/m/cgRIn7ofDQAJ> >> "Do you think that you're impressing people using the term "fiber
    optics" when the common term is light lines and even AT&T is using

    A little searching on the internet will domonstate that the only
    products called a Light Line are some rather nice illumination fiber
    used in illumination, and not in data communications:

    More of the same:
    When I searched for "light line" during the discussion 3 years ago,
    there was only a small number of products that used "light line" as a
    trademark. That has apparently grown to a much larger number.
    (Plug "light line" into the search box including the quote marks).
    30 active trademarks. 73 that are dead or abandoned. As I barely
    recall from 3 years ago, there were on 4 active trademarks at the

    I did no such thing,

    Yeah, you did.

    I called them light lines and so did the AT&T technicians I worked around.

    You may have. They didn't. It's a figment of your imagination.

    You declared that no one used that phaseology.

    No one did except you.

    You never worked a single day in the telephone business and were telling all of us that you know far more about it than I do.

    That's not hard. You have yet to show us any evidence that anyone
    besides you uses the term "light line" for Fiber Optic Communication
    Cable. Just because you claim something doesn't make it true. It fact,
    it makes it rather doubtful.

    I was coownwe of a telephone business and you were nothing.

    Whats a 'coownwe'? Is that your figmentational coworker you installed
    "light lines" with?

    The only one that knows more about things that they have never done than you is Flunky.

    I do know a lot about things I've never done. IT beats being wrong about
    things you've never done - tommy's hallmark.

    You have been shown to be wrong about everything and you own ignorance forces you to commit more lies.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 18:00:26 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 07:51:00 2024 John B. wrote:

    Why is a foreigner speaking good English so unusual? My first wife, a Japanese National, certainly spoke very good English and could spell
    far better then you can.

    Firstly, you can show no proof that your late wife could spell as well as I can.
    Secondly, Japan was under occupation for 20 years and most Japanese speak better English than you Thai.

    But you're willing to say absolutely anything.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 17:55:13 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 12:39:35 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:31 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sun Dec 22 18:54:10 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:18:23 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com>

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:59:02 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> >>> wrote:

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than. >>>>
    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when >>>> there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have >>>> received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how >>>> much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out".
    Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment, >>>> cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    But! In many less developed countries and perhaps in the U.S. too
    there are posts along the side of the road. some are called "light
    poles" and some are referred to as "telephone poles" and the wires
    hanging on them are often referred to as telephone lines or "LIGHT
    LINES" (:-|)

    Tom wrongly declared that Light Line was the name for fiber optic
    communications cable. It was part of a previous discussion about
    using PWM (pulse width modulation) to measure the length of coaxial
    cables, which doesn't work.

    PWM to measure losses.
    "I'm not explaining anything to someone so stupid that they don't know
    why you use pulse width modulation to measure loses due to line shorts
    which is the failure mode of coax."
    "Using PWM to test extremely long cables is common practice."

    Light Lines
    "Do you think that you're impressing people using the term "fiber
    optics" when the common term is light lines and even AT&T is using

    A little searching on the internet will domonstate that the only
    products called a Light Line are some rather nice illumination fiber
    used in illumination, and not in data communications:

    More of the same:
    When I searched for "light line" during the discussion 3 years ago,
    there was only a small number of products that used "light line" as a
    trademark. That has apparently grown to a much larger number.
    (Plug "light line" into the search box including the quote marks).
    30 active trademarks. 73 that are dead or abandoned. As I barely
    recall from 3 years ago, there were on 4 active trademarks at the

    I did no such thing,

    Yeah, you did.

    I called them light lines and so did the AT&T technicians I worked around.

    You may have. They didn't. It's a figment of your imagination.

    You declared that no one used that phaseology.

    No one did except you.

    You never worked a single day in the telephone business and were telling all of us that you know far more about it than I do.

    That's not hard. You have yet to show us any evidence that anyone
    besides you uses the term "light line" for Fiber Optic Communication
    Cable. Just because you claim something doesn't make it true. It fact,
    it makes it rather doubtful.

    I was coownwe of a telephone business and you were nothing.

    Whats a 'coownwe'? Is that your figmentational coworker you installed
    "light lines" with?

    The only one that knows more about things that they have never done than you is Flunky.

    I do know a lot about things I've never done. IT beats being wrong about things you've never done - tommy's hallmark.

    You have been shown to be wrong about everything and you own ignorance forces you to commit more lies.

    There you have it from Flunky himself, after he was fired from H-P for incompetence, he went to work for AT&T and knows all about optical systems from first class experience like here where he is on the newsgroup all day performing his duties by stealing
    his employer here as well.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 12:08:01 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:00 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:51:00 2024 John B. wrote:

    Why is a foreigner speaking good English so unusual? My first wife, a
    Japanese National, certainly spoke very good English and could spell
    far better then you can.

    Firstly, you can show no proof that your late wife could spell as well as I can.
    Secondly, Japan was under occupation for 20 years and most Japanese speak better English than you Thai.

    But you're willing to say absolutely anything.

    US occupation of Home Islands was only until 1952.

    Possessions, such as Okinawa, were reverted in 1971.
    (which was extremely unpopular among Okinawans BTW.
    Girlfriend, who was living on Okinawa at the time, describes
    that period as quite violent.)

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 18:40:18 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 12:08:01 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:00 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:51:00 2024 John B. wrote:

    Why is a foreigner speaking good English so unusual? My first wife, a
    Japanese National, certainly spoke very good English and could spell
    far better then you can.

    Firstly, you can show no proof that your late wife could spell as well as I can.
    Secondly, Japan was under occupation for 20 years and most Japanese speak better English than you Thai.

    But you're willing to say absolutely anything.

    US occupation of Home Islands was only until 1952.

    Possessions, such as Okinawa, were reverted in 1971.
    (which was extremely unpopular among Okinawans BTW.
    Girlfriend, who was living on Okinawa at the time, describes
    that period as quite violent.)

    American military presence in Japan has only ended recently "The United States occupation of Japan officially ended in 1952 when a peace treaty was signed. However, it is important to note that the United States and Japan continue to maintain a strong
    alliance, and the US military presence in Japan supports defense and security cooperation between the two countries."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 12:46:30 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:40 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:08:01 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:00 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:51:00 2024 John B. wrote:

    Why is a foreigner speaking good English so unusual? My first wife, a
    Japanese National, certainly spoke very good English and could spell
    far better then you can.

    Firstly, you can show no proof that your late wife could spell as well as I can.
    Secondly, Japan was under occupation for 20 years and most Japanese speak better English than you Thai.

    But you're willing to say absolutely anything.

    US occupation of Home Islands was only until 1952.

    Possessions, such as Okinawa, were reverted in 1971.
    (which was extremely unpopular among Okinawans BTW.
    Girlfriend, who was living on Okinawa at the time, describes
    that period as quite violent.)

    American military presence in Japan has only ended recently "The United States occupation of Japan officially ended in 1952 when a peace treaty was signed. However, it is important to note that the United States and Japan continue to maintain a strong
    alliance, and the US military presence in Japan supports defense and security cooperation between the two countries."

    Occupation has a specific meaning and that occupation ended
    in 1952.

    There are not only significant US military installations in
    Japan today, one of my customers was base commander at the
    Navy Yokosuka base at Yokohama until recently. It's huge:


    and one of many across Japan. We aren't leaving any time soon.

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Shadow@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.
    Don't be evil - Google 2004
    We have a new policy - Google 2012
    Google Fuchsia - 2021

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 19:23:46 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you, but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Shadow@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 16:41:07 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:23:46 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you,

    I am actually ashamed of being Brazilian.
    It's a horrible country to live in. Violent criminals abound.
    Did you know there are more murders in Brazil in a year than in the
    US/Canada/ the EU/Russia combined?
    It's amazing what almost 40 years of right wing military
    dictatorship can do to a culture.

    You should watch "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam. It's a caricature
    of what Brazil became with some 1984 thrown in.

    but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    Well, you don't have many good public schools. And people can
    no longer afford private tutors...
    Don't be evil - Google 2004
    We have a new policy - Google 2012
    Google Fuchsia - 2021

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 11:43:29 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:04:57 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 17:59:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    <https://www.google.com/search?q=2024+presidential+election+electoral+votes> >> Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than.

    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when
    there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have
    received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how
    much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out".
    Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment,
    cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    You should stop inventing things that never happened.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    Chuckle. Were you perhaps trying to type Tektronix? I even provided
    the correct spelling for you to copy. Also, I have about (I didn't
    count) Tektronix oscilloscopes in the house and know how to use them. <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/pics/home/test-equip-mess.jpg>
    This is my "to be repaired" pile: <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/crud/scopes-to-be-fixed.jpg>

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    What wire fault detector? Got a product name and some photos? Maybe
    a user manual? I know exactly how a TDR (time domain reflectometer)
    works, but I haven't seen a "fayult detector".

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Nope. I posted the photo for you 3 times. That should be sufficient.
    Well, it is Christmas, so I'll be generous. Here's a 4th copy: <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/crud/diploma-jeffl.jpg>

    I find it interesting that you believe my entire job history is a lie. <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-liebermann-151823/details/experience/>
    Which of my jobs do you consider to be a lie?

    Oddly, I suspect that your LinkedIn job history is the only accurate
    thing you've ever posted: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-kunich-22012/details/experience/>
    13 jobs between Jan 1984 and Sept 2014? Did you ever find your 14
    page resume to fill in your work history between when you left the
    USAF in 1963 and when you started at Thoratec 1984?

    01/27/2019 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/IRvenWOvr90/m/Mn7gb10kDgAJ> "When I got out of the Air Force, the first job I got was at Physics International and was assistant on a high energy nuclear research

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 11:56:49 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:48:01 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it and showing pictures of the PWM.

    You never disclosed the maker and model number of your "wire fault
    detector" or provided a sane description of how PWM is suppose to find
    a "wire fault".

    Notice that I put "wire fault" in parenthesis. In telco and
    electronic parlance, a wire is a single conductor while a cable is two
    or more wires in a bundle. A wire fault detector is continuity
    tester. Some examples of wire fault detectors: <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>
    Tektronix doesn't make wire fault detectors. They make cable fault
    detectors or cable fault locators. Examples: <https://www.google.com/search?q=tektronix+cable+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    Do you believe that name calling somehow makes you a better person? Is
    that why you *always* insult your audience at the beginning and end of
    your accusatory rants? Do you expect your audience to be sympathetic
    to your latest assertions after you have insulted them?

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 12:24:54 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault
    detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers. <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received.

    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on

    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet.

    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Shadow on Mon Dec 23 16:57:19 2024
    On 12/23/2024 1:41 PM, Shadow wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:23:46 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you,

    I am actually ashamed of being Brazilian.
    It's a horrible country to live in. Violent criminals abound.
    Did you know there are more murders in Brazil in a year than in the US/Canada/ the EU/Russia combined?
    It's amazing what almost 40 years of right wing military
    dictatorship can do to a culture.

    You should watch "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam. It's a caricature
    of what Brazil became with some 1984 thrown in.

    but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    Well, you don't have many good public schools. And people can
    no longer afford private tutors...

    What is your opinion of Governor Ronaldo Caiado's chances in
    the next election?

    (not 'do you like him?' but rather 'is he a viable candidate?'

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Shadow@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Mon Dec 23 21:38:26 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:57:19 -0600, AMuzi <am@yellowjersey.org> wrote:

    On 12/23/2024 1:41 PM, Shadow wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:23:46 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough. >>>>> A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious >>>>> to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you,

    I am actually ashamed of being Brazilian.
    It's a horrible country to live in. Violent criminals abound.
    Did you know there are more murders in Brazil in a year than in the
    US/Canada/ the EU/Russia combined?
    It's amazing what almost 40 years of right wing military
    dictatorship can do to a culture.

    You should watch "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam. It's a caricature
    of what Brazil became with some 1984 thrown in.

    but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    Well, you don't have many good public schools. And people can
    no longer afford private tutors...

    What is your opinion of Governor Ronaldo Caiado's chances in
    the next election?

    (not 'do you like him?' but rather 'is he a viable candidate?'

    He was ruled ineligible for 8 years for crimes committed in
    the last elections. So unless he can bribe his way out of that, I
    don't think he'll be a candidate.


    His crime sheet reads like a novel...

    Why the interest? He's not the US's candidate.
    The US government usually backs someone from the extinct PSDB.
    Don't be evil - Google 2004
    We have a new policy - Google 2012
    Google Fuchsia - 2021

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to John B. on Mon Dec 23 19:15:59 2024
    On 12/23/2024 6:45 PM, John B. wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:07:20 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 12:46:30 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:40 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:08:01 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:00 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:51:00 2024 John B. wrote:

    Why is a foreigner speaking good English so unusual? My first wife, a >>>>>>> Japanese National, certainly spoke very good English and could spell >>>>>>> far better then you can.

    Firstly, you can show no proof that your late wife could spell as well as I can.
    Secondly, Japan was under occupation for 20 years and most Japanese speak better English than you Thai.

    As my Japanese wife died many years ago any proof of her spelling
    ability is long gone.

    As for Japanese speaking English, again you are wrong. Why would they
    as the average Japanese civilian had little or no contact with

    But you're willing to say absolutely anything.

    US occupation of Home Islands was only until 1952.

    Possessions, such as Okinawa, were reverted in 1971.
    (which was extremely unpopular among Okinawans BTW.
    Girlfriend, who was living on Okinawa at the time, describes
    that period as quite violent.)

    American military presence in Japan has only ended recently "The United States occupation of Japan officially ended in 1952 when a peace treaty was signed. However, it is important to note that the United States and Japan continue to maintain a
    strong alliance, and the US military presence in Japan supports defense and security cooperation between the two countries."

    Occupation has a specific meaning and that occupation ended
    in 1952.

    There are not only significant US military installations in
    Japan today, one of my customers was base commander at the
    Navy Yokosuka base at Yokohama until recently. It's huge:


    and one of many across Japan. We aren't leaving any time soon.

    Really Andrew, you should take that up with the Japanese and not me. Tell them that direct occupation ended in 1952.


    But hey sincere efforts at Engrish are always entertaining!

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 16:27:59 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 11:56:49 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:48:01 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it and showing pictures of the PWM.

    You never disclosed the maker and model number of your "wire fault
    detector" or provided a sane description of how PWM is suppose to find
    a "wire fault".

    Notice that I put "wire fault" in parenthesis. In telco and
    electronic parlance, a wire is a single conductor while a cable is two
    or more wires in a bundle. A wire fault detector is continuity
    tester. Some examples of wire fault detectors: <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>
    Tektronix doesn't make wire fault detectors. They make cable fault
    detectors or cable fault locators. Examples: <https://www.google.com/search?q=tektronix+cable+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    Do you believe that name calling somehow makes you a better person? Is
    that why you *always* insult your audience at the beginning and end of
    your accusatory rants? Do you expect your audience to be sympathetic
    to your latest assertions after you have insulted them?

    You've already made up your mind that it doesn't work despite thje fact that the Techtronix Wire Fault tester works in the same manner. I notice that I have said that mine was home made and you don't seem to understand what homemade means.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 16:22:57 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 16:41:07 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:23:46 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you,

    I am actually ashamed of being Brazilian.
    It's a horrible country to live in. Violent criminals abound.
    Did you know there are more murders in Brazil in a year than in the US/Canada/ the EU/Russia combined?
    It's amazing what almost 40 years of right wing military
    dictatorship can do to a culture.

    You should watch "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam. It's a caricature
    of what Brazil became with some 1984 thrown in.

    but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    Well, you don't have many good public schools. And people can
    no longer afford private tutors...

    Why would you say "right wing military dictatorship" when a military dictatorship has almost nothing to do with politics?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 16:32:04 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 12:24:54 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers. <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received.

    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on

    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet.

    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    I have come to the conclusion that your entire education was in high school English and that your photo of a college degree is phony.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 16:34:34 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 07:59:42 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 3:24 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers. <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received.

    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on

    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet.

    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    True story - When the acquisition of the startup I was at went through,
    HP came in and set up a completely new intranet and gave us all new HP workstations. They performed so miserably, that our GM set up an
    auxiliary fund under test equipment maintenance and replaced the
    workstations with Dells over time.

    Why is your "True Story" exactly opposite my experience with HP laptops?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zen Cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 30 12:21:46 2024
    On 12/30/2024 11:34 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Tue Dec 24 07:59:42 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 3:24 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault
    detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers.

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. >>>
    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on >>>
    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet. >>>
    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    True story - When the acquisition of the startup I was at went through,
    HP came in and set up a completely new intranet and gave us all new HP
    workstations. They performed so miserably, that our GM set up an
    auxiliary fund under test equipment maintenance and replaced the
    workstations with Dells over time.

    Why is your "True Story" exactly opposite my experience with HP laptops?

    It's a discussion forum, dumbass...

    Add xx to reply

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Zen Cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 30 12:24:21 2024
    On 12/30/2024 11:30 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Tue Dec 24 07:49:19 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:48 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:30:34 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:04 PM, cyclintom wrote:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    We know he didn't spell it techtronix...

    But he can't explain why his idea of a Techtronix wire fault detector works exactly like my variable wavelength detector that both you and he denied would even work. Say something else so stupid it further proves that your "higher" education waqs in
    fact, lower

    No, tommy, it didn't work exactly like your "variable wavelength
    detector". Nothing works exactly like your "variable wavelength
    detector" because your "variable wavelength detector" doesn't work - it
    can't work without violating the laws of physics.

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    He understands it better than you ever had the capacity to understand
    it. Once again, it doesn't use PWM.

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Tell us again how some allegedly genius software engineer calculated
    that a vote count of 312 to 226 is 75% to 25%.

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it

    "them"? Who is "them"?

    and showing pictures of the PWM.

    no, tommy, no one showed any PWM pictures in the context of cable
    testing. They showed TDR pulse diagrams, which are _not_ PWM.

    Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    You still haven't shown any evidence of a PWM cable tester. Why is that.
    We don't have to guess, it's because you're an idiot.

    Is there some reason that you cannot simply look at the advertisement from Techtronixs and their pictures of it working and not decern how it works?

    Not at all. It's TDR. You're the one claiming otherwise.

    Tell them that PWM doesn't work.

    Why would I? They aren't using PWM. The real challenge would be for you
    to tell them it _is_ PWM.

    Add xx to reply

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 09:25:04 2024
    On Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:27:59 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 11:56:49 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:48:01 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it and showing pictures of the PWM.

    You never disclosed the maker and model number of your "wire fault
    detector" or provided a sane description of how PWM is suppose to find
    a "wire fault".

    Notice that I put "wire fault" in parenthesis. In telco and
    electronic parlance, a wire is a single conductor while a cable is two
    or more wires in a bundle. A wire fault detector is continuity
    tester. Some examples of wire fault detectors:
    Tektronix doesn't make wire fault detectors. They make cable fault
    detectors or cable fault locators. Examples:

    Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    Do you believe that name calling somehow makes you a better person? Is
    that why you *always* insult your audience at the beginning and end of
    your accusatory rants? Do you expect your audience to be sympathetic
    to your latest assertions after you have insulted them?

    You've already made up your mind that it doesn't work despite thje fact that the Techtronix Wire Fault tester works in the same manner.

    There is no test equipment company called "Techtronix". Neither your
    imaginary "Techtronix" company, or the real Tektronix have made a
    device called a "Wire Fault tester". If you think such a piece of
    test equipment exists, kindly provide a proper company name and model

    I notice that I have said that mine was home made and you don't seem to understand what homemade means.

    For you, homemade is a convenient way to conjure the existence of such
    a device. Since you happen to have it at your home, perhaps a
    photograph, block diagram, theory of operation or other proof of your
    claim would be helpful.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Liebermann@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 09:30:02 2024
    On Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:32:04 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 12:24:54 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault
    detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers.

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. >>
    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on

    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet. >>
    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    I have come to the conclusion that your entire education was in high school English and that your photo of a college degree is phony.

    Nobody cares about your "conclusions".

    You seem to have some difficulties staying on topic. Could you kindly
    provide the model number of your alleged HP oscilloscope or a photo of
    the instrument. Trying to change the topic is not an adequate answer.
    It's also a waste of time.

    Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
    PO Box 272 http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
    Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
    Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Shadow@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 15:43:40 2024
    On Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:22:57 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:41:07 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:23:46 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 16:17:16 2024 Shadow wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    I could cover Shadow but I think that I have made that point enough.
    A Brazilian with perfect use of American-English idiom is suspecious
    to say the least. I lived around Portuguese speakers all of my life
    and have yet to know one that could deal so precisely with English.

    Thank you. Practically all the medical books I read are in
    English. Medical articles too. I'm even more fluent in Portuguese,
    FWIW (see my postings to soc.culture.brazil, dealing with local
    politics. Been there for 30 years).
    Plus I enjoy a movie, and most good movies are in Real English
    or American.

    If you are a real Brazilian, I appologize if I in some way insulted you,

    I am actually ashamed of being Brazilian.
    It's a horrible country to live in. Violent criminals abound.
    Did you know there are more murders in Brazil in a year than in the
    US/Canada/ the EU/Russia combined?
    It's amazing what almost 40 years of right wing military
    dictatorship can do to a culture.

    You should watch "Brazil" by Terry Gilliam. It's a caricature
    of what Brazil became with some 1984 thrown in.

    but American idiom gives native Americans trouble as well.

    Well, you don't have many good public schools. And people can
    no longer afford private tutors...

    Why would you say "right wing military dictatorship" when a military dictatorship has almost nothing to do with politics?

    Because there are right wing and left wing military
    Right wing military dictatorships tend to impose religion on
    people, they "kill, torture and maim in the name of god". "Big
    Business" (usually foreign)decides how far they can go.
    Military dictatorships are also stupid, because, well, the
    military are not very intelligent. They impose themselves by force,
    not ideas.

    It's probably easier to live under a right wing military
    dictatorship than a left wing dictatorship. Dunno, I've only
    experienced right-wing.
    Don't be evil - Google 2004
    We have a new policy - Google 2012
    Google Fuchsia - 2021

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Tue Dec 24 07:43:38 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:55 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:39:35 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:31 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sun Dec 22 18:54:10 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:18:23 +0700, John B. <slocombjb@gmail.com>

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:59:02 -0800, Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com> >>>>> wrote:

    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%. >>>>>>
    Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes. >>>>>>
    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than. >>>>>>
    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes. >>>>>> You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy >>>>>> explanation.

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for >>>>>> each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when >>>>>> there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have >>>>>> received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how >>>>>> much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess >>>>>> they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out". >>>>>> Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment, >>>>>> cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    But! In many less developed countries and perhaps in the U.S. too
    there are posts along the side of the road. some are called "light
    poles" and some are referred to as "telephone poles" and the wires
    hanging on them are often referred to as telephone lines or "LIGHT
    LINES" (:-|)

    Tom wrongly declared that Light Line was the name for fiber optic
    communications cable. It was part of a previous discussion about
    using PWM (pulse width modulation) to measure the length of coaxial
    cables, which doesn't work.

    PWM to measure losses.
    "I'm not explaining anything to someone so stupid that they don't know >>>> why you use pulse width modulation to measure loses due to line shorts >>>> which is the failure mode of coax."
    "Using PWM to test extremely long cables is common practice."

    Light Lines
    "Do you think that you're impressing people using the term "fiber
    optics" when the common term is light lines and even AT&T is using

    A little searching on the internet will domonstate that the only
    products called a Light Line are some rather nice illumination fiber
    used in illumination, and not in data communications:

    More of the same:
    When I searched for "light line" during the discussion 3 years ago,
    there was only a small number of products that used "light line" as a
    trademark. That has apparently grown to a much larger number.
    (Plug "light line" into the search box including the quote marks).
    30 active trademarks. 73 that are dead or abandoned. As I barely
    recall from 3 years ago, there were on 4 active trademarks at the

    I did no such thing,

    Yeah, you did.

    I called them light lines and so did the AT&T technicians I worked around. >>
    You may have. They didn't. It's a figment of your imagination.

    You declared that no one used that phaseology.

    No one did except you.

    You never worked a single day in the telephone business and were telling all of us that you know far more about it than I do.

    That's not hard. You have yet to show us any evidence that anyone
    besides you uses the term "light line" for Fiber Optic Communication
    Cable. Just because you claim something doesn't make it true. It fact,
    it makes it rather doubtful.

    I was coownwe of a telephone business and you were nothing.

    Whats a 'coownwe'? Is that your figmentational coworker you installed
    "light lines" with?

    The only one that knows more about things that they have never done than you is Flunky.

    I do know a lot about things I've never done. IT beats being wrong about
    things you've never done - tommy's hallmark.

    You have been shown to be wrong about everything and you own ignorance forces you to commit more lies.

    There you have it from Flunky himself, after he was fired from H-P for incompetence

    nope. My division was shut down during the tech bubble burst and I was
    laid off along with 4000 other _Agilent_ employees - I've posted the
    press release here before.

    he went to work for AT&T and knows all about optical systems from first class experience

    Nope, While at Agilent/HP we developed SONET test equipement, where I
    learned quite a bit about fiber optic communication systems, including
    site visits to Telco central offices where they were installing fiber
    optic backbone infrastructure. I did work with AT&T Engineers and
    installation techs, as well as Verizon, What was then Cabletron (now
    comcast), and L3. One phrase I never heard from literally hundreds of conversations with customers was "light lines".

    like here where he is on the newsgroup all day performing his duties by stealing his employer here as well.

    Why not let my employer worry about my performance and output tommy.
    IT's obviously creating a lot of stress for you and you have no control
    over it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Tue Dec 24 07:49:19 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:48 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:30:34 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 12:04 PM, cyclintom wrote:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    We know he didn't spell it techtronix...

    But he can't explain why his idea of a Techtronix wire fault detector works exactly like my variable wavelength detector that both you and he denied would even work. Say something else so stupid it further proves that your "higher" education waqs in
    fact, lower

    No, tommy, it didn't work exactly like your "variable wavelength
    detector". Nothing works exactly like your "variable wavelength
    detector" because your "variable wavelength detector" doesn't work - it
    can't work without violating the laws of physics.

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    He understands it better than you ever had the capacity to understand
    it. Once again, it doesn't use PWM.

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Tell us again how some allegedly genius software engineer calculated
    that a vote count of 312 to 226 is 75% to 25%.

    Now you don't even know how a wire fault detector works despite them explaining it

    "them"? Who is "them"?

    and showing pictures of the PWM.

    no, tommy, no one showed any PWM pictures in the context of cable
    testing. They showed TDR pulse diagrams, which are _not_ PWM.

    Let me guess, you're an idiot?

    You still haven't shown any evidence of a PWM cable tester. Why is that.
    We don't have to guess, it's because you're an idiot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Tue Dec 24 07:56:31 2024
    On 12/23/2024 12:39 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 12:25:48 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 11:58 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 23 07:38:27 2024 zen cycle wrote:

    We have a Brazilian employee, born in San Paolo, currently responsible >>>> for marketing strategies in central and south america. She's a EE with >>>> an MBA, Her written English skills are impeccable, better than the vast >>>> majority of the people here in the US. She's lived in the US off and on >>>> for almost 20 years, and other than a Brazilian Portuguese accent she is >>>> conversationally fluent with an excellent knowledge of american slang, >>>> idioms and metaphors.

    It's well within the realm of possibility that a Brazilian MD would be >>>> fluent in conversational english.

    Tommy, your experience in life isn't the definitive american experience. >>>> It's about time you got that through your thick fucking head.

    There isn't anything that you've ever been right about. NOTHING at all.

    Yeah, like that time I couldn't find special campagnolo non-stretch
    shifter cables?

    You were sure that you hsf mr when Liebermann mentioned that Techtronics wire fault de5ector

    Techtronics doesn't make a wire fault detector. Tektronix does. This is
    how I know you were never more than a bench tech. Even _they_ know how
    to spell the test equipment companies name.

    but you were even too stupid to look it up and discover that it operated with a pulse width modula6toe just like my homemaede vwesion.

    No tommy, it doesn't operate with PWM, it's a TDR tester. Your homemade
    version didn't use PWM either. Manually adjusting a pulse width is _not_

    Do us a favor and look up what PWM actually is, and what it's used for.
    Explaining this repeatedly to you over the past few years is getting


    I challenge you to find cable fault or cable length testing anywhere in
    the context of PWM.

    That was simply because you do not understand electronis basics.

    Like PWM is used to test cables?

    Only you would think that Shadow was a doctor

    Three other people also told you he was a doctor.

    and I went beck through all of his postings and could not find any place where he said he was. This was strictly an invention in you5r own mind.

    The fact that you couldn't find it says more about you than anyone else.
    Everyone else here saw it.

    I grew up around


    and the languade prevents even American born speakers fom understanding American-Englsh speakers from grasping the full details of the idium.

    first, it's "idiom". Second, that's one of them most blindingly ignorant
    comments you've made in this forum. I mentioned our Brazilian product
    manager. Our production manager is american-born first generation from
    the Azores. If you didn't know he was Portuguese, you wouldn't know from
    talking to him, and he has as much of an understanding of American slang
    metaphors and idioms as anyone I've ever met. Your made-up experience is
    complete bullshit. If you did know any Portuguese Americans, they likely
    pretended they couldn't understand you so you'd shut the fuck up and
    leave the alone.

    But as usual the idiot QC guy knows better.

    I'll have to ask this idiot QC guy you keep mentioning.

    Yet even translators struggle with Amerrican idiom as simple as "bro".

    no, you dumb ignorant twat, they don't.

    Tell us again why you couldn't understand a simple C++ program with comments added that told you what it does?

    No matter how many times you tell that lie, it will never become true.
    How about you tell us why someone who allegedly wrote the code wasn't
    aware that it defined a peripheral A/D converter instead of using the
    one integrated into the PIC?

    It is simple, you are a low IQ graduate from a school that didn't require anything of you other than you pay your tuition.

    Keep flailing tommy, all you're doing is keeping us amused.

    I love it with you and Liebermann; knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Well, you can't do either, so....

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    No, but it does say something about someone who refuses to admit they're
    wrong about how the name of one of the foremost test equipment companies
    in the world spells their name.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on and

    Sure...remember how jeff and I had to correct you about setting up the
    trigger (one of the reasons your "variable wavelength detector" couldn't

    I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Where tommy admits to stealing an oscilloscope from work.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet. The SAME H-P that fired you for incompetence.

    Nope, That would have been the computer products division. I worked for
    the telecom test division, part of the test and measurement group, which
    was spun off into Agilent.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to Jeff Liebermann on Tue Dec 24 07:59:42 2024
    On 12/23/2024 3:24 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers. <https://www.google.com/search?q=wire+fault+detector&udm=2>

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received.

    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on

    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet.

    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    True story - When the acquisition of the startup I was at went through,
    HP came in and set up a completely new intranet and gave us all new HP workstations. They performed so miserably, that our GM set up an
    auxiliary fund under test equipment maintenance and replaced the
    workstations with Dells over time.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 16:16:44 2024
    On Mon Dec 23 11:43:29 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:04:57 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 17:59:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:30:11 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    Harris made 38% fewer electoral votes than Trump which
    is 86 electoral votes than Harris's 226. Since Krygowski
    is too stupid to understand 228/312 = 138% larger,
    86/226 is also 38%.

    That's really amazing. How did you calculate that Harris had 38%
    fewer electoral votes than Trump? The correct "difference" is 16%.

    Harris received 226 electoral votes while Trump received 312 votes.

    The difference between the Trump and Harris vote is:
    312 - 226 = 86
    fewer votes. You should have written 86 electoral votes *fewer* than.

    The percent fewer electoral votes cast for Harris was:
    (312 - 226) / (312 + 226) = 86 / 538 = 16% fewer electoral votes.
    You mistakenly wrote 228 instead of 226 and your calculations defy

    Percent of the difference is NOT the way it's normally described.
    Instead, it's more common to see the percent of the total vote for
    each candidate, which would be:
    312 / (312 + 226) = 312 / 538 = 58%
    226 / (312 + 226) = 226 / 538 = 42%
    The percent difference is:
    58% - 42% = 16%
    between the two candidates. This type of comparison only works when
    there are two candidates.

    If you had attended college instead joining the USAF, you would have
    received some classes in remedial arithmetic.

    He and Liebermann agree that the device from Techtronics is the proper device.

    We also agree that it's spelled "Tektronix" which makes me wonder how
    much experience you've had with commercial test equipment. I guess
    they didn't have test equipment at the 4 libraries you "read out".
    Incidentally, Techtronics (TTI) does not manufacture test equipment,
    cable length measuring equipment, or use light lines:

    Lieberann, you should stop showing why you couldn't get a job in the hottest EE jon mstket in the world.

    You should stop inventing things that never happened.

    Could it be because you could spell Techtronix better than you could use one?

    Chuckle. Were you perhaps trying to type Tektronix? I even provided
    the correct spelling for you to copy. Also, I have about (I didn't
    count) Tektronix oscilloscopes in the house and know how to use them. <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/pics/home/test-equip-mess.jpg>
    This is my "to be repaired" pile: <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/crud/scopes-to-be-fixed.jpg>

    What is you stupid excuse for not under standing how their wire fayult detector worked?

    What wire fault detector? Got a product name and some photos? Maybe
    a user manual? I know exactly how a TDR (time domain reflectometer)
    works, but I haven't seen a "fayult detector".

    Show us another picture of your degree as if your entire job history didn't prove it a lie.

    Nope. I posted the photo for you 3 times. That should be sufficient.
    Well, it is Christmas, so I'll be generous. Here's a 4th copy: <https://www.learnbydestroying.com/jeffl/crud/diploma-jeffl.jpg>

    I find it interesting that you believe my entire job history is a lie. <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-liebermann-151823/details/experience/> Which of my jobs do you consider to be a lie?

    Oddly, I suspect that your LinkedIn job history is the only accurate
    thing you've ever posted: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-kunich-22012/details/experience/>
    13 jobs between Jan 1984 and Sept 2014? Did you ever find your 14
    page resume to fill in your work history between when you left the
    USAF in 1963 and when you started at Thoratec 1984?

    01/27/2019 <https://groups.google.com/g/rec.bicycles.tech/c/IRvenWOvr90/m/Mn7gb10kDgAJ> "When I got out of the Air Force, the first job I got was at Physics International and was assistant on a high energy nuclear research

    Liebermann, it was the proudest day in your life when you got that degree. Of what use was it to you?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 31 16:13:06 2024
    On Mon Dec 30 09:30:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:32:04 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 12:24:54 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault
    detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers.

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. >>
    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to
    crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on >>
    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet. >>
    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    I have come to the conclusion that your entire education was in high school English and that your photo of a college degree is phony.

    Nobody cares about your "conclusions".

    You seem to have some difficulties staying on topic. Could you kindly provide the model number of your alleged HP oscilloscope or a photo of
    the instrument. Trying to change the topic is not an adequate answer.
    It's also a waste of time.

    Well, you certainly don't. But I am the one living the way I always wanted to do and you're on welfare and having had cancer. Was that in your plans?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Wed Jan 1 09:30:06 2025
    On 12/31/2024 11:13 AM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Mon Dec 30 09:30:02 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:32:04 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Mon Dec 23 12:24:54 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:39:35 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    knowing how to spell Techtronix is more important to you than knowing how the wire fault detector works.

    Knowing how to spell a company name is just one of the first steps to
    working with their products. If you can't get past that first step,
    it's unlikely that you'll go any further.

    Incidentally, Tektronix makes cable fault detectors, not wire fault
    detectors. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, wire fault
    detectors are continuity testers.

    Must be that important higher education that you and Liebermann received. >>>>
    Why are you discussing higher education when you didn't have any
    experience in higher education other than "reading out" 4 libraries to >>>> crown yourself an engineer?

    You can be entirely incompetent as an electronics engineer as long as you can spell Techtronics correctly.

    You seem to be demonstrating that point.

    My guess is that you don't even know how to turn a Techtronix O-scope on >>>>
    If you've ever tried using a Tektronix or HP oscilloscope, you would
    know that find the [deleted expletive] on-off switch can be difficult
    and time consuming.

    and I have one right here in the closet that I used for research and development.

    Maker and model of this oscilloscope? A photo of it and your closet
    would be nice.

    I also have an H-P laptop that I use for programming off of the Internet. >>>>
    You have my sympathy. After Carly Fiorina (1999 to 2005) and the
    merger with Compaq in 2002, HP laptops turned into junk.

    I have come to the conclusion that your entire education was in high school English and that your photo of a college degree is phony.

    Nobody cares about your "conclusions".

    You seem to have some difficulties staying on topic. Could you kindly
    provide the model number of your alleged HP oscilloscope or a photo of
    the instrument. Trying to change the topic is not an adequate answer.
    It's also a waste of time.

    Well, you certainly don't. But I am the one living the way I always wanted to do and you're on welfare and having had cancer. Was that in your plans?

    So you planned to be a miserable old broke drunk. Well, it's good to
    know you set a goal for yourself that you knew you could attain.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)