• Re: Flunky'ed Again

    From zen cycle@21:1/5 to cyclintom on Mon Dec 23 07:12:42 2024
    On 12/21/2024 5:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    Did you notice what there were people screaming that there was a man on a foof at Trump's Speech and the Secret Service did nothing until the shooter missed? Then suddenly the sniper on a tower that could easily see that man got super accurate with his
    shot, ending the life of the shooter so that no information could be obtained from him.

    Rand Paul was an Air Force Flight surgeon at the time, I believe, said that the day that freedom ended in the United States was the day JFK was assassinatred. He said that there were NO autopsy reports on JFK which is impossible. Simply looking at the
    VIDEO of the assassination shows that he he was shot both from the front and the rear. So the Warren Report was an entire pack of lies.

    Kenjnedy was supposed to be elsewhere that day in Dallas and the Secret Service rerouted him to Dallas at the last moment. The Secret Service and the FBI were the only ones to know that he had changed his program.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA sniper and assassine. Who was the man on the grassy knoll?

    Trump now gives us another chance to end the CIA and FBI as it is presently composed. Looks like Krygowski and Flunky will have to try their own murdering now instead of depending on the Democrat Party. At least we can be sure that Liebermann would
    never get involved in that sort of thing. A man so frightened of conscription eould be too frightened of jail, let alone prison.

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he looks in a mirror. Total admiration.

    All this proves to me is that I live rent free in tommys head.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 18:30:14 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 17:01:17 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 21:41:22 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    ...it must not have been Randall Paul who I was listening to
    on YouTube since the man WAS an MD and he did research the
    archives to discover that there was NO autopsy report on JFK.

    JFK autopsy report: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopsy_of_John_F._Kennedy> <https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/appendix-09.pdf>

    Only Liebermann would quote Wikipedia. In case the ignorance of Liebermann convinces anyone this is NOT an officialk autopsy report. It is the dreamland that Liebermann lives in where he could tell road conditions in Cull Canyon by referring to Google
    Earth photos of questionable vintage. Note that the so--valled bullet that was recovered was embedded in the Texas Governor's body, The picture of the bullet shows NO compression damage which is not possible.

    Even Wikipedia gives autopsy failings:

    the "entrance head wound location was incorrectly described."
    The autopsy report was "incomplete", prepared without reference to the photographs, and was "inaccurate" in a number of areas, including the entry in Kennedy's back.
    The "entrance and exit wounds on the back and front neck were not localized with reference to fixed body landmarks and to each other".The HSCA forensic pathology panel concluded that the autopsy had "extensive failings" and that the pathologists made
    multiple procedural errors, as following:[48]
    Failing to confer with the Parkland doctors prior to the autopsy
    Failing to examine clothing, which could have indicated trajectories
    Failing to determine the exact exit point of the head bullet
    Failing to dissect the back and neck
    Failing to determine the angles of gunshot injuries relative to body axis Failing to take proper and sufficient photographs
    Failing to properly examine the brain

    No x-rays of any sort were presented.
    Liebermann know nothing and as usual is the newsgroup expert on everything.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 23 19:12:40 2024
    On Sun Dec 22 16:20:28 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/22/2024 3:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sat Dec 21 16:50:31 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/21/2024 4:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    Did you notice what there were people screaming that there was a man on a foof at Trump's Speech and the Secret Service did nothing until the shooter missed? Then suddenly the sniper on a tower that could easily see that man got super accurate with
    his shot, ending the life of the shooter so that no information could be obtained from him.

    Rand Paul was an Air Force Flight surgeon at the time, I believe, said that the day that freedom ended in the United States was the day JFK was assassinatred. He said that there were NO autopsy reports on JFK which is impossible. Simply looking at
    the VIDEO of the assassination shows that he he was shot both from the front and the rear. So the Warren Report was an entire pack of lies.

    Kenjnedy was supposed to be elsewhere that day in Dallas and the Secret Service rerouted him to Dallas at the last moment. The Secret Service and the FBI were the only ones to know that he had changed his program.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA sniper and assassine. Who was the man on the grassy knoll?

    Trump now gives us another chance to end the CIA and FBI as it is presently composed. Looks like Krygowski and Flunky will have to try their own murdering now instead of depending on the Democrat Party. At least we can be sure that Liebermann would
    never get involved in that sort of thing. A man so frightened of conscription eould be too frightened of jail, let alone prison.

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he looks in a mirror. Total admiration.

    Rand Paul was under one year old on 22 November 1963.
    He became an MD about 25 years later and following that an

    You are quite right, it must not have been Randall Paul who I was listening to on YouTube since the man WAS an MD and he did research the archives to discover that there was NO autopsy report on JFK.

    I was watching the assassination as it occurred and to me there was no doubt that he was shot initially by Lee Harvey Oswald and then less than a second later by someone from the front and I suppose the "man on the grassy knoll" who had to be raieed
    somewhat to fire over the windshield of the convertable.

    Then the announcement of Jack Ruby getting into the holding cell area with a weapon was simply too much to believe. Then this was followed by the Warren Report which went far overboard trying to "prove" that there was only one shooter (any autopsy
    would have disproven that) and that Jack Ruby used to "hang around the Dallas police department" was not possible. All police departments discourage hangers-on because they might here something important. Now Texas doesn't have any gun laws so that Ruby
    would have a gun wouldm't be any surprise but him being in the holding cell area would be a real surprise.

    And the injury that caused Ruby's death is consistent with being beaten on the right side of his body. Medical Examiners are very familiar with that sort of injury since it occurs all the time in bar fights with one person kicking the other in the
    ribs. The X-rays of Ruby clearly showed bleeding in his right lung.

    Check this out: https://www.jfkmagazine.org/2023/10/why-did-somebody-put-bag-over-jack.html

    Loading area at City of Dallas PD lockup, ready to be placed
    in the wagon for transfer to Dallas County jail. This was
    press event. Video is well known I'm sure you've seen it before:


    You may be thinking of Dr Jerome Corsi but I don't recall
    reading exactly that from him. He has written a lot about
    the event, and its incongruent facts, but so have a few
    thousand other people.

    It was stated by competent medical authorities that the brain of JFK had been tampered with to hide evidence from a second shot from the opposite direction. You are calling hundreds of people who observed the "gunman on the grassy knoll" liars. Didn't
    the "Russian Collusion" charge against Trump teach you anything about the CIA?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to John B. on Mon Dec 23 19:13:00 2024
    On 12/23/2024 6:16 PM, John B. wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:12:40 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 16:20:28 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/22/2024 3:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sat Dec 21 16:50:31 2024 AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/21/2024 4:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    Did you notice what there were people screaming that there was a man on a foof at Trump's Speech and the Secret Service did nothing until the shooter missed? Then suddenly the sniper on a tower that could easily see that man got super accurate
    with his shot, ending the life of the shooter so that no information could be obtained from him.

    Rand Paul was an Air Force Flight surgeon at the time, I believe, said that the day that freedom ended in the United States was the day JFK was assassinatred. He said that there were NO autopsy reports on JFK which is impossible. Simply looking at
    the VIDEO of the assassination shows that he he was shot both from the front and the rear. So the Warren Report was an entire pack of lies.

    Kenjnedy was supposed to be elsewhere that day in Dallas and the Secret Service rerouted him to Dallas at the last moment. The Secret Service and the FBI were the only ones to know that he had changed his program.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA sniper and assassine. Who was the man on the grassy knoll?

    Trump now gives us another chance to end the CIA and FBI as it is presently composed. Looks like Krygowski and Flunky will have to try their own murdering now instead of depending on the Democrat Party. At least we can be sure that Liebermann
    would never get involved in that sort of thing. A man so frightened of conscription eould be too frightened of jail, let alone prison.

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he looks in a mirror. Total admiration.

    Rand Paul was under one year old on 22 November 1963.
    He became an MD about 25 years later and following that an

    You are quite right, it must not have been Randall Paul who I was listening to on YouTube since the man WAS an MD and he did research the archives to discover that there was NO autopsy report on JFK.

    I was watching the assassination as it occurred and to me there was no doubt that he was shot initially by Lee Harvey Oswald and then less than a second later by someone from the front and I suppose the "man on the grassy knoll" who had to be raieed
    somewhat to fire over the windshield of the convertable.

    Then the announcement of Jack Ruby getting into the holding cell area with a weapon was simply too much to believe. Then this was followed by the Warren Report which went far overboard trying to "prove" that there was only one shooter (any autopsy
    would have disproven that) and that Jack Ruby used to "hang around the Dallas police department" was not possible. All police departments discourage hangers-on because they might here something important. Now Texas doesn't have any gun laws so that Ruby
    would have a gun wouldm't be any surprise but him being in the holding cell area would be a real surprise.

    And the injury that caused Ruby's death is consistent with being beaten on the right side of his body. Medical Examiners are very familiar with that sort of injury since it occurs all the time in bar fights with one person kicking the other in the
    ribs. The X-rays of Ruby clearly showed bleeding in his right lung.

    Check this out: https://www.jfkmagazine.org/2023/10/why-did-somebody-put-bag-over-jack.html

    Loading area at City of Dallas PD lockup, ready to be placed
    in the wagon for transfer to Dallas County jail. This was
    press event. Video is well known I'm sure you've seen it before:


    You may be thinking of Dr Jerome Corsi but I don't recall
    reading exactly that from him. He has written a lot about
    the event, and its incongruent facts, but so have a few
    thousand other people.

    It was stated by competent medical authorities that the brain of JFK had been tampered with to hide evidence from a second shot from the opposite direction. You are calling hundreds of people who observed the "gunman on the grassy knoll" liars.

    Do you actually believe this bull shit or are you just making it up to
    sound important?

    JFK was wounded by two bullets, one entered his upper back and exited
    below his neck, the other bullet struck Kennedy in the back of his
    head and exited the front of his skull.

    One of which is the purported 'magic bullet', which changed
    trajectory radically before piercing Governor Connolly.


    How magic was it? It then reversed direction and lodged
    itself _behind_ Mr Kennedy's body.


    Oh, and after all those impacts the magic reassembled the
    bullet and reshaped it!


    I don't know what happened and it's highly unlikely none of
    us ever will. But the 'just-so' story from The Warren
    Commission is incongruent with many stubborn facts.

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to AMuzi on Mon Dec 23 19:17:53 2024
    On 12/23/2024 7:13 PM, AMuzi wrote:
    On 12/23/2024 6:16 PM, John B. wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:12:40 GMT, cyclintom

    On Sun Dec 22 16:20:28 2024 AMuzi  wrote:
    On 12/22/2024 3:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    On Sat Dec 21 16:50:31 2024 AMuzi  wrote:
    On 12/21/2024 4:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    Did you notice what there were people screaming that
    there was a man on a foof at Trump's Speech and the
    Secret Service did nothing until the shooter missed?
    Then suddenly the sniper on a tower that could easily
    see that man got super accurate with his shot, ending
    the life of the shooter so that no information could
    be obtained from him.

    Rand Paul was an Air Force Flight surgeon at the
    time, I believe, said that the day that freedom ended
    in the United States was the day JFK was
    assassinatred. He said that there were NO autopsy
    reports on JFK which is impossible. Simply looking at
    the VIDEO of the assassination shows that he he was
    shot both from the front and the rear. So the Warren
    Report was an entire pack of lies.

    Kenjnedy was supposed to be elsewhere that day in
    Dallas and the Secret Service rerouted him to Dallas
    at the last moment. The Secret Service and the FBI
    were the only ones to know that he had changed his

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA sniper and assassine. Who
    was the man on the grassy knoll?

    Trump now gives us another chance to end the CIA and
    FBI as it is presently composed. Looks like Krygowski
    and Flunky will have to try their own murdering now
    instead of depending on the Democrat Party. At least
    we can be sure that Liebermann would never get
    involved in that sort of thing. A man so frightened
    of conscription eould be too frightened of jail, let
    alone prison.

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he
    looks in a mirror. Total admiration.

    Rand Paul was under one year old on 22 November 1963.
    He became an MD about 25 years later and following
    that an

    You are quite right, it must not have been Randall Paul
    who I was listening to on YouTube since the man WAS an
    MD and he did research the archives to discover that
    there was NO autopsy report on JFK.

    I was watching the assassination as it occurred and to
    me there was no doubt that he was shot initially by Lee
    Harvey Oswald and then less than a second later by
    someone from the front and I suppose the "man on the
    grassy knoll" who had to be raieed somewhat to fire
    over the windshield of the convertable.

    Then the announcement of Jack Ruby getting into the
    holding cell area with a weapon was simply too much to
    believe. Then this was followed by the Warren Report
    which went far overboard trying to "prove" that there
    was only one shooter (any autopsy would have disproven
    that) and that Jack Ruby used to "hang around the
    Dallas police department" was not possible. All police
    departments discourage hangers-on because they might
    here something important. Now Texas doesn't have any
    gun laws so that Ruby would have a gun wouldm't be any
    surprise but him being in the holding cell area would
    be a real surprise.

    And the injury that caused Ruby's death is consistent
    with being beaten on the right side of his body.
    Medical Examiners are very familiar with that sort of
    injury since it occurs all the time in bar fights with
    one person kicking the other in the ribs. The X-rays of
    Ruby clearly showed bleeding in his right lung.

    Check this out:   https://www.jfkmagazine.org/2023/10/

    Loading area at City of Dallas PD lockup, ready to be
    in the wagon for transfer to Dallas County jail. This was
    press event. Video is well known I'm sure you've seen it


    You may be thinking of Dr Jerome Corsi but I don't recall
    reading exactly that from him. He has written a lot about
    the event, and its incongruent facts, but so have a few
    thousand other people.

    It was stated by competent medical authorities that the
    brain of JFK had been tampered with to hide evidence from
    a second shot from the opposite direction. You are
    calling hundreds of people who observed the "gunman on
    the grassy knoll" liars.

    Do you actually believe this bull shit or are you just
    making it up to
    sound important?

    JFK was wounded by two bullets, one entered his upper back
    and exited
    below his neck, the other bullet struck Kennedy in the
    back of his
    head and exited the front of his skull.

    One of which is the purported 'magic bullet', which changed
    trajectory radically before piercing Governor Connolly.

    https://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/2018/images/18-06-15/magic- bullet-diagrams.jpg

    How magic was it? It then reversed direction and lodged
    itself _behind_ Mr Kennedy's body.


    Oh, and after all those impacts the magic reassembled the
    bullet and reshaped it!


    I don't know what happened and it's highly unlikely none of
    us ever will. But the 'just-so' story from The Warren
    Commission is incongruent with many stubborn facts.

    oops, edit error. should read 'unlikely any of us'

    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?Y3ljbGludG9t?=@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 30 16:38:16 2024
    On Tue Dec 24 08:11:35 2024 John B. wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 18:30:14 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Sun Dec 22 17:01:17 2024 Jeff Liebermann wrote:
    On Sun, 22 Dec 2024 21:41:22 GMT, cyclintom <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    ...it must not have been Randall Paul who I was listening to
    on YouTube since the man WAS an MD and he did research the
    archives to discover that there was NO autopsy report on JFK.

    JFK autopsy report:

    Only Liebermann would quote Wikipedia. In case the ignorance of Liebermann convinces anyone this is NOT an officialk autopsy report. It is the dreamland that Liebermann lives in where he could tell road conditions in Cull Canyon by referring to Google
    Earth photos of questionable vintage. Note that the so--valled bullet that was recovered was embedded in the Texas Governor's body, The picture of the bullet shows NO compression damage which is not possible.

    Even Wikipedia gives autopsy failings:

    the "entrance head wound location was incorrectly described."
    The autopsy report was "incomplete", prepared without reference to the photographs, and was "inaccurate" in a number of areas, including the entry in Kennedy's back.
    The "entrance and exit wounds on the back and front neck were not localized with reference to fixed body landmarks and to each other".The HSCA forensic pathology panel concluded that the autopsy had "extensive failings" and that the pathologists made
    multiple procedural errors, as following:[48]
    Failing to confer with the Parkland doctors prior to the autopsy
    Failing to examine clothing, which could have indicated trajectories >Failing to determine the exact exit point of the head bullet
    Failing to dissect the back and neck
    Failing to determine the angles of gunshot injuries relative to body axis >Failing to take proper and sufficient photographs
    Failing to properly examine the brain

    No x-rays of any sort were presented.
    Liebermann know nothing and as usual is the newsgroup expert on everything.

    Well,, apparently Jeff knows more then your "expert" does:

    See: https://tinyurl.com/4hvd599f

    Re autopsy, I have previously provided references for your enjoyment.

    Well, John, they SHOWED a perfectly unmarked bullet that supposetly hit both Kennedy and Connelly. You presented yourself as knowledgeable about guns and ammo. So much for your expertise.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tom Kunich@21:1/5 to zen cycle on Tue Dec 31 20:13:03 2024
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:12:42 -0500, zen cycle wrote:

    On 12/21/2024 5:41 PM, cyclintom wrote:
    Did you notice what there were people screaming that there was a man on
    a foof at Trump's Speech and the Secret Service did nothing until the
    shooter missed? Then suddenly the sniper on a tower that could easily
    see that man got super accurate with his shot, ending the life of the
    shooter so that no information could be obtained from him.

    Rand Paul was an Air Force Flight surgeon at the time, I believe, said
    that the day that freedom ended in the United States was the day JFK
    was assassinatred. He said that there were NO autopsy reports on JFK
    which is impossible. Simply looking at the VIDEO of the assassination
    shows that he he was shot both from the front and the rear. So the
    Warren Report was an entire pack of lies.

    Kenjnedy was supposed to be elsewhere that day in Dallas and the Secret
    Service rerouted him to Dallas at the last moment. The Secret Service
    and the FBI were the only ones to know that he had changed his program.

    Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA sniper and assassine. Who was the man on
    the grassy knoll?

    Trump now gives us another chance to end the CIA and FBI as it is
    presently composed. Looks like Krygowski and Flunky will have to try
    their own murdering now instead of depending on the Democrat Party. At
    least we can be sure that Liebermann would never get involved in that
    sort of thing. A man so frightened of conscription eould be too
    frightened of jail, let alone prison.

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he looks in a mirror.
    Total admiration.

    All this proves to me is that I live rent free in tommys head.

    You're probably right, I'm fascinated with just how stupid some people csn
    get. You're reaching the point where you're becoming the King of Stupid.
    You claim to be an electronics engineer and yet you cannot understand a
    simple C program that has COMMENTS appended that explain it. You haven't
    even a passing understanding of how I was measuring wire length with a
    pulxse width modulator and then JUMP at the claim of LOiebermann that you
    can use a Techtronix Wire Fault Detector when simply looking at the
    waveforms you can see that they are using PWM. Then after looking like a complete fool on those grounds, you want to argue that Techtronixs isn't
    using PWM when it plainly shows on the waveforms of the advertisements.

    You are absolutely delited to get the attention despite it all being
    negative. Mr. Never Does Any Work QC whose sole purpose is to be someone
    with a degree that can sign paperwork off.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From zen cycle@21:1/5 to Tom Kunich on Wed Jan 1 09:40:44 2025
    On 12/31/2024 3:13 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:12:42 -0500, zen cycle wrote:

    Imqagine what must go throughy Flunky'x mind when he looks in a mirror.
    Total admiration.

    All this proves to me is that I live rent free in tommys head.

    You're probably right, I'm fascinated with just how stupid some people csn get.

    Obsessed with your betters is more like it.

    You're reaching the point where you're becoming the King of Stupid.
    You claim to be an electronics engineer and yet you cannot understand a simple C program that has COMMENTS appended that explain it.

    No matter how many times you tell that lie, it will never become true,
    and you still haven't explained why you needed a peripheral A/D
    converter when the the integrated A/D would have done the job just as effectivly.

    You haven't
    even a passing understanding of how I was measuring wire length with a
    pulxse width modulator

    No one does. You weren't using PWM, dumbass. Your "explanation" only
    proved that you don't know what you're going on about.

    and then JUMP at the claim of LOiebermann that you
    can use a Techtronix Wire Fault Detector when simply looking at the
    waveforms you can see that they are using PWM. Then after looking like a complete fool on those grounds, you want to argue that Techtronixs isn't using PWM when it plainly shows on the waveforms of the advertisements.

    No, they aren't using PWM. It's just more proof that you don't know what
    PWM is.

    You are absolutely delited to get the attention despite it all being negative.

    oh, the irony...

    > Mr. Never Does Any Work QC whose sole purpose is to be someone
    with a degree that can sign paperwork off.

    Too bad you were never appreciated by your employers enough to have a
    few perks tossed your way.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)