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Kamala Harris Isn’t a Plausible President
All she managed to do was to make a foolish old man look like a foolish
old man.
Sept. 20, 2024 10:29 am ET
(1 min)
Kamala Harris speaks at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
leadership conference in Washington, Sept. 18. Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press
Peggy Noonan asks of Vice President Kamala Harris, “Did she present
herself as a plausible president?” She thinks so, but I disagree (“A Decisive but Shallow Debate Win for Harris,” Declarations, Sept. 14).
All the vice president managed to do was to make a foolish old man look
like a foolish old man. Anyone of reasonable faculty and objectivity
could see how vacuous and malleable Ms. Harris is showing herself to be, regardless of the composure of her opponent.
Just as it was easy to make Mr. Trump appear cogent next to the
befuddled President Biden, nearly anyone with the tiniest bit of
charisma and forethought could provoke Mr. Trump into being himself. I wouldn’t call that presidential.
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