• even WaPo Busts Kamala in Glorious Op-Ed Linking 'Communist' and Her Pr

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    WaPo Busts Kamala in Glorious Op-Ed Linking 'Communist' and Her Proposed
    'Price Controls'
    By Nick Arama | 7:45 AM on August 16, 2024

    AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough
    Kamala Harris finally came out with a policy position. Her prior one was
    one that she swiped from her opponent, former President Donald Trump —
    no tax on tips. Her new policy was going after "price gouging" by
    corporations, saying that she'd crack down on "excessive prices" and
    "excessive profits."

    What qualifies as "excessive"? This smacks of the Soviet Union and
    communism, in addition to being truly bad policy. In the U.S., the
    government doesn't control/dictate to private companies.

    READ MORE: Kamala Harris Finally Has a Policy Proposal, and It'd Make
    the Soviets Blush

    Now, what's pretty funny is that the Washington Post recognized this
    too, in an op-ed entitled: "When your opponent calls you 'communist,'
    maybe don't propose price controls?"

    It’s not hard to figure out where this proposal came from. Voters want
    to blame someone for high grocery bills, and the presidential candidates
    have apparently decided the choices are either the Biden administration
    or corporate greed. Harris has chosen the latter.

    In a news release Wednesday, her campaign said the first 100 days of her presidency would include the “first-ever federal ban on price gouging on
    food and groceries — setting clear rules of the road to make clear that
    big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.”

    What are these “clear rules of the road” or the thresholds that
    determine when a price or profit level becomes “excessive”? The memo doesn’t say, and the campaign did not answer questions I sent seeking clarification.
    Hey, who needs clarity? You're just supposed to vibe on her saying
    something against those greedy corporations! Funny how the greedy
    corporations weren't "greedy" under former President Donald Trump —
    inflation rose under the Biden-Harris team.

    The WaPo op-ed went further in glorious truth, noting just how bad this
    would be.

    It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name,
    a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every
    industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine
    prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC
    would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can
    charge for milk.

    At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among
    other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price
    growth by fiat. (There’s a reason narrower “price gouging” laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.) At worst, it might
    accidentally raise prices.
    The op-ed also noted that contrary to excessive profits, supermarket
    profit margins are "notoriously thin." It said that the Harris economic advisers seemed to be "either too confused or lazy" to tell the
    difference between illegal price fixing and market fluctuations based on
    supply chain disruptions or high demand.

    Oh, and finally:

    But more to the point: If your opponent claims you’re a “communist,” maybe don’t start with an economic agenda that can (accurately) be
    labeled as federal price controls.

    When even the WaPo is making the "communist" link and calling you out,
    you may just have a problem.

    Not to mention that it's the Biden/Harris overspending that helped to
    kick off this inflation. And Harris has already had "day one" in power — she's had three-plus years to try to figure it out and just made it worse.

    The "policy" is horrible, but you're just supposed to be vibing on how
    she's going to take care of the evil corporations. She apparently vetted
    this policy like she vetted her running mate Tim Walz — which is to say
    not at all or keeping her eyes covered about all the bad stuff.

    comments include

    Lex Naturae
    an hour ago
    Harris' fake bounce ended on 7/25. (Rasmussen) Trump is currently
    beating Harris in the battleground states. (RCP)

    Harris' leftward lurch with Walz and price controls should quickly burst
    the MSM's "moderate" makeover.

    an hour ago
    What that dipshit Harris does not understand, is that one of her
    inflationary dollars is worth far less than a Trump 2020 dollar. Hence,
    to maintain profitability, and be able to maintain cost of living
    increases for employees, the rate of price increases must actually
    surpass the actual inflation rate. This is because all aspects of
    production / cost of good sold are artificially increased in cost due to
    the administrations inflation (dollar devaluation). This is why
    inflation is so damaging, it is a beast that feeds on itself. The only
    company that could possibly avoid this is one that harvests a product
    that incurs no cost increase for production and your employees were not
    subject to the inflation that she and the Biden administration are causing.

    an hour ago
    1) Correction: The federal government doesn’t dictate to private
    companies? Of course it does, through regulations and taxation. 2)
    Voters need to be educated that printing money causes inflation. Most do
    not make the connection. 3) We should be educating voters about the
    impact of wage and price controls in the 70s.

    anon-t53m anon-ke1a
    an hour ago
    Makes you wonder if in the interest of government it's better to have
    only a marginally educated populace...public schools then by necessity
    need to dumb down just about everything. Voila...they have. Coincidence?
    I don't think so.

    Loyal Nine
    an hour ago
    Nice jab at her "communist" policy. We really do have to start calling a
    horse, a horse.

    an hour ago
    What are these “clear rules of the road” or the thresholds that
    determine when a price or profit level becomes “excessive”? The memo doesn’t say, and the campaign did not answer questions I sent seeking clarification. (WaPo quote)
    EXACTLY the same logic applies to censorship: who decides what is "disinformation, misinformation and malformation" and what is the
    threshold for each?

    Loyal Nine anon-nn7q
    an hour ago
    Totalitarian, which includes communist, regimes decide both prices and
    what to censor, as well as almost everything one can name that limits or
    erases the "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

    an hour ago
    In response to: "It said that the Harris economic advisers seemed to be
    "either too confused or lazy" to tell the difference between illegal
    price fixing and market fluctuations based on supply chain disruptions
    or high demand." Let's make a couple of edits that the WaPo couldn't make.

    It said that the Harris economic advisers seemed to be "either too
    confused or lazytoo stupid" to tell the difference between illegal price
    fixing and market fluctuations based on supply chain disruptions or high demand. More accurate now. Thank me! 😜😜

    an hour ago
    She is a DEI asshat. I learned in high school econ 101 class that this
    scheme doesn't work.

    Porkchop Express
    an hour ago
    With bidan's lights dimmed more everyday kamel should have had an
    platform of her own at least two years ago!
    If this is how she leads off what comes next?

    U SAID IT Porkchop Express
    an hour ago
    You’re right. That’s why she kept saying he was A-OK.
    So she can deny responsibility and not formulating any course corrections. She’s a lazy, dishonest, opportunist. Totally incompetent, and she knows
    it, but tries to compensate with stupid word salads.

    2 hours ago
    If she wants to reduce the cost of food, support reducing product loss
    from theft. Much more consequential than corporate price gouging.

    2 hours ago
    Obama -Biden-Harris-Walz: Grow Big Government until you have a permanent Democrat voting majority.

    We are very, very close to that long-standing Democrat goal. One or two election away from total loss of our country to a permanent tax dollar
    funded permanent Democrat majority.

    This is what happened to California under AG Harris and this is what
    will soon happen to the rest of the country. Pay attention voters/ tax
    payers. They have no other goal.

    2 hours ago edited
    Any Harris program has only one goal: hire more government employees who
    in turn become due-paying government employee union members.

    How many new government employees does it take to check the prices o
    celery all across the US? Millions of new Democrat-voting government

    Ka-ching! The Harris Way to a Permanent Democrat Majority.

    Harris did the same thing to California - expand the government employee
    union payrolls until you create a permanent super-majority. This trashed
    out the entire state in less than 20 years.

    Lex Naturae
    2 hours ago
    Karma. The MSM can only do so much to cover for the Democrats' far-left impulses.

    anon-x8p1 Lex Naturae
    2 hours ago
    Voters and tax payers can do the most to stop the Democrat march to
    create a permanent Democrat majority.

    Just say no to more expansion of Big Government (D). Why should you pay Democrats to screw your over?

    2 hours ago
    That's pretty bad that a Leftist rag shows that IT understands basic
    economics, but the potential "Pres of the USA" does NOT! Ach du lieber!

    2 hours ago
    In a free economy doesn't the law of supply and demand have a way of
    dictating prices? In a rigged economy that is overregulated isn't it the centralized regulators that drives out competition from the market and
    keeps prices high in order to enslave the population? To quote Kamala
    she must think that we all just fell out of a "coconut tree".

    2 hours ago
    She’s an idiot and advised by a team of idiots. None of them read about history, and what has been destructive economic policy from the past.
    She just puts this out there for all the dummies that want to blame
    their local grocery store and gas station for all their troubles. And
    believe NOW she’s going to fix everything, after doing nothing for 3 1/2 years.

    2 hours ago
    Wouldn't a reasonable person want to understand what's behind the price increases - you know, the root causes? Blaming "corporate America" is
    lazy and stupid. This is why we need to elect more people with real
    business experience to represent us instead of lawyers who have never
    actually participated in real commerce.

    PopWarner RedinOR
    2 hours ago
    Yes! Someone who actually has run a business such as Trump and Vance!!

    2 hours ago
    Sadly, the democrats have been talking about price gouging and corporate
    greed for decades, anytime they need someone to blame for their bad
    policies. Even more sad is the numbers of people that buy into it -
    sadly, my idiot sister is one of them. She HATES millionaires and
    billionaires. She's a Bernie-bro through and through. She agrees with
    Obama that you don't need endless profits. My mom swears she did not
    drop her on her head as a baby... But, in the long run, Harris isn't
    going to invoke any price controls. Everything coming out of her mouth
    is a lie. She might try, and say she tried, but it won't happen. Now, if
    it was Elizabeth Warren, I'd have no doubts.

    Mrs. deWinter anon-cdoc
    2 hours ago
    But Bernie-bro is a millionaire, too, with 3 homes! Dems never connect
    the dots. Sorry about your ignorant sister.

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