• Wallace, Idaho is the "Center of the Universe"

    From a425couple@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 25 10:28:22 2024
    XPost: alt.astronomy, alt.fan.heinlein

    Well, OK then. I'm glad that is settled.

    AI Overview
    Learn more

    According to popular lore, the "Center of the Universe" is located in
    Wallace, Idaho. This designation is marked by a manhole cover at the intersection of Bank and Sixth Streets in the town.
    Key points about this claim:
    Mayor's proclamation:
    The mayor of Wallace officially declared the town as the "Center of the Universe" in 2004.
    "Theory of Probabilism":
    The proclamation was based on the idea that since no one could prove
    Wallace wasn't the center, then it must be.
    Manhole cover landmark:
    The exact "center" is marked by a manhole cover with the words "Center
    of the Universe" inscribed on it.
    Center of the Universe: Wallace - Visit Idaho
    In 2004, the Mayor proclaimed the city of Wallace, Idaho to be the
    center of the universe (because it can't be proven otherwise).

    Visit Idaho
    Center of the Universe, Wallace Idaho
    In the heart of Wallace, Idaho you will find the Center of the Universe.
    On the corner of Bank and Sixth Street of our Historic Mi...

    Visit Wallace Idaho
    City of Wallace, Idaho | The Center of the Universe
    Wallace is known as the Silver Capital of the World. Wallace was the hub
    of the Silver Valley where 21% of the world's silver was ...

    City of Wallace, Idaho (.gov)
    Show all
    Show more
    Center of the Universe, Wallace Idaho - Visit Wallace Idaho
    In the heart of Wallace, Idaho you will find the Center of the Universe.
    On the corner of Bank and Sixth Street of our Historic Mining town you
    will find our landmark location of the slightly off-center manhole cover
    that holds the Center of the Universe monument. Here you will find the
    Center of the Universe.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kualinar@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 26 12:33:57 2024
    XPost: alt.astronomy, alt.fan.heinlein

    Le 2024-09-25 à 13:28, a425couple a écrit :
    Well, OK then.  I'm glad that is settled.

    AI Overview
    Learn more

    According to popular lore, the "Center of the Universe" is located in Wallace, Idaho. This designation is marked by a manhole cover at the intersection of Bank and Sixth Streets in the town.
    Key points about this claim:
    Mayor's proclamation:
    The mayor of Wallace officially declared the town as the "Center of the Universe" in 2004.
    "Theory of Probabilism":
    The proclamation was based on the idea that since no one could prove
    Wallace wasn't the center, then it must be.
    Manhole cover landmark:
    The exact "center" is marked by a manhole cover with the words "Center
    of the Universe" inscribed on it.
    Center of the Universe: Wallace - Visit Idaho
    In 2004, the Mayor proclaimed the city of Wallace, Idaho to be the
    center of the universe (because it can't be proven otherwise).

    Visit Idaho
    Center of the Universe, Wallace Idaho
    In the heart of Wallace, Idaho you will find the Center of the Universe.
    On the corner of Bank and Sixth Street of our Historic Mi...

    Visit Wallace Idaho
    City of Wallace, Idaho | The Center of the Universe
    Wallace is known as the Silver Capital of the World. Wallace was the hub
    of the Silver Valley where 21% of the world's silver was ...

    City of Wallace, Idaho (.gov)
    Show all
    Show more
    Center of the Universe, Wallace Idaho - Visit Wallace Idaho
    In the heart of Wallace, Idaho you will find the Center of the Universe.
    On the corner of Bank and Sixth Street of our Historic Mining town you
    will find our landmark location of the slightly off-center manhole cover
    that holds the Center of the Universe monument. Here you will find the
    Center of the Universe.

    So, according to the mayor of Wallace, the Centre of the Universe
    continually move around.
    It moves due to Earth's rotation.
    It moves due to the orbital movement of the Earth around the Sun.
    It moves due to the orbital motion of the Sun within the Milky Way.
    It moves due to the movement of the Milky Way within the Local Group.
    It moves due to the movement of the Local Group toward The Great
    Each one of those actually disprove that claim.

    It's pretty hard to take that claim seriously.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From a425couple@21:1/5 to Jim Wilkins on Fri Sep 27 10:29:42 2024
    XPost: alt.astronomy, alt.fan.heinlein

    On 9/26/24 04:33, Jim Wilkins wrote:
    "a425couple" wrote in message news:XKXIO.192270$kxD8.131712@fx11.iad...

    According to popular lore, the "Center of the Universe" is located in Wallace, Idaho. ...
    When I was at the Army school at Fort Monmouth I heard New Jersey
    called the Armpit of America. It has the location if Long Island is the
    arm, and the reek when passing through Elizabeth.

    Fair enough.
    If you want a nomination for "Asshole of the World", I'd suggest
    - The Butte Pit = open pit mine is one mile (1.6 km) long by one-half
    mile (800 m) wide, with an approximate maximum depth of 1,780 feet (540
    m). Once they stopped mining, they stopped pumping water out,
    so the contaminated water has risen to 900' deep. Stand on the
    brink, and it is a long way down (900') to the water surface.


    Through the wonders of modern technology, you can use
    Google Maps, street view, to see at the Berkeley Pit Viewing stand.
    In real life, you have to drive through Butte, find the desolated
    parking lot next to a huge pile of tailings, walk through
    a dark culvert, and stand on the edge of the view.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)