Alex C. for the White Papers Institute on whether Donald Trump will
enlist VP JD Vance to serve as Deputy Chief Sales Critter for Trump's bipartisan, comprehensive, merit-based immigration reform legislative
legacy authored by the Cheap Labor Lobby and passed by Mike Johnson's
House.GOV and John Thune's Senate.GOV: <URL:>
| A country that once had a Human Development Index score lower than
| that of Palestine is quickly becoming one of the wealthiest, most
| traveled to, and most rapidly developing on the planet. Economic
| growth like this requires labor, and Guyana does not have nearly
| enough.
| This is where Guyanese interests and those of Western nationalists
| intersect. Guyana has begun to call its diaspora home at the same
| moment that Western nations are increasingly turning to parties and
| political personalities that promote remigration and repatriation of
| non-Western immigrants to their homelands.
| There are more than 320,000 Guyanese in the United States, most of
| whom are concentrated in New York City and comprise the fifth-
| largest foreign population in America's largest city.
Does Susie Wiles foresee a 2028 candidate for WhiteHouse.GOV
outflanking Tump-Vance from the right on the National Question by
arguing that poaching shithole countries of their human capital
handicaps their national development?
"Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan, the Editor at Large for
the Washington Post and the man who called for the assassination of
President Trump, has now resigned because the CIA newsletter would
not endorse Kamala Harris!" - Sundance <URL: non-endorsement-victoria-nulands-husband-resigns-as-editor-at-large- from-washington-post/>
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