Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advised
Casey DeSantis to dispatch Ron to David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG
to obtain permission to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons onto Lachlan
Murdoch's FoxNews.COM to impeach Donald Trump for dispatch Jared and
Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for peace with the likes of
Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:>
| "It will cause chaos, and that will be bad for local law enforcement
| to have that type of chaos, where people are afraid to go to their
| local police officers. ... that's what causes anarchy in societies,"
| Rep. Tom Suozzi, told CNN on November 18.
| "There's a lot of people who are committed to spurring chaos for
| their own means," Todd Schulte, the president of Zuckerberg's
| lobby, told the theater audience.
| "I think a lot on that question of chaos," said Shulte as he urged
| the audience of shabbily dressed progressives to blame Trump, not
| his deputies such as Homan and Stephen Miller:
|| I think it's really important to pin this on Donald Trump ... it
|| is actually really important to me that he is the person who feels
|| the pressure when he does things well, and he is the person for when
|| he tried to end DACA, there was this huge blowback from [young
|| illegal migrants] "dreamers" to the Pope to the CEOs. And he said,
|| "Oh no, no, no, Congress should act!" ...
|| He got pinned into a corner ... he was eating shit politically
|| for this. I don't believe he was doing this because he thought it
|| was the right thing in his heart. And that, to me, is a really
|| important lesson for those of us on the outside
| But he admitted, "I do think that where we are heading is really
| hard, and it's going to be really challenging."
Will Trump enlist VP JD Vance to serve as Deputy Chief Salescritter for
Trump's bipartisan, comprehensive, merit-based immigration reform
legislative legacy authored by the Cheap Labor Lobby and passed by Mike Johnson's House.GOV and John Thune's Senate.GOV and who among the
2028 aspirants for WhiteHouse.GOV does Susie Wiles warn Trump-Vance
will seize their right flank by stumping for an immigration moratorium?
"I don't understand how CIA Pete and the Google spinoff
"cybersecurity" company that designed the caucus app could botch the
Iowa caucus so badly. The progressive old boys club is in disarray."
- Second City Bureaucrat <URL:>
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