• MEDIA: Establishment Economists Threaten Trump: Deportations Will Spike

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 27 12:38:17 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Donald Trump will enlist VP JD Vance to serve as Deputy
    Chief Sales Critter for Trump's bipartisan, comprehensive, merit-based immigration reform legislative legacy authored by the Cheap Labor
    Lobby and passed by Mike Johnson's House.GOV and John Thune's
    Senate.GOV and will Trump and/or Peter Thiel pull their support for
    Vance 2028 if Vance refuses to help sell to legacy American proles
    their dispossession: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/11/15/establishment-economists-threaten-trump-deportations-will-spike-inflation/>
    | "Trump's Immigration Plans Could Bring an Economic Toll," a New York
    | Times economics reporter wrote on November 13. "If Mr. Trump
    | accomplishes anything close to what he has pledged [on migration],
    | many economists expect higher prices on goods and services and
    | possibly lower employment rates for American workers," the article
    | claimed.
    | Both Summers and Krugman have long supported the establishment's
    | economic strategy of extracting migrants from poor countries to
    | stimulate the U.S. consumer economy.
    | That Extraction Migration strategy is good for elite investors on
    | Wall Street -- but has been terrible for and unpopular among many
    | millions of ordinary Americans who voted Trump into power.

    Who among the 2028 aspirants for WhiteHouse.GOV does Susie Wiles
    predict will outflank Trump-Vance from the right on the National
    Question by stumping for an immigration moratorium?
    "Americans are training foreign workers to take their jobs and
    government is not doing anything about it. What will it take for
    Congress or President to care about American workers? Unfiltered
    Feelings of Fired American Worker Training Foreign Replacement https://t.co/FbdDpfHGzC" - Sara Blackwell <URL:https://twitter.com/4US_Workers/status/1222985157529034753>

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