MoneyControl's anonymous hack on why Donald Trump nominated Kristi
Noem over NASSCOM.IN/AmericaFirstPolicy.COM's Chad Wolf to succeed
Alejandro Mayorkas at DHS.GOV and whether John Cornyn (or John Thune
(or Rick Scott's)) Senate.GOV will consent: <URL:>
| Tech industry body National Association of Software and Service
| Companies (Nasscom) on November 6 said it will work closely with the
| new US administration under Donald Trump on areas such as artificial
| intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.
| Though the final tally is yet to emerge, it is clear that Trump will
| be sworn back as the President after four years. With wins in key
| battleground states such as North Carolina, Georgia and
| Pennsylvania, the Republicans have wrested back control of the US
| Senate from Democrats.
| "Nasscom looks forward to working closely with the new US
| Administration to strengthen the dynamic tech partnership between
| our two nations... we look forward to collaborating on various areas
| including AI and cybersecurity," the industry body said in a
| statement.
Did NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advise Casey
DeSantis to send Ron to David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to plead
for permission to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons onto Lachlan
Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign stump to impeach Trump for failing to
convert the Cheap Labor Lobby's scab worker import quota lottery to
a wage ordered queue?
"Yep. If you live by fear, you will be ruled by tyrants. Those who
sit on the sidelines and do nothing -- or worse, denigrate those who
stand up and do something -- get what they deserve." - Michelle
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