• MEDIA: Poll: One in Three Say Migration Should Be Top Priority for the

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 6 10:48:54 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advised
    Casey DeSantis to dispatch Ron to David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG
    to obtain permission for Ron to borrow Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM
    campaign megaphone to impeach Donald Trump for taking Jared Kushner's
    advice to downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against
    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/10/28/poll-one-three-say-migration-top-priority-presidents-first-100-days-2025/>
    | But many Republicans recognize they need to fulfill campaign
    | promises.
    | "There's about 4.5 million who would be the first priority for that,
    | people who've already committed crimes," House Speaker Mike Johnson
    | (R-LA) said on October 24. "They're in the system now [for]
    | shoplifting, or whatever it is ... or [having] done things that are
    | untoward or unlawful."
    | "We've got 20, 25 million illegal aliens who are here in the
    | country. What do we do with them?" Sen. JD Vance said in his October
    | 1 Vice Presidential debate. "I think the first thing that we do is
    | we start with the criminal migrants. About a million of those people
    | have committed some form of crime, in addition to crossing the
    | border illegally."
    | Any debate about migration levels will likely include a debate over
    | the damage caused to ordinary Americans' workplace productivity and
    | their declining family fertility.

    Has Trump authorized Susie Wiles to release her (and Bill Stepien
    before her (and Brad Parscale before him)) internal polling on how
    legacy American proles favor or disfavor affordable family formation
    for themselves and their posterity to Vance and how does Amy Swonger
    believe that data will complicate Trump's legislative goal to enact
    merit-based bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform term with
    Mike Johnson's House.GOV and John Cornyn (or John Thune (or Rick
    Scott's)) Senate.GOV?

    "Race-baiting LA Times is outraged that local communities finally
    have local input on refugee resettlement transformation of American
    heartland perpetrated by UN, Vatican, Soros, and tax-subsidized
    open-borders charities. #AmericaFirst" - Michelle Malkin <URL:https://twitter.com/michellemalkin/status/1215486059343048704>

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