• MEDIA: Radio Derb December 20 2024

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 31 12:21:00 2024
    John Derbyshire for the Z Man on whether Susie Wiles sees signs in
    her (and Bill Stepien before her (and Brad Parscale before him))
    Make America Great Again market research for Donald Trump that legacy
    American proles favor Steve Sailer's citizenism: <URL:https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=33262>
    | Bannon is, though, however clumsily, expressing a position that's
    | going to cause mighty tensions in the Trump 47 administration. I had
    | words to say about this last week, noting that while Trump and Musk
    | both favor stapling permanent-resident cards to the diplomas of
    | foreign graduates, Stephen Miller takes a strongly Bannonite line.

    Will Linda McMahon make Americans First stump speeches against Big .EDU presidents and deans leasing American classroom seats and laboratory
    stools (at full freight) to the 8.1+B Globe's top two quintiles with
    dreams of entering the American labor market?
    "Nick Fuentes was banned from YouTube for trying to warn
    conservatives that mass immigration and demographic change will lead
    to the permanent social, economic, cultural, and political
    disenfranchisement of white Americans and the permanent defeat of
    the Republican Party (It will)" - American Nationalist <URL:https://twitter.com/NationalistTV/status/1228355624892817408>

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