• How Biden and the Democrats Spent $1 Trillian on Goverment Waste.

    From John Smyth@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 24 09:32:11 2024
    XPost: alt.computer.workshop, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.republicans XPost: talk.politics.guns

    Here is your corrupt, inept government in action.
    It's pathetic.

    'Rand Paul's annual Festivus report details how Biden admin spent $1T on 'government waste'
    Paul's 41-page report this year concludes the Biden administration spent
    $1 trillion on such events as drag shows and projects like the
    construction of pickle ball complexes.'


    'Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul on Monday released his annual "Festivus"
    report, which included allegations the Biden administration spent $1
    trillion on "'government waste," including taxpayer dollars on an
    ice-skating drag show.

    The report consists of "grievances" Paul has compiled throughout the
    past year on the Biden administration's spending. The report gets its
    name from a celebration that stems from the 1960s but was made popular
    by the TV sitcom "Seinfeld" in the 1990s, according to the Washington

    Paul's 41-page report this year also concluded the administration wasted
    some of the $1 trillion on the construction of pickle ball complexes and
    a rat test related to cocaine.

    “Last Festivus, we bemoaned the national debt nearing $34 trillion. In
    just a year, Washington’s career politicians and bureaucrats have
    managed to push it beyond $36 trillion – unsurprisingly, with hardly a
    second thought,” Paul wrote in the report's introduction. “As Congress spends to reward its favored pet projects, the American taxpayers are
    forced to pay through high prices and crippling interest rates.”

    The report found that the administration gave a $10,000 grant to the ice-skating drag show "Beards on Ice," and gave New York University over $400,000 to study whether isolated rats seek cocaine more than normal
    rats, Fox News reported.

    "Now, did the government really need to spend nearly half a million
    dollars to verify that social isolation and starvation may lead to
    increased drug usage?" Paul wrote. "One thing is for sure, we must end
    this rat-wheel of waste!"

    The administration also spent $12 million to fund a pickle ball complex
    in Las Vegas, $20 million on a Sesame Street spin-off show in Iraq,
    titled "Ahlan Simsim," and $10 billion on government buildings that are
    largely empty because of the increase in federal remote work.

    "As the average American taxpayers struggle to pay rent, their
    hard-earned dollars are ironically funneled into more real estate," the
    report stated.

    The senator also found that the Biden administration gave $2.1 million
    to fund Paraguay's border, despite the United States' own border crisis

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Yak@21:1/5 to John Smyth on Tue Dec 24 09:34:24 2024
    XPost: alt.computer.workshop, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.republicans XPost: talk.politics.guns

    On 12/24/2024 9:32 AM, John Smyth wrote:
    Here is your corrupt, inept government in action.
    It's pathetic.

    'Rand Paul's annual Festivus report details how Biden admin spent $1T on 'government waste'
    Paul's 41-page report this year concludes the Biden administration spent
    $1 trillion on such events as drag shows and projects like the
    construction of pickle ball complexes.'


    'Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul on Monday released his annual "Festivus"
    report, which included allegations the Biden administration spent $1
    trillion on "'government waste," including taxpayer dollars on an
    ice-skating drag show.

    The report consists of "grievances" Paul has compiled throughout the
    past year on the Biden administration's spending. The report gets its
    name from a celebration that stems from the 1960s but was made popular
    by the TV sitcom "Seinfeld" in the 1990s, according to the Washington Examiner.

    Paul's 41-page report this year also concluded the administration wasted
    some of the $1 trillion on the construction of pickle ball complexes and
    a rat test related to cocaine.

    “Last Festivus, we bemoaned the national debt nearing $34 trillion. In
    just a year, Washington’s career politicians and bureaucrats have
    managed to push it beyond $36 trillion – unsurprisingly, with hardly a second thought,” Paul wrote in the report's introduction. “As Congress spends to reward its favored pet projects, the American taxpayers are
    forced to pay through high prices and crippling interest rates.”

    The report found that the administration gave a $10,000 grant to the ice-skating drag show "Beards on Ice," and gave New York University over $400,000 to study whether isolated rats seek cocaine more than normal
    rats, Fox News reported.

    "Now, did the government really need to spend nearly half a million
    dollars to verify that social isolation and starvation may lead to
    increased drug usage?" Paul wrote. "One thing is for sure, we must end
    this rat-wheel of waste!"

    The administration also spent $12 million to fund a pickle ball complex
    in Las Vegas, $20 million on a Sesame Street spin-off show in Iraq,
    titled "Ahlan Simsim," and $10 billion on government buildings that are largely empty because of the increase in federal remote work.

    "As the average American taxpayers struggle to pay rent, their
    hard-earned dollars are ironically funneled into more real estate," the report stated.

    The senator also found that the Biden administration gave $2.1 million
    to fund Paraguay's border, despite the United States' own border crisis

    And then they'll whine that we don't pay enough in taxes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mitchell Holman@21:1/5 to John Smyth on Tue Dec 24 14:48:18 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.republicans, talk.politics.guns

    John Smyth <smythlejon2@hotmail.com> wrote in news:t9hlmjtdh0ptub4m31tsv47e31vj4hiht1@4ax.com:

    Here is your corrupt, inept government in action.
    It's pathetic.

    'Rand Paul's annual Festivus report details how Biden admin spent $1T
    on 'government waste'
    Paul's 41-page report this year concludes the Biden administration
    spent $1 trillion on such events as drag shows and projects like the construction of pickle ball complexes.'

    <https://justthenews.com/government/congress/rand-paul-divulges-how-bid en-spent-1t-government-waste-annual-festivus-report>

    'Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul on Monday released his annual "Festivus"
    report, which included allegations the Biden administration spent $1
    trillion on "'government waste," including taxpayer dollars on an
    ice-skating drag show.

    The report consists of "grievances" Paul has compiled throughout the
    past year on the Biden administration's spending. The report gets its
    name from a celebration that stems from the 1960s but was made popular
    by the TV sitcom "Seinfeld" in the 1990s, according to the Washington Examiner.

    Biden should just declare the
    spending to be "off-budget" or
    "confidential". That is how
    Republicans do it.

    Mnuchin is Keeping $500 Billion in Bailout Funds Secret
    June 11 2020

    Note: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
    told Congress Wednesday that the Trump
    administration intends to keep secret the
    names of the businesses that have received
    more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout
    funds through the Paycheck Protection Program
    (PPP), claiming the information is "confidential."

    Making sure trillions in tax dollars go to workers,
    not profiteers, begins with knowing where it goes.
    What are they hiding? Are massive corporations
    masquerading as small businesses receiving funds?
    Are President Donald Trump and Mnuchin's pals
    getting money when they shouldn't be? These are
    questions that need to be answered, and the only
    way to do that is through complete transparency.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)