• MEDIA: Top FWD.us Lobbyist Blames Democrats for Migration Defeat

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 22 17:29:01 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advised
    Casey and Ron DeSantis to use the campaign donations of the likes of
    Miriam Adelson, Robert Bigelow, Walter Buckley, Betsy DeVos, Ken
    Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Peterffy,
    Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes, David Sacks and Steve Wynn to buy campaign advertisements on Murdoch's FoxNews.COM impeaching Donald Trump for
    dispatching Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for
    peach with Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/11/biden-migrant-blame/>
    | Mark Zuckerberg and a founding corps of West Coast consumer-economy
    | investors created FWD.us in 2013 to support the "Gang of Eight"
    | migration expansion bill. After Trump's election in 2016, they
    | largely stymied Trump's reforms, including his last-minute effort to
    | rationalize the H-1B white-collar migration program.
    | Flores' complaints about Biden's administration add to the growing
    | evidence that Biden allowed his administration to zig-zag between
    | voters and investors, satisfying neither.
    | Biden adopted the zig-zag policy in the spring of 2021 when Vice
    | President Kamala Harris declined to rein in Mayorkas' determined
    | efforts to spike blue-collar migration over the southern border.

    Will Trump attempt to enlist VP JD Vance to serve as Deputy Chief Sales
    Critter for Trump's bipartisan, comprehensive, merit-based immigration
    reform legislative legacy authored by the Cheap Labor Lobby and passed
    by Mike Johnson's House.GOV and John Thune's Senate.GOV and will Trump
    and Peter Thiel withhold their support for the Vance 2028 campaign
    should Vance refuse to betray legacy American proles with more scab
    "Julie Kelly shares the following from her Twitter account: I just
    spoke with John Lauro, President Trump's attorney in the J6 case in
    Washington, about the nomination of Pam Bondi as the next attorney
    general." - Sundance <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/11/23/president- trumps-attorney-john-lauro-speaks-in-support-of-pam-bondi-for-u-s- attorney-general/>

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