Alejandro C for the White Papers Institute on whether Donald Trump
will order Marco Rubio to order his State.GOV to cease issuing
American passports to the children of aliens: <URL:>
| This is despite the fact that Congress itself disagreed on this
| before, during, and after passing the Amendment. Some Congressmen,
| such as John Armor Bingham argued that the 14th Amendment did extend
| citizenship to the children of legal immigrants, so long as those
| immigrants did not hold allegiance to a foreign sovereign. I very
| much doubt that Mr. Bingham imagined there would be Indian spy
| networks operating in the United States for the purposes of
| assassinating their Indian political opponents on US soil. It also
| seems doubtful that Mr. Bingham would have foreseen the Chinese
| government's continual harassment of ethnic Chinese in the United
| States. Some of these ethnic Chinese have been turned into spies for
| Beijing, and not only in the US. White Papers has before reported on
| this issue in France, Australia, and New Zealand.
Does Rubio see a path to WhiteHouse.GOV by attempting to outflank
Trump from the left on the National Question?
"The defamation machine known as "mainstream media" has learned
NOTHING from the Sandmann settlement. Now they're smearing a KState #AmericaFirst MAGA undergrad who dares to question #OpenBordersInc
#ConInc -- #StandWithJaden" - Michelle Malkin <URL:>
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