• Re: The damage Biden has done. IT's WORSE Than You May Think.

    From J. Goldblume@21:1/5 to Klaus Schadenfreude on Thu Dec 19 02:45:42 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, free.tim.walz.deployment.run.run.run.away, or.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    In article <72C8P.1342$5c34.228@fx47.iad>
    Klaus Schadenfreude <katt@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 12/12/2024 8:08 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message news:vjd0un$1nulf$2@dont-email.me...
    Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com> wrote in

    In article <vjcps6$1mhot$3@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com >>> says...

    Skeeter <skeeterweed@photonmail.com> wrote in news:6759b2d9$8$1895507 >>>> $882e4bbb@reader.netnews.com:

    In article <vjcbbm$1jlje$2@dont-email.me>,
    bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...

    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote in

    -hh wrote:

    BTW, here's another example of a lack of critical thinking
    the GOP:

    Sen. Hawley spars with witness over impact of mass deportations: >>>> >> >>
    Hawley: "Here's the Democrats' plan: take the 13M-plus illegals >>>> >> >>who are here, taking jobs...flood[ing] the labor force..."

    Witness: "They can't flood the labor force if they're already
    the labor force."

    Only an idiot would think that's a winning rebuttal from
    Witness. Millions of illegals have flooded the labor market, and >>>> >> > still are.

    Another example of a lack of critical thinking skills from -

    His response will be deleted, unread.

    There is no flood of citizens that want those jobs.

    There will be and at higher wages.

    higher, MUCH higher prices for your food.  And empty shelves until
    you can recruit and train those workers.  From time to time some have >>>> tried those jobs, they flat cannot keep up with those immigrants.

    Your racism aside, if they have work visas there should be no problem. >>> See how that works?

    They refuse to issue work visas.  There are virtually NO legal way to
    immigate to the US.  People have been on waiting lists for decades.

    First you claim there is no legal way to immigrate to the US,

    No, scooter, he didn't claim that. Stop lying, scooter.

    Yes he did. Legit people are waiting because the courts are
    clogged dealing with the mess Democrats have made of immigration.

    Some people the USA does not want.

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