Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
on whethe NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advised
Casey DeSantis to send Ron to David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to
obtain go-ahead to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons and Maria Espinosa
onto Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign stage to impeach Donald
Trump for taking Jared Kushner's advice to downplay the National
Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: <URL:>
| The polling data helps to explain why Democrats are moving closer to
| blaming Biden and his pro-migration border chief -- Alejandro
| Mayorkas -- for their political disaster.
| "We destroyed ourselves on the immigration issue in ways that were
| entirely predictable and entirely manageable," a Democratic senator
| told the Hill for a November 29 report.
| So far, immigration lobbyists are blaming Democrats. "The public
| completely rejected President Biden's immigration agenda because ...
| he never defined exactly what it was," said Andrea Flores, the chief
| lobbyist at, the most important pro-migration lobby. "What
| really happened is Democrats didn't come in" to fund and support the
| migration, she told progressive supporters at a November 19 meeting.
Will Trump attempt to enlist VP Vance to serve as Deputy Chief Sales
Critter for Trump's bipartisan comprehensive merit-based immigration
reform legislative legacy authored by the Cheap Labor Lobby and passed
by Mike Johnson's House.GOV and John Thune's Senate.GOV and will Trump
and Peter Thiel withhold their support for the Vance 2028 campaign
should Vance refuse the gig?
"By nominating Kelly Loeffler as Secretary of Agriculture, President
Trump assuages the fears of the multinationals and likely makes the
nomination of RFK Jr a little more stable. Loeffler will be a
guarantor of the corporate interests that RFK Jr threatens." -
<URL: breathes-a-sigh-of-relief/>
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