• Re: [gentoo-user] Re: media-video/gpac and media-video/mplayer fails to

    From David M. Fellows@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 23 02:40:01 2025
    Dale wrote:
    Much snipped

    My next question.  Given mplayer is getting old and rotting on the vine
    so to speak, anyone know if one can get rid of it completely?  Right
    now, Devedeng requires it and Smplayer does to, even tho I have it set
    to use mpv now.  I found a couple other packages but I may can do
    without them.  I'm just wondering how much longer mplayer is going to
    last before packages that must have mplayer is going to be tree cleaned >because they no longer work. 

    devedeng depends on vlc or mpv or mplayer. emerge would prefer them in
    that order.
    smplayer depends on mpv or mplayer

    Your other packages probably have similar dependencies. You can check their ebuilds to see.

    This means if you emerge --depclean mplayer
    to make sure it is gone from @world.
    Then emerge smplayer
    which should pull in mpv as a dependency.
    Then emerge devedeng
    which should be happy finding mpv already installed. Unless you have vlc
    also installed in which case it would be happy with that.

    Hope this is of use.

    Thanks to all for the help.  We were all hammering at it for sure. 


    :-)  :-) 

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  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 23 08:23:26 2025
    On Sunday, 23 February 2025 07:53:28 Greenwich Mean Time Dale wrote:

    I do wish mpv had a volume control for audio tho.

    It does. From the fine manual:

    / and *
    Decrease/increase volume.

    Also, on the GUI, if you scroll with your mouse up or down you alter the audio volume.

    One thing I really like about Smplayer, the
    ability to add videos to the playlist and not alter what is currently playing.

    I think the only way to add a playlist to mpv is by creating a txt file with a list of videos, one video per line, save it as <list_name>.m3u and then drag
    'n drop it into the mpv window, or call it with mpv in a terminal:

    mpv <list_name>.m3u

    You can experiment to see if adding a new m3u list will overwrite the old one, or stop what is currently playing - I haven't tried this yet. ;-)


    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAme62v4ACgkQseqq9sKV Zxm+6RAAggC23zPDfYfE0ZccZ4Tl39XMiGMbyBVpcAXbX9rzmQIiPPZ64V8xs0td DODiIS8PwD1xTTkoyyM5KsIy8FJuTrNBCkKFo9zlgC7zqcq7jwxZdlusy+zb8IlU 87RlNRnjgstSzGMeqyjwgF3AFco69LXa28YeX6PxQNQyEcA8n+33i1AfbuHvVpse 1qot5ysrLOZceBnIIU4KKN8/5uHZoVf+5cydjYtt3myaQYXmqiffynP+MnmU+bor /3Y5ZWJazr9BIwTD/zWw38IzQfacQbwmD3quujCeyo74dIfQeKZ6gOAx2uzcL+rT 9AioZiB3/AHMdhn+DmPwiOPHChJAdNVGYf9kv/CHFCE3/fkTlz8Hq+pARchboXzu MKrrgsUdPraykHIoCTbkdEw4G3+f7/QdI+Arh6ie/fci+yMNQUygYEHlHwEhhOkd K9IfuiBQeQtB3K+Czaafaa2sNUeddeT78FieSLAFNKW8X6iRgW1bIsfr4BoFA8fk JybHHAMfJpcuehaLObwnUv4i2qbdRGP/0S/Hcjpj/jI9t3/bQ1bA0XebMiVBZ7NK 4sz/LFGEh9N0RQ6Gg0nI+0q9FmqE9I1pjmICCzC+bOMjEcCd2jWNg/KsFALcDgnV aWuIamOam8bIyijf+Lf5HaD9HIFbNCoc7NXKnEKgpMerLZrJDKk=
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  • From Frank Steinmetzger@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 23 14:10:01 2025
    Am Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 04:21:20AM -0600 schrieb Dale:
    Michael wrote:
    On Sunday, 23 February 2025 07:53:28 Greenwich Mean Time Dale wrote:

    I do wish mpv had a volume control for audio tho.
    It does. From the fine manual:

    / and *
    Decrease/increase volume.

    Also, on the GUI, if you scroll with your mouse up or down you alter the audio

    The keyboard option does work.  I didn't know that.  I have a speaker
    icon that I can click on to mute/unmute but that's it.  I'd like to have
    a control that I can click on and adjust, or better yet, just show up
    all the time.  When I scroll the mouse wheel, it moves forward or backward.  I prefer that really.  I'm bad to skip forward through bits I don't want to watch.  The arrow keys work but the mouse button is faster
    for me. 

    Mpv has many useful and not too hard to remember keyboard assignments that
    you might find useful:

    previous/next chapter: ! and @ (and PgUp/PgDown, but I reassinged those) previous/next file: < and >
    show position: o
    show file info: i
    hide video window: _
    (I just found that out myself when I wanted to verify some of my entries)

    Below are some useful entries from my ~/.config/mpv/input.conf. I’m also not very fond of some of mpv’s defaults, like seeking on cursor up/down, so I changed it and added some conveniences on my own:

    # Seeking mapped to the most universal keys for volume by default? I think not. down add volume -5
    up add volume +5

    # do the big seek on page keys instead
    PgUp seek 60
    PgDwn seek -60

    Ctrl+g show_progress

    # full screen on middle click
    MOUSE_BTN1 cycle fullscreen
    # go back a bit on right mouse button
    MOUSE_BTN2 seek -5
    # volume control with mouse wheel
    MOUSE_BTN3 add volume +5
    MOUSE_BTN4 add volume -5

    # some more groupings for seeking and playback speed (big and small increments) F1 seek -60
    F2 seek -5
    F3 seek 5
    F4 seek 60
    F5 multiply speed 0.8
    F6 multiply speed 0.9091
    F7 multiply speed 1.1
    F8 multiply speed 1.25

    : add audio-delay 0.100
    ; add audio-delay -0.100
    x add audio-delay -0.100
    X add audio-delay 0.100

    / multiply speed 0.8
    * multiply speed 1.25
    - multiply speed 0.5
    + multiply speed 2.0
    9 multiply speed 0.6666
    0 multiply speed 1.5

    # and the same on the numpad
    KP_DIVIDE multiply speed 0.8
    KP_MULTIPLY multiply speed 1.25
    KP_SUBTRACT multiply speed 0.5
    KP_ADD multiply speed 2.0
    9 multiply speed 0.6666
    0 multiply speed 1.5

    s cycle sub +1
    S cycle sub -1
    a cycle audio +1
    A cycle audio -1
    Ctrl+a cycle video-aspect-override +1
    Ctrl+A cycle video-aspect-override -1
    P screenshot

    # rotate video, e.g. to watch portrait video full-screen
    e cycle_values video-rotate 90 180 270 0

    I have to admit, I keep saying I want to build playlist files for mpv, smplayer or any other player, and then instead of selecting a large list
    of videos, I just click on the playlist file, right click and open with preferred player would be a good option too if one file would work with
    any player.
    I have some videos that have parts in a foreign language. 
    For those, I have the subtitle files.  If I go to a directory and just
    do a CTRL + A and try to open with Smplayer, the subtitle file makes it
    not want to open because it is not a video file.  The file types are

    You could clean the directories up by merging the subtitles into the video files. Avi does not officially support that, but the more modern containers like mp4 and mkv do. If they are not too many, you can do it manually with mkvtoolnix, it has a nice GUI in which you can enter all sorts of metadata, like stream language. But if they are too many, a script for mkvmerge might
    be better. What numbers are we talking about?

    That file, because it has the same name as the video, is buried
    in there, somewhere.  Then when I added Franks checksum tool, it adds a
    file to but I named it so that it will always be at the top.  I do a
    CTRL + A then click that file while holding the CTRL key to deselect
    it.  Still, it's a extra step.  Having a playlist file would avoid all
    of that. 

    To speed up the selection process, you could sort by file type and then
    select only the relevant block of files, or filter for your video file extension with Dolphin’s Ctrl+I filter bar.

    Another reason I haven't done this, I have well north of 600 directories
    that I need to create playlists for.  It would take a while but I could create them as I go to them to watch the videos.  I just need to find
    out how this is done.  I'm thinking just doing a ls and piping it to a
    file should work.

    Year, that’s what I thought of, too, when I read this. :)

    I may have to edit out any subtitle files but other than that, might
    work.  Then again, there may be some tool that does this already. 
    One of these days.  At least now I can play my videos and have a clean emerge after updating.  ;-)  I wonder, does Frank have a nifty script
    for creating playlist files????/  ROFL 

    Hehehe. Not an existing script, but I can scribble a one-liner. ;-)

    Assuming your video structure is flat (just one level deep):
    for d in */; do (cd "$d"; ls *.{avi,mkv,mp4,webm} > playlist.m3u); done

    This goes into each subdirectory and puts a list of all the mentioned file extensions into a file. Amend the list of extensions to your need. This is
    the inclusive way. The exclusive way is to instead of listing specific extensions, list everything and filter them out:
    ls | grep -vE '\.(ssa|srt|sub|idx|vtt|md5)$' > playlist.m3u

    This filters out some subtitle filetypes that I am aware of, amend as

    Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
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    begin signature_virus
    Hi! I’m a signature virus.
    Please copy me to your signature to help me spread.


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEVbE9o2D2lE5fhoVsizG+tUDUMMoFAme7GngACgkQizG+tUDU MMouMBAAudBXBkwMk2mQqHEohWQHs9cAxjjgOy+UzH9P8xWk/nEJ10wh353PJpk0 Vm8vuZWkUcZFUute9SmksvJFYFBwrdCqhbKFkNbXNkKwsP+dcwnouKJo6PEHau7D KJG/kY+XERlz7u5p3k1i1KLIhXCVRG0bPD2t27KQGxthar/3hHFJGvKANB3h9Yf9 PcUYn/f/yHkTvwP/P7MhpqVyBnZb1tQMOjU9fvs5jiqXmf8yXfb7QKWzsDv6sGmU RHDkt+ksJiFlpHsyQjOF+SBteLoLFxU1Q8lFn0pK5c9oiNjgs7bGtpBRmO3OKY4o zHCeJJ7RWzV962koTQoF6u2TIk7CCT/rrRke5x53e1egneadccfXo71mE8pQVg4k epKeieDxXVyJTM5f95CQPNk1Ot0mATALio2/SNcHJxrzcWfxqsSK0lrp1DZyBLMS IIS1tIyPK/7ZUE/2ICpU3sTUcoXsZGqy95RTXOfYDVHHdqdKDWtH3bgyUIeTLsII PbNy53eQFA2Ec5F+4KnpaqBzk8K5fvV/fzx8yP9SRm71YZ/2hl5nr6/YqLuBOrHY InQBO+ZeUNDlLo2YVJ1VVV86Avw0abSNKm7BubO9Bg332qOcmA1GlTZYh7Ogks4H BeTQLROc6NubfSiFV2ggmYV0I
  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 23 18:46:15 2025
    On Sunday, 23 February 2025 10:21:20 Greenwich Mean Time Dale wrote:
    Michael wrote:
    On Sunday, 23 February 2025 07:53:28 Greenwich Mean Time Dale wrote:
    I do wish mpv had a volume control for audio tho.

    It does. From the fine manual:
    / and *

    Decrease/increase volume.

    Also, on the GUI, if you scroll with your mouse up or down you alter the audio volume.

    The keyboard option does work. I didn't know that. I have a speaker
    icon that I can click on to mute/unmute but that's it. I'd like to have
    a control that I can click on and adjust, or better yet, just show up
    all the time. When I scroll the mouse wheel, it moves forward or
    backward. I prefer that really. I'm bad to skip forward through bits I don't want to watch. The arrow keys work but the mouse button is faster
    for me.

    Hmm ... when I scroll the mouse on my system it increases/decreases the
    volume. :-/

    I use the < > arrows to move back/forward 5 seconds, or up/down arrows to move 1 minute, or Shift+PageUp/Down to jump 10 minutes.

    Alternatively, I click on the progress bar in the GUI.

    One thing I really like about Smplayer, the
    ability to add videos to the playlist and not alter what is currently

    I think the only way to add a playlist to mpv is by creating a txt file with a list of videos, one video per line, save it as <list_name>.m3u and then drag 'n drop it into the mpv window, or call it with mpv in a terminal:

    mpv <list_name>.m3u

    You can experiment to see if adding a new m3u list will overwrite the old one, or stop what is currently playing - I haven't tried this yet. ;-)

    There's another more manual way, for ad hoc play lists - open Dolphin, select all the files you want to play and drag 'n drop them together in an mpv
    window. They will be played sequentially. However, if you try to add another file/list by dragging it into the mpv window, it will overwrite the previous selection.


    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAme7bPcACgkQseqq9sKV ZxnbEBAAzsJRUVnztyRv1X1NizcnntbcClWmbyIm2B0YmzF24i6iW8yZbjgutgxF Wb2Zkk4S0gh74j6DPgdvq9cEyD0zmm4hl7U3uXieNy4ubxlFNEh+KtXQ2PKaJ8CJ 5X0zN9r1ADmredE2CAx+NSkBWtQt30uTVoNT4Xh2MycIkO++gktABpwvlyvSw0gE WNtAgatSKKkoeD//IrLY4Bz5hTXNPSM4/s7rC0byEdTvN/opCLxAyN2xKia8JgSA Jfk9m5RtDWa8eONChd9i8fnAuPEGePdY/c8YtrnI1kZP2GxSeDs66qRQ2uKXazy3 ZFbpR35RZzhYBigeIjM33/0SpicTnNACd6PZMn/IMq8kM/+GU/PTmxWDQi/x4eWJ Rs/7VvJfrqWDdnA3kOG7FfMc/6OWqzDw+AV1DQMvbmZh82U64lFk6rX4ZHepNTjx qyBpz6epOGOBTtL5TWWrZ0npiJk5UpAk5+hFTcP2GZNE3izXeQx6g2nm2hilx+Qx jgAywlVcfY7/mXcT/GjSXceHhbkh4/LuoJcuzE1SCk1osYmaVw2C9/QQRn+8oOdT rdpUpOeXLQFyrhfaVBdEnwRfkbcS4OzG7y6V3jDMVO5bIzqJGoM1p4RUxPWwgmFX cmo2dLWe2sSUf9s2cNuOcBl8ZNbUgRjEY1LUK+UQTjcdu4n331g=
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  • From Frank Steinmetzger@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 21 01:10:01 2025
    Am Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 11:36:47PM -0000 schrieb Grant Edwards:
    On 2025-02-20, Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:

    Use flags for ffmpeg would give us a better idea. But I would guess
    they're either AV1 or H.265 encoded.

    I'm getting some help off list from another Michael.  O_O  He suggested several USE flag changes. Some I never heard of.

    Ask ffmpeg what's in the file. Then you'll _know_ what encoder(s)
    were used and what USE flags you need.

    The command to just get file information is ffprobe. Its output is very
    dense. I recommend mediainfo for a more human-friendly output. It also comes with an optional GUI.

    Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
    Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

    “A computer is like air conditioning:
    it becomes useless when you open Windows.” – Linus Torvalds


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEVbE9o2D2lE5fhoVsizG+tUDUMMoFAme3wzcACgkQizG+tUDU MMpsBxAAhZGd8PzJpowJrumiWE6w/Trx6gbUwr35ZmGK9tDMQ5OOr0C+V/QCwjMC s6PZMwcbJJPdmRTRC3rSsJ5LMDTNI6GDLcXIsAlC0Rcenm88eTaxIt9QV2TmmMu2 tfjGor7GE/ivZ3k9umqES9bRFY6b+0bx8V6SnTIakDedu6OANti8ef6UtMEkGVp9 Vc+BAVpbzBXHHUKJypTJpBqVWD94vVyCr8V10XKqojORoQ0s/Ij5oPpVE7TIwzsR tJbqVVBms8/hfEDlmVLPeUGm02wkVWfGQ8Dciq2Oqx2r2Fd8o49DPSNUZK87uKuj mmnF9w3axaTlQkd6s4GMHf62PisI4hvu5hudb9iDcHrvQRTyvrM9aMqd6kMeLsrg yKiR/LrCmrq6rVUW7R26zZJlB12MXM12UMZtOXfpCGtoVHFoutRsCfIfaVryDbbc yRVk7ctlMCSiczGWfpszPekAreLqd2bPLFE1M7DbCL3i5NsJeZRDbwCWqCjeRhE5 NINzmTjjO6bv2JZMkLgJkmbnE0wmBgqTmSRcgh5XGoHiEQVDrpdFk+D1YlobWrZh BwUq/XDJbAYqZzEvSGEHrY6C5X+mQ28i1eL7Zy8J91K/4/Ftve4INn/x1XShG+ol 8R1x+jyrf+g7OMgi3uZ71LzWV9OC8/fdjL
  • From Frank Steinmetzger@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 22 01:20:01 2025
    Am Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 09:38:37AM -0600 schrieb Dale:
    Grant Edwards wrote:
    On 2025-02-21, Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
    Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
    Am Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 11:36:47PM -0000 schrieb Grant Edwards:
    I enabled some USE flags and tried to recompile with those.  It
    failed on some, again.  I'm giving it another go now. 
    So are you trying to figure out why you can't play those .mkv files,
    or just trying to get mplayer to build? I'll once again point out
    that mplayer seems to by dying (hasn't had a new version released in 3 years). Most users seem to have moved to mpv.
    Well, Micheal helped me with USE flags.  I needed some that I had no
    idea about.  Some related to hardware I have, or think I have since they
    may be to old.  Some related to Vulkan.  Anyway, after a lot of fiddling with USE flags, I still can't get gpac and mplayer to rebuild.

    I have a gentoo chroot sitting on my PC. Just so I don’t forget everything while Arch is my daily driver. :D

    Anyways, I did an emerge sync and was able to emerge the current stable version 1.5_p20241125 of mplayer just fine (it wasn’t installed before). This is an AMD-only system, just like yours I think. Since your problematic header files come from ffmpeg, here are my active ffmpeg use flags:

    X alsa bluray bzip2 cpudetection dav1d doc encode frei0r gnutls gpl iconv jpegxl lcms libass libdrm lzma modplug mp3 network opengl opus pic postproc pulseaudio rav1e sdl srt ssh svg theora threads truetype twolame vorbis
    vulkan webp x264 x265 xvid zlib

    The version is 6.1.2, installed back in December. I have not touched this installation since then.

    Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
    Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

    “Your code is shit.. your argument is shit.” – Linus Torvalds, linux.kernel


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEVbE9o2D2lE5fhoVsizG+tUDUMMoFAme5E2AACgkQizG+tUDU MMrvMxAAvc+oTD3v/hhe+J5MZkdUR3F9RNWnzBkh6MqcmhE0uY2jKgqTmst0ioRj vRHy0DszS5M2bBpAEClGMUXeD5l6/Q8o/5hVEj4jsKZ6yB3Hm9zpn0uPGuIxUjJi dJg+eKaMFu3b/cgpwQitZeMFMZBb14mi+qnIjbgLBtHddwUrXdVO7HXBMg/x2ezY gboGjW9jXgE6imJ6OlPq7AZUQuCih+fb0ruuEPYDAKxwIlch9+awwU1dnRaaOeuD Tr6iCFmyNL8D0Y1L/XMvCGGs/HCLv6TWhnNUt103EwCkbm3nSwz7X6mMjYaRKPAZ pctcKRixFaItVxF6tiW/SMRLd9o5vt1idEkgmiUs5f2kegvaJNwN1NECLfc524nH mUpmcj4js5tjTpbm0q9wUV2peb3W8AdWrY8mEKB5h0dn1r2MTedU+SFtuZv7NU2U std+aZ7cCmL6iaNtx6FA2h1PRn2zPTzX5fd3X6a6ZO2O6NgFeXsnFuMhFG+EMGw9 hfnO/GCkEV/H5+kU8SP9hQjkTzUeZMR+VgMc6chHorAhp33vUFR7PXUU4ypFTFrc sM1AJw/VsArToxk0R0EkVv380bjpb4a2qIeJOErqvKqQUu/c1QeGe9vEHh81yiH1 LaByqqQlLlqNtHva/ue+hpmrPQcDXTOhL76oG4L74B6IqCNfmOc=