This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
I'm sure this has been asked before but, clearly, my archive search
skills are sub-par. I'm hoping it would be a quick "yes/no" kind of answer.
Long story short, I decided to try out the Gentoo setup with binary
package host. I've been making my way through the relevant news item [1]
and guides [2,3].
I already have "/etc/portage/binrepos.conf" and "/etc/portage/gnupg" set
up correctly - no issues there. In make.conf I also added:
FEATURES="getbinpkg binpkg-request-signature"
My only question that remains is whether I should change the existing
value for CFLAGS (I presume so). Currently, I have:
COMMON_FLAGS="-march=znver4 -O2 -pipe"
(yes CFLAGS etc are set to use $COMMON_FLAGS).
Since I'm planning to use binary packages from x86-64-v3, I presume this
should be changed to:
COMMON_FLAGS="-march=x86-64-v3 -O2 -pipe"
or, perhaps:
COMMON_FLAGS="-march=x86-64-v3 -mtune=znver4 -O2 -pipe" ?
I also have a hefty $CPU_FLA
GS_X86 (also added to $USE) from
"cpuid2cpuflags" but am not worried about this as packages that don't
fit will simply be built from source as usual.
Anyway, in both cases running my usual:
emerge -aqvND --update --keep-going --with-bdeps=y @world
doesn't yield any changes to the system. I presume because, as of now, everything is up to date.
In contrast, adding "--rebuilt-binaries" shows a lot of binary packages
being pulled in and "--emptytree", as expected, shows a full rebuild
with a lot of binary packages being pulled in.
So, to the actual questions:
1) What would be the preferred CFLAGS configuration or, since
"-march=znver4" is a newer subset of x86-64-v3, can I simply keep the
existing one?
2) To reinstall the current source based packages with their binary
equivalent, "--rebuilt-binaries" sufficient or should I just go for "--emptytree @world"?
[2] h
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